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Posts posted by Errdoth

  1. Runescape Players have a 100% chance of going to hell, beyond the pretend magic




    involved, disallowed by God and the bible, it contains three or more Gods that




    players are asked to worship, even if in a game, and you God asks all people




    to stay away from anything evil or anyone and anything that suggests other Gods or magic.











    Looks like this was written by those insane people who burn the harry potter books. :XD: :XD: :XD:

  2. I can count to ten in dutch thanks to some online trial or something...
















































    Ha! I can speak dutch, sort of \' \'

  3. -I'm dog crazy




    -im incredibly weird when writing, sometimes I blank out to the world around me, and Ill keep writing. it's like im dreaming, but im typing at the same time




    -I absolutely devour any good book




    -I like sugarless green tea

  4. NDE: Almost died in a swimming pool. Blacked out because I ran out of breath, was saved however, not through CPR, but by my body floating to the surface quickly and regaining consciousness, I was able to grab a breath, but I was weak for a while.








    I had the same sort of experience in a pool, I was doing a handstand, hit my head on a step, completely blacked out, but my friend sat me up and I only got a concussion. Never saw any "light" or anything...

  5. This is a story I have just started to write a few minutes ago. I have the prologue and chapter one done. Any and all cc is welcome!
















    Riger woke to the sound of his clock radio playing some oldies music that he didnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t recognize. Even though he hated oldies, Riger had spent the last few years waking to Styx, The Beatles, and Chicago because he found that it helped him get out of bed easier and stay awake through his dull, monotonous life. Hitting the snooze button, he tumbled out of his bed, as if dreading the sunlight and the day. He turned on his computer, a piece of junk he had bought at a garage sale after he was kicked off the family computer. Riger was meaning to save up to buy a new one, though he had never got around to making any money and was so busy he couldnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t incorporate money making any time within the next few years, e checked his email, then turned it off. Riger was a boy of fifteen, living invisibly in an overcrowded Los Angeles apartment complex with his father Rick and his brother John, his mother having been t-boned by a pickup a few years back. His father worked long hours for a pool cleaner, though even with that, they still lived off of welfare and food stamps because Rick spent every penny to his name, bent on giving his children a good education. John was 17 and, unbeknownst to his father, a high school drop-out who took the tuition money and spent it on his red Mustang. As he trudged into the other room, Riger smelled sausage, bacon, and hash browns, along with the familiar odor of ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅInsta-CoffeeÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

  6. My little brother only, I mean only, drinks Fiji Water. He thinks it is as good as drinking milk because it has like 17mg calcium a litre, what do you think? I really don't care about what my water is, onlly so long as there aren't bugs swimming in it.








    What do you think about bottled water versus tap water, or fiji water versus regular water? Do you agree that my brother is crazy?

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