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Posts posted by AWMAGWD

  1. not often, usally they do it on their own, or when their in the kitchen together, or in their room, i never see, dosnt occur to me, i dont hug my mum she dont hug my sisters, im 17, there 18 and 20, so maybe its differnt if your younger, but i dont think you got anything to worry about

  2. Guess i would [bleep] my mother, sisters or cousines, if they were hot. Guess it's good that that isn't the case for my mother and my sister and i don't have any cousines (or aunts for that matter). I'm the only one good looking in my family. 8-)





  3. God I hate gangsters, most of them I know just ride around in their mommies pickup truck and blast horrible rap music very loud through my neighborhood. Most of them are black, so they have low extremely loud voices. After they park their mommies pickup truck at someones house they all yell really loud ''Yo!!!!!!!'' and some weird people come out of the house. Then they go outside the house and smoke and drink and play rap so loud its so.... annoying. That's the most G-rated why I can put it.




    Then there's the big tall gangsters who are fat and braid there hair and have the tiny little beard thing, so that's a description of who they are. They also wear a stupid white and blue hat backwards and wear white t shirts all the time. They walk around the neighborhood going ''yo, baby'' everywhere, which is stupid. They act tough by walking with a limp and smoking candy cigarettes. Then they leave for a week and come back in a car that looks like he took a green crayon and scribbled all over it.




    Then the stupid gangster gets another friend with a stupid car, and line up at the beginning of the block. Then all you hear is an extremely loud ''SCREEEECCCHHHH'' and they leave in a cloud of smoke which makes you cough like crazy and the neighborhood smells like smoke. Then the guys who sat on mommys pickup truck are waiting at the end of the block smokin' it up and dropping beer and liqour all over our nice pavement. Then they all go to our nice basketball court and drop beer glasses and pour liqqour and drop cigarettes still on fire on the ground. Then an innocent little boy coming down to play ball trips on a circular piece of glass and gets riddled with chunks of glass and cigarettes.




    So that is why I hate gangsters.




    i wish i lived where you love, i like rap, i like drinking beer , i dont see whats wrong with where you live?

  4. i think you lot are getting confused with gangsta's and chavs, the person who started this thread probably dosnt even know what a gangsta is, so your saying if a white kid, wears a flat peek, white T and blue genes , white air forces 1ns, you think hes gangsta? coz thats not chav, and its not gangsta, also ppl who walk with limps aint trying to be gangsta, there trying to act tough and i know because 1 of my best m8 used to do it and he certinaly never dressed how you think a gangsta would dress, so basically, EMOS FTL GANGSTA's ftw kk?

  5. chavs dont listen to hip hop, they listen to grime, rnb , dnb and maybe rap




    unlike me whos straight gangsta listens to music from the south, and i hate chavs.

  6. How come when the US has bombs it's all fine and good but other countries aren't allowed to?




    (I'm from the US)




    Well tbf Russia Did say they wre gonna point there missles at Europe, all about the US defence shield




    So is Russia really Defending itself by threating other countries i.e Whole of Europe




    Where did you hear that? They can't point there weapons at Europe. That would be political suicide.




    lol dont you watch the news, usa wanted to make a missile shield in poland i think it was, and russia said if you build that i will point missiles at europe but that was like 2 or 3 months ago?

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