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Posts posted by thisismine

  1. How do other people think about this ?


    ive played both games, runescape more that wow, mainly due to time.


    also because its a different game.


    how ever for some time now there is more things i associate with wow on runescape. recently the grand exchange, does anyone see how similar this is to the ah ?


    now these duel arenas and ratings to go with them.


    not to mention all teh graphics updates when they need to adress the so called combat triangle issues. i might as well stop playing runescape completly as runescape is just becoming a cheap knock off of another game i play.

  2. scale of things if yourve played for say 9 hours (total time) and some one stole something taht took your 3 hours to get then you have wasted a third of your total time, if yourve been playing for 3 years and you loose a hat then you loose a third of your total times achiement. three hours to you might not be much but to someone taht doenst play/hasnt played much it could be alot

  3. are rc pkers are scum


    people taking squares in trade worlds is annoying but the exchange will reduce this problem




    the tards that "buying all X"


    ffs i have some of x and im not selling it so you arnt buying all of x only some of x




    the thing about brought levels is that the gp can be brought, and the people that buy levels already are taking a large short cuts its not hard to imagine some of them buying mass gold to level faster.




    i didnt realsie it was possible to train to higher than lvl 99 (bar items)








    If it's an accomplishment to them, your opinion doesn't matter.






    doesnt make alot of sence to me.






    torso should be tradeable. 7 hours is nothing you can go for days of training to get other armour drops yet they are still tradeable.






    mage needs better non degradable amrour or a way to reduce masive melle hits, also dragonhide armou NEEDS to give a melle hit reduction and a large one at that

  4. simple you spend hours to get something ( alot of skills arnt that exciting) then you sell what you got and then the person you sell to goes and resells it for more you could have probably got more yourself but theres o many other sellers/ buys (on teh trade worlds) you cant see who to go to, id prefer and auction house system similar to wow.

  5. i agree with point part 2 but not 1.


    rc pkers get what 1 glory if they are lucky some pure ess and what every junk the rc'er is using to get through the wall (mith axe for me)


    they attack you if your not going to fight back. but when you actually come armed they run as fast as they can or port.


    btw do you have any idea on how annoying it is to get pouches ?


    you say "only " 75k per run but lets be honest your not only going to do 1 run that would be a waste of time your more than likly to do 100+ over time.






    out of interest do you use the abyss ?

  6. i never said there was infinite carbon atoms only that new elements are being produced so the source of the material for plastic/ ipod ect is still in production




    to have found a limit to the universe the crictical mass must be =1, i didnt think that they could prove that?


    are you talking about cbr ?


    with extreme high energy explosions ie super novas it can produce heavy metals as well as rip appart more complex atoms so you could have nearly a cycle.




    and i think your thinking aboutthe laws of energy conservation.




    theorically energy can be converted to matter just as matter to energy though i doubt we could do it any time soon

  7. forums


    read articles




    at one stage i was playing el at teh same time


    pretty much anything rather than watch teh stupid mining animation ( i useally have the screen at half width or put the task manager ove rthe screen so i cant see teh animation anyway

  8. if i have the time i play wow if i dont i play rs


    also play ut goty


    utxmp (when the servers active)


    ut2k3/4 sometimes


    civ 3


    eternal lands (not alot of)


    cs 1.6 and cs source


    warcraft 3 + frozen thone


    bits of c&c2


    the new unreal 3 demo lately


    spend alot of time on forums ^^




    oh and some of the free games from giveawayoftheday.com

  9. i dont bother with anything that doesnt give stats so i didnt get the crackers, if you dont always get a hat from them then it still applies, if the condition is true it calls the hat generation code.


    as for i pods, theyre associated with macs and therfore are rubish. how ever you will find that there is lots of carbon atoms being produced though fusion. base elements from nova to p[/i]roduce more ect

  10. i agree with alot of it, there has been some good updates but pc pretty much ruined mellee (other stats to but melee mostly) the home teleport afff there goes having to learn your way arround same with the world map link. so not only do people that dont bother getting magic now tele , you have people that dont know the way to places because they can just tele. gone are teh days when you had to have any smarts now all you have to do is train stg and attack and spam noob every few seconds

  11. opening the cracker would trigger code to display the hat theres probably a ran# generated to set colour so the code for that hat is already there. they arnt making more.




    if you think that by opening a craker creates a new one then by the same principle santas and so on arnt discontinued as every time some one logs on that has one and displays it it calls the code to produce it this is making a new one as the section of code wasnt in use before it was called

  12. its the same priciple thought unless your going to spend alot of time (and or money) in the barrows you arnt goign to get a full set of armour i just feel that being such good armour you should have to earn teh right to use it. Puting mini quests on for things like that would also make it that much harder for idiots that buy gold with rl $ then use that to buy teh top armour / weapons

  13. if you dont associate "gay" with anything bad then why complain far more convenient to type gay than horrible ect!




    most of the holiday items and many of the random rewards are useless, people say they look good but if they are playing for eye candy graphics this is the wrong game. Id love to see something useful for dies natalis solis invicti (commonly know as x mas) but jagex doesnt even have to make anything special and can treat it just like any other day so theres no point in complaining about it. the Wow approach usually involves stat boosters maybe jagex could make a special drink that will only last for a week but has the effect of a super set all in one or something similar, give fp2 a taste of herblores benifits

  14. i still stick with my origional statement that mazes are good, as long as your on teh other team :thumbsup: any one with half a brain knows you can potion through mazes or freeze/ blood burst the whole room and theres nothing a bunch of greens can do to stop you, the smarter thing to do by far is let them in but swamp them befroe they get out a maze isnt going to help you, all it does is increase teh chance of you either not being able to get t0 the flag runner or die from range/ far cast while your trying to get to the person. i havent done cw in a month or so due to exams coming up but i doubt its changed much. if your going to actually play to win anything below 80 - 85 is at most only good at cannon fodder barring peple that can actually use the catapult and are good at dead drops.


    but your there to have fun mainly if you wernt you could make more use of the gp in runes/arrows / time on something else

  15. =) the best part about their honour sysem" is that after you have pj , "farcast" , smited and or prot prayer and killed them the first time while they are still frothing at the mouth and all worked up ready to cal you alsorts of silly names you can quite often either a kill them again, or be hammer them till your out of food and port and let your friend kill them as they have alreasy taken a beating =) twice the loot + entertainment.

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