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Posts posted by howzitboy

  1. This is one awesome guide! I'm already 46 Hunting (I was 28 just two weeks ago) and I've popped in at the Falconers for some fur for Spotted Cape.








    But you advice Ferrets all the way to 53. Isn't Falcon just as fast? And what about Rabbits, since we will be wading in Ferrets?








    yeah the falcons are super quick but my wrist gave out with all the clicking. and i did rabbits but its slow xp cause you can only get one at a time. u set all you traps at each hole and hope to catch one when it pops out. too slow to be useful but do a few and get those rabbits foot to help you when u wood cut.

  2. sorceress' garden is fast xp. i started there at lvl 67 and now im at 74. i can gain almost a lvl an hour. i get 75k xp an hour there!








    i met a lvl 92 there and he said its awesome too.

  3. "Of course, I'm speaking about red chins here, doing anything else is, in my opinion, crazy. Those chins, that 48k (better go for 55k), will give you 99 range and probably (if you are high enough) get you to 99 hp. And if you don't care about 99 range, you sell the little rodents for a heap of money. Hunting -anything- else for 99 hunter is... well... nuts."








    wow, i didnt think bout that. i was just getting them red's to sell for some quick cash and forgot i could get 99 range! great idea and the 99 hp would be awesome. hmmm wonder how long to catch 55k of them puppies?

  4. i also agree, if they "friend" pays for the account to be p2p, he can steal it. all he has to do is say i forgot my password. contact them and give them to pay info cuz he forgot his questions and i bet they will give him the password. as long as he has the code he used to pay for it, its HIS account.




    i dont think changing the password would help, just make sure he has a bank password too.

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