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Posts posted by Flametrooper

  1. Guild Wars Nightfall is pretty cool, and is a lot better, IMO, than the original, Prophecies. I'd be willing to bet a lot of the people who say they gave up on GW fast, started with Prophecies.


    I play occasionally. Mostly PvE. I only PvP with friends. I never PUG. i like trying new builds, which is one of my favorite parts of GW, all the combinations. If you PUG, people expect you to "run" a certain cookie-cutter build(profession combo+skill set), and call you a "nub" if it's different.




    As far as updates go I never remember anything that was actually significant being brought into the game.


    Sorrow's Furnace update, which adds a new high-level explorable area


    Various elite mission updates


    Tombs update, Factions preview event


    Many things added, such as Lockpicks


    Holiday updates, these are pretty regular.





    Hopefully being #350 in the world at one time for GvG is enough rep to say 'i've tried it'? Guild Wars PvP system is interesting. With a good group of friends and people you know, I enjoyed it. However it does get old after a while, and most times teams just consist of certain 'power groups'.




    I won't lie, I had some great time when my old guild played. We would stomp the Hall of Heroes and GvG, and had fun doing it. But the reason why is that we were all good competent players. The system fails in Guild Wars because to get anywhere these days you need to have a good guild, but guilds really won't accept you unless you grind out a certain 'rank'. The problem is that trying to grind up rank with PUGs is abysmal and downright impossible with all the players that suck at PvP in Guild wars.






    Meanwhile WoW has their own PvP in the form of battlegrounds, arenas (which are a lot of fun) and even just world PvP. These give the player many more options than simply doing hall of heroes / GvG all day, and you don't run into incredibly terrible pugs with them.



    In total agreement with you here. PvP's only really fun with friends, or using Heroes and trying new builds. Then again I've always been a PvE type at heart, no matter what the game.




    I've never played WoW, it looks like a good game but I'm wary to pay monthly fees. I don't like them, not since back in the days of Runescape when I pledged "Never Again".


    The thing is I like casual play, which GW, since it lacks the pressure of a subscription, can deliver more; like Zonorhc said. If I played WoW, I'd probably end up playing it too much.

  2. I don't like the OP's statement of "Grandpa."




    Just because someone is conservative doesn't mean they are old. It's pretty unfair, and pretty much sounds like biased statements making it look like liberalism = progressiveism.




    The "grandpa" in case is 77 years old. So, I wouldn't too much of a problem out of it. :P


    Yeah, I think it refers to the fact that Fred Phelps is literally the grandpa of most of that church, as well as being its leader. So saying "put Grandpa in his place" is actually rather justified.

  3. He always does - make 'em and leave 'em, that seems to be his style. And just about all his posts are about something political or conspiracy-related. Watch, I bet he's gonna say that this thing relates to, and proves, the existence of Illuminati and UFOs. While telling us to stop the North American Union.

  4. 5 years with the trombone, 2 with the trumpet. First chair throughout 8th grade, several trombone solos in Advanced Band. Being a freshman now, I'm back at the bottom, third chair, in both Marching and Jazz Band. Our marching band took first in the region in our divison at the first competition, and the next one's this Saturday. Our field show's kinda weird but the judges and audiences love it, so it's cool.


    Band is fun. :D

  5. Yeah, I live in the area, far enough away to be safe from the fire but not far enough to be free of the smoke. My God, smoky air and santa anas are not a good combination. Especially trying to rehearse outside in last-minute marching bad cleanups. I mean I'm thankful that no fires are close enough to my house to be dangerous, but still, I wish they'd stop. I hate smoke so much - I'll never smoke, ever, just because of that.

  6. I'm glad for them, really, and I really hope the fires go down - and soon. I'm far enough away that the fire itself isn't a big threat, but smoky air's a b*tch...Anyways it's a good thing that they are enjoying themselves, or at least are doing okay and getting along fine, in their new refuge. I really feel for them, I mean seriously try to imagine how much that would suck to be screwed over by fires like that.

  7. Wow. That cat (Oreo) has the same exact name as my old cat, the one that died about six months ago, and looks exactly the same. :o




    I mean, I guess it's a fairly common cat-coloration and the name probably isn't too rare either, but I still was shocked into posting when I saw that. It was like seeing good old Oreo again. God, I miss that cat. :(




    Very cute btw. Looking forward to more pics!

  8. Technically hugging is against the rules at my school. No one here really gives a crap; although some cranky teachers will tell you off if they see you, one couple was making out right in front of the office and nobody cared. I think they just have more important issues to worry about here.*






    *(have you ever noticed that these news reports seem to be from smaller towns in places like Illinois, Virginia, Texas, etc..? i think that's because nothing interesting usually happens out there and news stations and law enforcement officials get desperate for publicity so they put crap like this in the news. whereas here there's usually more to worry about, and school officials know that they have way more important things to do than waste their time, but out there they've got nothing better to do with it.)


  9. Well, given that the universe is infinite, there's bound to be sentient alien life somewhere in it, but it's probably not "watching us", and it's probably not abducting rednecks in Kansas or making flybys over Mexico City either. If sentient alien life did exist it could well be billions of light years away from us or even in a different universe, so I really doubt we'll be visited anytime soon.


    On the other hand, military testing of secret stealth jets does happen here on Earth, and probably could account for quite a few of those claims.

  10. despite the fact that it was apparently formed to mock intelligent design being taught in schools which generally means that it's not a real religion..


    All it needs is a million registered documented followers and then, at least according to my teacher last year, it counts as a "real" religion. I dunno whether Pastafarianism has reached that mark yet; it doesn't seem to say so anywhere.

  11. Okay you're right, humans are animals in the technical sense, but we are not the same type of animal as many animals used to justify human behavior. That's what I meant. A human does things differently than a rat and something may be natural for a rat but not a human, but technically you are right, they are both animals. Just different animals. So what's natural for one may not be natural for another, is what I was trying to say.


    And sorry for the late response...anyway this is kind of off topic.

  12. Yeah, I can just see God in court...




    "And do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you...ehm...You?"




    This one's my favorite line: "The senator also wants the court to issue a permanent injunction prohibiting God from issuing plagues and terrorist threats. It's unclear how this could work since God is usually understood to be all powerful. "




    Yeah..."You have been found to be guilty. Your sentence is to cease and desist all smiting, plaguing, issuing of terrorist threats, and general destruction of mankind."


    "And thou planneth to enforce this how, mortal?"








    "...Yea, thus as I had thought."

  13. All of you people saying that yea its a little disturbing but its not completely wrong, would you feel the same way if it was a father having consensual sex with his daughter?




    Yes, if it is absolutely consensual. Like I said earlier that also implies that they are at an age where they can make that decision. Probably around 16, but age is really an arbitrary measurement to maturity.




    I'm saying all incest is completely wrong and disturbing. Having sex with someone who gave birth to you, who's sperm made up half of your genes, who you gave birth to, etc. It's all wrong and the fact that birth defects are common in incest children shows that it's against nature.




    Edit: If anyone brings up animals, many animals do have incest, but incest children in a species, like mice, do not have a higher rate for birth defects. Also, if anyone wants to use this argument against homosexuality, there is a lot of homosexuality in the animal kingdom (especially penguins). I love using animals to prove stuff. :D


    ...but humans aren't animals. :|


    I don't get it when people use animals to say that something is either "wrong" or "right" because a certain type of animal does it when humans are a completely different type of creature and do a lot of things differently from animals. Because a rat does something doesn't mean it's right for a human to or vice versa, because a human is not a rat, and does not think like one.

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