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Posts posted by Kalphite_Queen

  1. I have money, and I don't know what to do with it.




    For quite awhile now, I've just been driving on empty... I have several barrows sets, a godsword, and a dragonfire shield. I play cw, visit the pits, and occasionally check out the W31 house parties. When I need pots or repairs, I hit the mage trees. Having in excess of 250k cash is unusual for me. Yesterday, I got invited to go to the Zamorak general, along with a couple of others. Surprisingly enough, what was supposed to be a casual 3 man trip got us a hilt. Now, I have 8m in the bank, and I literally don't know what to do. It's not enough to buy anything I really want, like an Elysian shield or bandos armor, but I'd like to make more.




    I rarely post here, but I'm hoping you people can give me some tips as to how to turn 8m into something more.




    RSN: Pissant22

  2. Honestly, they aren't that bad. Comparing them to a clan isn't quite accurate. Sure, they're powerful, but with a well time dds spec and a little luck, they die like anything else. I laid down the law on a couple of them that way while I was checking out the wilderness changes.

  3. Elves - plaining to summon Zammy




    Actually there would be no proof of this at all, because theres absoutly no evidence that elves akowladge any other gods other than Seren.


    She is the local deity, and to our knowladge, the elves dont now any other god, unless new quests arise to prove differently.







    I point your attention to the end of regicide.




    You deliver a note from the bad elves to Lathas which contains a line about being ready to open the gate for the empty lord to return.




    This suggests they are summoning the empty lord.




    From other sources we know Zamorak is the empty lord.




    What more evidence do you wish?

    Actually, Zamorak isn't the empty lord. That would be Zaros. :D


    It's mentioned quite a few times in the miniquest where you get ghostly robes.

  4. I'm registered on something called CNET, and bought a samsung camera for my 11 year- old kid. (Not me.)


    I'm registered on Mp3car, and I've never posted. (Not me.)


    Someone impersonating me on the March of Heroes (Clan) forum.


    Alot of me buying and selling stuff on the official forums.


    (Note that my usename isn't actually "a kalphite".)

  5. I used to get that all the time when I was getting my woodcutting to 99... It is a tricky situation that I usually *attempted* to get out of by saying something to the affect of "you're getting there!!" or "Just keep woking on it. You'll get there." It usually works.....
    That's what really annoys me. "Just keep working on it." implies that their level is inadequate.
  6. I "invested" in the tokkul for an onyx, bought about 2 weeks ago. Had bracelet made, realised its [cabbage] and have traded for ring of stone 8-)




    ROS is a laugh :P

    I love my ros. :D But a fury is still the most worthwhile use of an onyx stone.
  7. Fortune smiled on me last night and I got 1.2m for free. (someone died of poison in a bank)


    Anyway, I now have a problem: what do I spend it on? I have all the melee gear I can ever dream of (3rd age aside), decent mage equipment, a fury, and ring of stone.


    I can't decide what to spend it on; help me choose.

  8. Dharok's Set is my ultimate goal. Fantastic defence with incredable offence.




    My question is about the set effect.




    How often does it work?




    Is it like 10% of the time I hit high with low hp? Or does my offence depend on my hp? Like if I walk around with 5 hp, how often will I hit high?

    It's not like verac or guthan where it sometimes acitvates; it's continuous.
  9. Legends cape, glory or strength ammy, climbing boots, rune gloves, and full verac.


    Super set, anti, tele tab, ropes, shantay pass, and the rest sharks.




    EDIT: 2 prayer pots as well. And don't ever, ever, let your prayer run out!

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