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Posts posted by roanlo

  1. I never used the auto-grouping feature cause I wasn't sure what it would create.


    Let's say my max floor is 35, while for others, it's 43. If myself and 4 others go in that room, what would we get? On my side, I want a large dungeon on complex 6 to reap the exp. They will (probably) want a small dungeon and maybe even complex 1. So, basically the lack of customisation. Should be similar to how Barbarian Assault was done. Before you go in, you choose how you want to play (attack, def, coll, healer), in Dungeoneering's case. You'd pick small/medium/large dungeon. I think if someone wants to be very specific and stay on complex 1/2 or similar they should create their own game, but that's my idea.


    On the Void Knight one. Didn't say much really? Was at least expecting details of how the puzzles were done (in more detail) to explain if you thought they were easy/hard. My opinion of it though, like everyone elses is that it should have been a master quest. They keep changing "what makes a Grandmaster", with WGS they said Indepth, lengthy, and good rewards (something along that), with Nomad, they said not every GM would be that, that some of them would focus on combat.


    The void knight ending, wasn't incredibly hard. Although the Tetris puzzle was extremely annoying for me, since I suck at Tetris anyway, not all was really that hard. The boss, was actually fun, killed her the first time (unlike my 30 nomad death streak. >_> I fail). I like how the teamwork and special attack of Korasia's weapon affected the fight. I personally, would like to see that in future bosses (the higher complexity of the fight, rather then just hit and eat) - That are not only in Dungeoneering, ones that give items for the real game.

  2. Sorry to Hijack, but seemed better then making a thread about the similar thing.


    The leaf blade has better stab accuracy then Korasi's sword (that's correct right?), so wouldn't that mean the leaf blade is better at the Corporal Beast than Korasi's? The only thing that really stands out from it to me, is the special, but seeing as though it's a multicombat area, and there's only one monster, the special is rather useless (Only boosts damage in single combat, in multi it hits 3 things).


    Basically doing Corp this arvo with my clan, just wanted to know what one is better.

  3. Or instead of training for that 1 level, you could chug a Crafting Potion or have a friend assist you.


    Both work for Slayer Rings.

    True, but I just like not having to rely on things for future uses of the skill. Like I don't boost for quests (any more xD).


    Thanks for the link Green. :)

  4. Yes, it's impossible. No one has completed the quest so far

    Shame there's like 1000 people in-game using Korasi's sword; like me. xD


    Just wear your best melee armour, bring a secondary weapon (no special attack though) and Korasi's sword.


    Kill her with your regular weapon for the majority; if you ever see her 'charging' herself, be sure to use your special attack on Korasi's weapon. This stops her killing your guys, you losing lots of health and you dealing good damage on her.


    You basically just sit there and spec when possible until you've got a decent number of rangers to kill of her healers. Be sure to kill the defilers/shifters when they come out; because they kill your archers.


    That should be all really. Your maxed combat, so should be very easy. I actually used my turtle up; had about 3 brews left and spammed Kyatt's Ambush. It's not necessary, but can speed it up a small bit.


    P.S. Unless you have recover special pots, you will get hit with the 500 occasionally, just be sure to use the spec when you can. :)

  5. :o Wow. Thank you very much. :)


    I feel a little special now. :mrgreen:

    I've got some free time, so i'll add some new images on there as well (doing now).


    EDIT: I've added some training pictures of most of the skills to the "best ways" section. This is mostly an inventory picture with a snapshot of the training area.

    Also added that hunting Charm Sprites can yield strange rocks.

  6. 1st one:


    Your insulted Conquest like it's as crud as the rat pits. Conquest is actually a good game. The actual section where you are required to play 'conquest style', was also an interesting take. Far more engaging then Nomad's Requiem where playing the mini-game had no affect on the actual quest other then the fact that you should know the man and imp that give out the rewards.


    Personally, i would have liked to seen 1-2 more waves of Pests, Conquest style. That would have been more 'grandmaster' is my opinion. Besides the 1st puzzle and the panel puzzle, there wasn't much exciting in terms of brain power; although, I did quite enjoy the Pest Queen.


    Mini-games that are quite dulled done, do indeed need an upgrade, but i do not see Jagex in future promoting completely dead mini-games. All the ones they have promoted thus far, are popular with at least some part of the community, regardless of whether they are used purely for the rewards, or for the fun.


    Don't expect to see the Rat Pits, or gnome ball (both which serve no enjoyment at all, nor the chance to actually play them) or the games room (as it's just as easy to play those games on Funorb or other websites).


    There is no actual 'proof' that changing skills affects how fast you get a rock.


    The proof of this can be found in a rsof message from Mod Maz herself in one of her

    shattered heart threads. I saw it, but forgot where...


    It was indeed provided by mods, it isn't a rumor from somewhere. As for the penance, there have been many discussions on the subject. I think the same goes for some of the SC tools. If you like the minigame and can use the experience, use it. If you don't, don't use it.

    The horn is dependend upon your own gameplay. The better you play, the faster it fills. The better your team is, the faster it fills in term of how fast the rounds go. So play at your best yourself and play in the best team. On what skills to use it, is your own decision.

    I see, I was unaware of this. If you happen to know where the post is, that'd be helpful. All that really means now, is that changing skills is better for two reasons (less boredom and faster rocks).


    Also, it was I believe proven that you get faster rocks if you change skills after 1 rock, due to changes for the 2nd rock being 1/2 but resets if you've gotten a different rock. This means, variating between skills = good!




    Always, always and always maximize your experience gain when possible. Don't lower yourself to big net fishing which gives 0 gold and hardly any experience. Monkfish and/or flyfishing is a way better option for example. Same goes for agility, don't go gnome etc. Maximize your experience. In the end you will be training the skills, why not now. Use penance horns in my opinion, use good equipment.




    There is no actual 'proof' that changing skills affects how fast you get a rock. I can say it's proof however, that you will find one-three skills (sometimes the same as the week before) will take longer to option. Whether this is just your own bad luck, or some programming i'm not sure, but it does happen.

    What you describe to me, is more like a way to avoid the boredom, which i suggest :thumbsup: , cause at times, it really can feel like your not going to get a rock.


    Also, while maximising experience is good in the long-run, some people just don't care for the exp. Some people have already gotten level 99's in the skill, and unless it makes money they don't care for the additional experience. Which makes things which are faster beat those which give more experience.

    Lastly, the penance horn has it's own flip sides. I'm not sure on proper numbers, but it appears that you potential is earned through the waves, rather then your effort. It takes around 3/4 goes at the entire thing to full fill a horn. Which depending on your team can take 2-6 hours (some teams are..... not so good). I looked at the comparisions with agility/mining/fire making from the wikipedia. With those numbers, using the horn for agility seems almost pointless unless your looking for a break from the normal agility click-click-click-wait. As the experience you gain isn't very different.

    As for fire-making however, it can be really useful. Especially if you combine it with the fire ring/gloves (they do stack). So i would suggest using a horn with fire making, and possibly mining (with Varrock achievement armour and/or clay pickaxe). All the rocks can be done in five days if you don't play all that often (1-2 days if your being serious), which still allows you play Barbarian Assault for the horn or do plenty of other things to train/have fun.

  9. I definitely see your point for the platebodies, however, it is referring to experience, not how fast you can get the rocks. So I personally would include that under experience, as it is one of the most practical methods (alongside things like smelting gold) and can yield a Strange rock. Understand where I'm coming from? I would still include the "I wouldn't recommend this as it's difficult to obtain the Strange rocks" bit, nonetheless. But it's totally up to you, obviously, as it's your guide lol.


    I know Blackjacking works myself, as I've done it every week for Strange rocks. It's still pickpocketing, you just have to use your Blackjack in order to knock out the Thug and then can pickpocket twice without failing.


    Hunting Grenwalls would work because it's box trapping.


    And at higher levels, Woodcutting at the Sawmill gets better, as you fail less often on the planks, as well as get more experience per job that you do. However, it's only slightly faster than Ivy from my experience, and takes up a lot more attention.

    I've added all those points to it, I think it'll do fine as it is now. I'll get my hunting up to try Grenwalls myself though (I want Pirate Imps anyway XD).


    And thanks Martin! :)

  10. Ah yeah, forgot about the stringing is not included with rocks. Thanks for pointing that. Will fix those typos.


    With the Yew/Eucalyptus, the way I saw it, they are basically the same speed and the same cost. Plus, white logs are pretty. XD I'll add in the Magic logs part though.


    The thing with platebodies, is that you can only get around 5 per inventory. Which doesn't make it very useful for rock collection. At times it's taken me well over 500 iron bars (with knives) to get both rocks. That would be 2.5k bars with platebodies. So I don't think it should be included considering the extra amount of time it would take.


    I was under the suspicion that they didn't work since they required blackjacking. Will test them out myself right now, thanks.

    With Woodcutting I did say "can" grant the best exp. But I tested it today, and doesn't seem very convenient anyway (how many planks are destroyed and the time it takes to get them). Although, I'm only 80 Woocutting. I assume you'll fail a lot less with higher levels.


    Also, thanks for the Squared thing. I had no idea how to do it (alt keys are not my 'speciality'), and I didn't want to add an image.


    EDIT: I can't hunt Grenwalls yet, so i can't test them, but i'll take your word that they are useful. Thanks!

    Also, updated the guide with all the above notes.

  11. Shattered Heart


    Shattered Heart is one of the Distraction and Diversions you can find on Runescape. The concept is that while you are skilling (in any non-combat related skill), a strange rock may appear in your inventory which you can then place on the statue plinth in the Varrock museum in order to re-build the man frozen in stone; Dahmaroc.



    Back in the second age of Runescape, runes (the stones we use to cast magic) were of short supply and mages had only what the god Guthix had supplied them. Dahmaroc was a mage during this time; he also greatly enjoyed discovering, learning and training himself in new disciplines, however, he did not fancy the art of combat. This very disposition had led to his demise though. While in a fight for more runes, he had been cursed into stone and was doomed forever to be with thing he loved the most. It is unknown whether he had a wife, but the statement would suggest that he now lives with the skills of Runescape – his most loved possession. His shattered remains are now scattered around Geilnor, which thousands of years later in the 5th age have been discovered by the many adventurers of Runescape.


    How to start


    Shattered Heart can be started as soon as you start training any of the non-combat skills in Runescape (Agility, Cooking, Construction, Crafting, Farming, Fletching, Fishing, Firemaking, Herblore, Hunting, Mining, Runecrafting, Smithing, Thieving, and Woodcutting). Occasionally, you will ‘find a strange rock’ which suddenly appears in your inventory. The catch is that there are only certain ways in which you can obtain rocks for each skill, which are detailed below:


    [spoiler=List of activities to get a Strange Rock]

    *Agility: Fully completing a lap of any of the follow;


    • Tree Gnome agility Stronghold course (basic or advanced),
    • Agility Pyramid course,
    • Barbarian Outpost course (basic or advanced),
    • Ape Atoll course,
    • Wilderness course,
    • Werewolf course (must return the stick to get a rock),
    • Bandos' Throne Room course,
    • Dorgesh-Kaan course,
    • Brimhaven Agility Arena (one chance for a rock per 10 tickets).



    * Cooking: Cooking any kind of fish.


    * Construction: Building furniture or flat packs.


    * Crafting: Making gold jewellery; items from leather or dragonhide; throwing clay on a potter’s wheel (but not firing clay); molten glass (On furnace, “SuperGlass Make” spell doesn’t work).


    * Farming: Harvesting vegetables, hops, herbs, flowers, bushes or fruit trees; planting seeds or saplings (Including all farming that takes place within Herblore Habitat).


    * Fishing: Fishing with any net or cage (Including in Miscellania).


    * Fletching: Making unstrung bows or crossbow stocks, using a beaver familiar works.


    * Fire making: Lighting a fire with any form of logs and a tinderbox. Using a Pyrelord, Forge Regent or barbarian methods do not work.


    * Herblore: Adding secondary ingredients to unfished* potions and cleaning herbs (with one spare inventory space). Cleaning juju herbs and adding secondary ingredients to juju potions also yields rocks.

    ** The following potions will not yield rocks: Barbarian potions, Serum 207, Guthix Balance Potions and ‘tar’ type ammo.


    * Hunting: Checking box, Marasamaw (Jadinkos) and deadfall traps, using the falconry, pitfall trapping and tracking or catching Charm Sprites.


    * Mining: Mining ore (Copper up to Runite), coal (Including in Miscellania), clay, gem, rune or pure essence, sandstone or granite; mining in the Living Rock Caverns (coal and gold).


    * Runecrafting: Crafting runes and combination runes at any alter (air-blood, ZMI; During ‘The Great Orb Project’ activity).


    * Smithing: Smelting normal ores (includes gold), smithing items from normal bars and making cannonballs.


    * Thieving: Pickpocketing NPC's or stealing from chests and stalls.


    * Woodcutting: Cutting any tree (Trees from Farming and Miscellania included), ivy; playing the sawmill activity, or jungle from the “Tai-Bwo Wannai Cleanup” activity.


    It should also be noted, that if you have a full inventory when you obtain a strange rock (impossible with Herblore), one item will be destroyed in replacement of the rock. When this happens you will get the message “Something odd has happen to your [item name], and you are left with a strange rock”. To obtain rocks in Herblore, you must have at least 1 free inventory spot.



    Opting out


    If for some reason you do not want to obtain strange rocks (which can be banked and placed on the statue plinth to avoid obtaining them again, at least until the statue is completed), you can ask Marius Giste or Barnabus Hurma in the Varrock Museum. You can also opt back in by talking to them again.


    Best Ways:




    All activities have the same probability of gaining a strange rock, therefore the best ways are ones that are either faster, cheaper or provide more chances per inventory (where all activities have the same speed). Below is a list of the best ways for each skill, as well as other ways which can gain more experience while still being relatively fast.


    [spoiler=Best Ways to get Rocks Agility - Farming]Agility




    The above image features me at the Ape Atoll course wielding a Large Ninja GreeGree with the collection bag and a Small Ninja GreeGree in my inventory for easy departure from the area via the nearby fairy ring.



    Fastest: The regular and advanced courses of both the Barbarian and Gnome courses have similar lengths, so they are your best choices for speed and exp if you can do the advanced courses.


    Experience: If you don’t have access to the advanced courses, your best chance for courses with a good experience rate are the wilderness and ape atoll (70+ recommended, at 75 you don’t fail) courses.






    The above image is inside the cook’s guild, this particular area only being assessable to those with the Varrock Armour 3 or 4. The bag is not nessessary, but it saves one or two of the fish from being destroyed. Wearing Cooking Gauntlets is advised if you are not a high enough level to avoid burning the fish. If you do not have access to this range, try any of the following: Rouge’s Den, Thzaar Vents, Catherby or Lumbridge.



    Cheapest: Shrimp or trout. Tuna can be obtained from your Kingdom daily which can good a good, cheap alternative.


    Experience: Lobsters or swordfish are good mediocre fish to cook. For those with the higher skill ranges (90+), cooking monkfish, sharks, cavefish or rock tails are the best experience, but expensive. Cooking Gauntlets (From Family Crest) are recommended for monkfish upwards.



    Hotspots may be marginally faster than making flat packs. The choice is optional.




    The above inventory is perfect as it can support 20 or 24 (if using a Demon Bulter) items without any worry of your training being halted by a rock in the way. After you have finished making the chairs, simply tell your butler to get more planks (or bricks) and drop all the flat packs in your inventory (if there are any) while you wait.



    Cheapest/Fastest: Making Oak Chairs or limestone fireplaces (limestone being the cheapest) provide the most chances for a rock per inventory (generally 12-13)


    Experience: Teak or Mahogany Armchairs at the same speed as oak/limestone provide more experience at a greater cost. If you’re interested in training construction try mahogany tables, oak larders or oak dungeon doors.






    Again, the bag is optional, but it avoids two of the items being destroyed when a rock comes. If you are making amulets instead, just replace the bracelet mould with a amulet substitute. Edgeville is the best place to smith, however requires at least the first Varrock Armour, if you cannot get that, the furnace at Port Phasmatys or Al Kharid are the next best options.



    Cheapest: Using gold bars to make bracelets can make good. These give 27 chances for a rock per inventory. Leather coifs are next best option*, giving 26 chances per inventory.


    * You can combine crafting gold with smelting gold ore for less profit and easier rock collection


    Experience: For some more experience, you can craft Green Dragonhide Vambraces (blue, red or black result in a greater loss) at around 500-600gp loss per Vambraces. These give 26 chances for a rock per inventory.






    This inventory has the basic farming utensils: a spade, dibber, 5 compost, 5 herb seeds, 4 flower seeds, 24 allotment seeds; a teleport to the Canifis farming patch (Ectophile is best), teleport to the Falador farming patch (use a Amulet of Glory/Falador tab if you cannot get an Explorer’s Ring 3 or 4), an Ardounge farming patch teleport (Ardounge cape 3 or 4 is best, a fishing guild teleport via lunar or a skills necklace is the next best option), a Trollheim teleport, and finally a Catherby or Camelot if you are not already there. Also have a rake handy in your leprechaun if you have not completed Fairy Tale 3, as weeds are a possibility when harvesting and replanting.


    If you have participated in Herblore Habitat, it is highly recommended you also bring a Farming Juju potion with you, as this can increase your herb yield by over 33%. Be sure to wield Magic Secateurs (Fairy Tale 2) and a Falador Shield 2, 3 or 4 to increase your yield and experience. A collection bag is not shown, but it can be incredibly useful as it can save up to 4 inventory spaces (if you clean your harvested herbs)



    As farming rocks are calculated per harvest, you want plants with the highest amount of items received.


    Allotment runs can provide well over 100 chances per run, which makes them the fastest option. With flower and herb patches included, you can gain some nice profit as well. Runs should take no more than 15 minutes at maximum. Below are the best seeds to use:


    Allotment – Potatoes to tomato seeds are extremely cheap and all take about 40 minutes to grow. Tomatoes are 114gp each providing the greatest profit.

    - Strawberry or Watermelon seeds can also be used for some more experience, but it can be extremely expensive with little return. Be sure to use White Lilies (protects all allotments) or Nasturtiums (protects Watermelon allotments) should you be planting these


    Flower - Limpwurt or Marigold sell can make around 3k per patch. Depending on the market, either can bring the most profit.


    Herbs – Snapdragons are generally the best money makers for farming. If you wish to test your luck, obtaining more than 7 Torstol herbs from a patch, you will get massive profit (again, depends on the current market).

    If you cannot grow either of them, the following are generally grown as good money makers: Ranarr, Toadflax, or Avantoe.



    [spoiler=Best Ways to get Rocks Fletching - Hunter]





    Fletching is very basic. All you need is a knife, a full inventory of logs and to be near a bank. I don’t use the collection bag for this skill, as a log may be destroyed.



    Cheapest: Willow longbows can be made for around 15gp each, which makes them the cheapest option available. Maple longbows can be made for around 50gp and provide a good balance of cost/exp.


    Experience: Adding bowstrings can double the experience you gain, but you will not receive any rocks by doing this. Fletching yew long bows and then adding bowstrings can give more experience while potentially making cash (If you make your own bowstrings and alch). Magic Longbows will provide the greatest experience, but are rather pricey.






    A bag is not necessary, but Monkfish have a tendency to give two rocks within one load, so it can save a space. Having a Granite Lobster or Ibis with you can speed up your fishing, and get you some bonus fish.



    Fastest: Big Net fishing at Catherby has the fastest rate of ‘catching’ fish, therefore has the greatest chance of gaining strange rocks. Fish can be dropped, cooked or sold to the nearby store, while the caskets should be looted for some additional profit or court summons. Monkfish also have the tendency to produce rocks faster, which can make them a very viable option.


    Experience/Cash: For those who do not have access to monkfish (62 fishing, Swam Song quest requirement), lobsters are your next best option. You should fishing these the Fishing Guild or in Catherby.






    Above is generally known as the best fire making method (generally with one tinderbox). This includes Varrock tabs to quickly start burning. I use two tinderboxes in the shown position as it saves my wrist having to go up and down from one side of the inventory to the other, you can alter this any way you want (even up to 4 tinderboxes!). Don’t use a collection bag on this skill, as it just takes away space for one log.


    Other places you can fire make include Mobilizing Armies, the Grand Exchange, Seer’s Village, Ardounge (south bank), Yanille and Oo’glog



    Cheapest: Like fletching, using willow logs are the best option, costing around 15gp each. Also like Fletching, for a balance of cash/exp, burn maple logs.


    Experience: Eucalyptus and Yew logs sell for around the same price and give a very similar amount of experience. For a slightly cheaper option buy Eucalyptus, otherwise Yews. Magic logs can be burnt, but are only recommended for those with cash to burn.






    Although the herbs in the picture are clean, this is the perfect inventory. A collection bag is useful, and lets you simply click ‘withdraw all’. Be next a bank and your fine.



    Cheapest: Cleaning grimy herbs is both faster (therefore more chances at getting a rock) and much cheaper than finishing potions. Depending on the prices, you can gain or lose up to 100gp loss per herb.


    Experience: If you have the money to burn, you can also properly train Herblore to gain strange rocks. The potion with the lowest loss are prayer potions at about 15.6gp loss per exp (although attack potions are only a 7.5gp loss per potion, they give horrible exp).






    This is one type of hunting – charm sprites. This method only requires the spirit lure and a Yaktwee Stick, both which can be optioned from the area. Using a collection bag is optional, and so is a Magpie familiar, although, it is a great forager. I will post other pictures for boxing/plant trapping soon.



    Fastest: The two ‘fastest’ ways can really depend on how lucky you are and your own personal preference. Grey Chinchompas with 4 or 5 traps can be fast, however the falconry (Spotted Kebbits are very fast, but Dark and Spottier give more experience) can prove to be the fastest.


    Experience: After Grey Chinchompas, Red Chinchompas are more experience (though heavily inundated with bots most of the time). 70-81 Hunter allows you to hunt various Jadinko's, and depending on your level and the Jadinko you catch it can prove to be one of the best hunter exp rates.

    At 77 Hunter you can catch Pawyas and Grenwells inside Isafdar, which is both good exp and money.


    For lower levels who don't want to use the Falconry, try dead falling or box trapping penguins (requires Hunt for Red Raktuber quest- level 45). If dead falling; Sabre-Tooth Kebbits or Graahk are viable as money makers, while gaining rocks as well.


    The new 'Charm Sprite' creatures, are actually a rather good method of obtaining experience (130/200/400 depending on the type you catch), which can also obtain strange rocks. They are also relatively fast to catch, presuming you are not slow with your clicking. This can be a good obtain for those who do not want to hunt creatures for money, while still obtaining summoning charms; albeit in small numbers.


    Hunter Section to be updated



    [spoiler=Best Ways to get Rocks Mining - Woodcutting]





    This picture is mining granite. Be sure to wear an Enchanted Water Tiara or have water skins and runes for humidify. Varrock armour cannot be used for granite, but it can be used up to Runite (depending on the level of armour). More Pictures of Rune essence/Coal Trucks/Living Rock Caverns soon.



    Fastest: Rune or Pure essence as this is a single click, and rather fast mining activity. Combine with rune essence pouches and/or abyssal familiars for even faster essence collection.


    Experience: For those with a Seer’s Village Headband, mining at the Coal Truck area is great. With the third headband (or fourth), you can store up to 196 coal in the trucks. Using a Spirit Terrorbird is greatly helpful for its energy boost scroll and 12 inventory spaces when unloading at Seer’s Village. Wearing Varrock Achievement armour will speed up rock collection further.


    If you do not have a Seer’s Headband, the Mining Guild, or power mining Granite or Iron Ore are fast experience. Once you have reached level 77 or 80 mining, mining from concentrated coal or gold deposits (in the Living Rock Caverns) respectively are much faster experience.






    When Runecrafting, do not use a collection bag, as this just lets you craft one less rune. The about picture is one of three methods you can use when crafting at the ZMI alter. This image uses Ourania teleportation and banking at the ZMI area (body runes are the best form of payment for this bank – requires 30 runes per bank). A more dangerous, but rougly the same speed (if not faster) method is to simply walk back and forth from the banker to the ZMI alter, you still pay with body runes, but it saves you 2 spaces where your astrals/Laws would be. The final method which is, slightly slower is to teleport and bank at the Moonclan and then teleport back to Ourania.


    If you have the Ardounge Cape 2, 3 or 4, wearing it will increase the amount of runes you make. A lunar Seal should be worn if banking at Moonclan, as well as ranging armour (dragonhide is good), boots of lightness and penance gloves; if you are a lower levelled player. If you are teleporting to and from Ourania, praying range (or mage if you have a lower magic level) and praying at the altar near the ladder is suggested. Finally, using a Abyssal familiar will increase your essence used per run.


    More Pictures of Abyssal Crafting soon.



    Strange Rocks are calculated by the number of essence used, rather than the use or type of alter. With all methods, using essence pouches and an Abyss familiar will increase rune production, and the faster you will get a strange rock.


    Fastest: The fastest run is possible on the fire alter using a Ring of Duelling to teleport to the Duel Arena and Castle Wars. While this method is fast, it can lose quite a lot of cash with little experience gain in the higher levels.


    Experience: The Ourania alter is the best Runecrafting experience available. To save yourself from damage, use W70 (Official Ourania world); for those who have completed Lunar Diplomacy and have 71+ magic, using the Ourania and Moonclan teleports are the fastest crafting methods.


    Cash: The two above methods do not yield the most cash, and you can actually lose money at times. Using the Abyss or a Spirit Graahk, craft runes at the Nature, Law, Death or Blood alter.






    A collection bag isn’t needed, and nor will it often destroy a bar, but I prefer to have it. Always smith at west Varrock as this is the best anvil in the bank. Wearing Varrock armour will sometimes increase how fast you smith an item.



    Fastest: Smithing is much faster than smelting. The best options are iron knives, as these are economical – can yield profit, and require only one bar each.

    Like said in Crafting, you can combine smelting gold ores with gold bracelets for more smithing experience.


    Experience: If you want a bit more experience than gold ore or iron knives; smelting Mithril or Adamant bars can make small money; while smithing them into knives for more strange rock chances can create a loss. For strange rock collection, I would not reccomend platebodies, as this gives less chances at a rock per inventory, therefore taking longer to get a rock and can create a larger loss than knives.






    The above image should be mostly the same inventory no matter what NPC you pickpocket from. The Ardounge Cape 1, 2, 3 and 4 and the gloves of silence will decrease your chance of being caught; a ranging weapon with no ammo should be used to avoid the accidental click of the “attack” option; a knife, needle, thread and a dark kebbits fur to repair the gloves of silence when need and a Magpie Familiar with Theiving Finger’s Scroll is optional (Magpie Foragers and the scroll can boost thieving temporarily by 2 levels).


    Since I am in Ardounge, a cake stall is not far from me, meaning brining food is not necessary, but bring 10 or more cakes/tuna fish or something similar will help you stay at the place longer.



    Fastest: The lower the Thieving level required, the easier it will be to get a strange rock. This makes ‘men’ or famers the best choice. The level 25 Warriors (found in Al-Kharid and Ardounge) have the chance of giving a court summons, giving them double use.


    Experience: Menaphite Thugs are the best possible experience possible to get a strange rock (need confirmation if blackjacking works), requiring 65 thieving. This method requires constant attention however, so less strenuous methods can be beneficial. Depending on your Thieving level, try any of the following: Guards, Master Farmers, Fremennik Citizens, or Ardounge Knights. Ardounge knights can also give court summons, which doubles their usefulness. Higher levels can pickpocket Paladins, Dwarf Traders, or Master farmers (better at higher level) for more cash.






    Woodcutting needs nothing in the inventory, but a collection bag can be used. Wield the best hatchet you can, a lucky rabbit’s foot (to increase bird nest drops) and the “full” lumberjack outfit, if you have it (without the full set, you get barely any bonus exp). The location I am cutting is the best in my opinion, as it easy to stand between the trees and avoid being attacked, and three trees is generally plenty to cut from. This location is a straight walk east from the north wall of Mobilizing Armies



    Fastest: The willow trees in Draynor Village are both fast to cut and very close to a bank, making them the best option.


    Experience: The best experience rates for woodcutting can be found in Teak trees, Ivy and the sawmill activity. Teak trees should be dropped or brunt (to combine with firemaking) as banking them is very inefficient. Ivy is the next preferred activity as it can be easy to watch other videos or web pages while training. The Sawmill has better experience than Ivy, but requires more attention. If you do train with the Sawmill, you should use a Crystal Saw (From “The Eyes of Glouphrie” quest) to double the cutting exp.

    To make some more money while woodcutting, Eucalyptus trees east of Mobilizing Armies or Yew trees west of Catherby or next to the Gnome Stronghold bank.





    [spoiler=Statue Collection Bag]


    This bag can be obtained by talking to Marius Giste or Barnabus Hurma in the Varrock Museum (The two guys at the table) and choosing the chat options “I found a rock while I was training" or "Tell me again where the statue comes from.” When this is in your inventory, any rock you find will automatically be stored in the bag. Right-clicking “empty” will take out all rocks inside the bag and “fill” will put them in. If you press “look in” you will be able to see all the rocks you have collected. Oddly enough, the bag shows the rocks in the same order in which you receive the clay-piece replicas when completing a statue (left to right, top-down).


    Practical uses for the Statue Collection Bag:

    Since, skills like agility use no items, beside food, it doesn’t have much use besides providing storage; but for other skills it can become extremely helpful.


    Cooking, Fletching, Crafting, and Smithing: The bag will save one or two of your items being destroyed in place of a rock.


    Construction, Farming, Fishing, Hunter, and Mining: This will allow you to use or obtain one more item then previously if you happen to get two rocks within the same inventory.




    Once you have obtained a pair of rocks (two from the same skill), you can take them to the Varrock Museum to place on the Statue Plinth located near the entrance. For every pair you place, you will gain some extra experience in the skill which you obtained the rock from. The formula for the exp you gain is: “X² – 2x + 100”, Where x is the appropriate skill.


    For example, if I had 70 Runecrafting; the formula would be “(70 x 70) – (2 x 70) + 100”; which is 4860 Runecrafting Experience.


    When all 15 pairs of rocks have been added to the statue, a cut scene will appear and the statue will explode. You will then talk to Marius Giste, who will give you a replica piece of the statue and a Statue Plinth (If you do not have one, or have lost it) which can be placed inside your POH Study. Like when building the regular statue, you will need a pair of the replica pieces to place them on your plinth (meaning you will have to build the statue again). Just like the stone version, the replica pieces require all 30 parts to complete the statue. Once all the pieces have been added, you will have your very own Statue of Dahmaroc in your POH study.


    For the first time you complete the statue, you will also receive 10 Kudos.


    It takes a total of 30 weeks (7.5 Months) to complete the replica statue in full, collecting 900 regular strange rocks. This whole experience should have allowed you to train in various methods of skilling and gain some notable experience.

    I can’t put an average of what experience you could expect from all 30 weeks, as over the entire experience you could expect multi levels in all the skills, and that each person has their own set of starting levels. However, if by some glitched miracle you don’t level a single one of your skills (of course level 97-99 levelled players as exempt) something you could expect:

    Level 50 in all 15 skills = 1.125 million experience overall or 75k experience in each skill.

    Level 70 in all 15 skills = 2.187 million experience overall or 145.8k experience in each skill.

    Level 90 in all 15 skills = 3.609 million experience overall or 240.6k experience in each skill.

    * To get these experiences, find out what experience you get for one pair of rocks and then multiply it by either 450 (total number of pairs in the D&D) OR 30 (total number of pairs per skill)

    Note, this is just the reward experience you receive; you are likely to earn over three times this by skilling alone.




    [spoiler=Bonus Tips]

    Here are some tips to help you along the way.


    * Each week, some rocks will be harder to obtain than others. For example, one week you may get your cooking rock in the first few fish; another week may take several hundred.


    * After long periods, it can seem that you will never get a rock while training. If this is affecting you, try swapping the skills you are training, or if it is the last rock to collect, change how you are obtaining the rock (Perhaps catch Chinchompas instead of using the Falconry for Hunter or vice versa). Jagex intended this D&D to promote multiple skilling techniques, and they have said swapping skills between rocks will help speed up the rate in which you obtain rocks; meaning there is even more reason to alternate!


    * The Statue Collection Bag will hold all 30 rocks, which can save you a lot of bank space if you are running out.


    * The Statue Collection Bag also makes it easier to place rocks on the plinth, as you can simply 1-click the rocks out, instead of clicking through every rock inside your bank.


    * Using your Stealing Creation tools or Master/ Penance horn will increase your experience you gain while skilling for strange rocks.





    Q: Can the "superheat" spell be used to obtain smithing rocks

    A: Until proven otherwise, the spell cannot create strange rocks for you.


    Q: Do Monkey Knife Fighters give strange rocks?

    A: I’ve tried for quite a long time, with no avail, so I am going to have to say no.


    Q: What happens after I complete the statue replica?

    A: The statue itself is completely cosmetic (just to look at), however, once completed you have the option to destroy it and repeat the whole process again.




    [spoiler=Ending Notes]This guide was made by me, “Roanlo Zolo” (And of course Jagex for the game!). It has only been posted on the Stellarstop and Tip.It Forums. If you see this guide on another website, please report it as plagiarism to a local moderator and myself as soon as possible.


    Thanks to Codguy for information on various skilling methods

    and Maginix for info on the finished replica statue.



  12. Doing black demons for slayer task. Got over 100 of them to do.


    Wondering if a cannon can be used in the Chaos Tunnels Resource Room. If i can, do you recommend me doing that, or should i do another way? I'm no combat guru, so i'm not exactly strong on how to do these things.

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