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Posts posted by Joes_So_Cool

  1. Hello, I just got 32 quest points on my pure f2p account and am wondering if I am ready complete dragon slayer. These are my current stats.




    40 attack


    40 str


    30 def


    40 range


    35 mage


    41 hp


    27 or 28 prayer.




    Money isn't an issue for runes/food/armor/gear/ext.




    Please tell me a decent set up for what I should wear and if I can even do it and if I can, how long would it take.




    I am going out to eat and will read all replies the second I get in. Thank you!




    ~Joes So Cool (Going for Dragon Slayer, HOPEFULLY)

  2. I like all the ideas except for the 4th one, you could spend most of your summer training and then get cleaned :(




    I'd go for the blue drags and then with the money from that after you get 80 range start rc so you will have a jump into the school year.

  3. This may be kind of confusing but since all of us here have about 70+ iq points then many runescape players you should be able to handle it :)




    Fire strike is the way to go.




    This is not by making them but rather buying them.




    The max hit with fire strike is a 8. The max hit with a wind bolt is a 9. Chaos runes cost 110-150gp and are quite hard to find.




    Mind runes are 10-20 gp and are quite easy to find.




    If you buy chaos and mind runes for the lowest price (100ea for chaos, 10ea for minds+fires.) and that would equal 7 mind runes and 3 fire runes, or 1 chaos rune.




    Now the number part.




    1x fire strike = 32 magic exp.


    1x wind bolt = 36 magic exp.




    Don't forget to add the other 7 you can buy!


    1x fire strike = 32 exp x 7 casts = 224 exp.






    So I guess it comes down to this, would you rather spend 100gp + and get 36 exp or 100 gp and get 224 exp? I suppose it's up to you.




    I just typed this in about two-minutes, and I am positive there is at least one spelling/number error. If you can find this and point it out that'd be greatly appreated.




    Off to fire strike!





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