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Posts posted by Joes_So_Cool

  1. I'm sure even a quick search on google, or maybe even webmd would be a tad bit more sufficient then this, not saying no one knows anything, just everything google has to offer for search results probably has more information then tip.it.

  2. answers.yahoo.com






    waaay better then a runescape fan site.




    if you're lucky enough to get someone who actually knows what they're talking about, rather than a bunch of idiot twelve year olds.




    are you talking about tip.it or yahoo answers, i can't really tell.

  3. Believe it or not, this is (or was when I played about a year + ago) my favorite most secretive training spot, I got very good exp, and more then decent drops from the cyclops's.

  4. People who bump old topics.








    "Seven sixteenths of one inch,


    That's the distance you'd have to move your pinky in order to not sound like an idiot. I know the burden of pressing shift to capitalize is a great one, but c'mon Turing, you can do better than that. I used to type emails in caps like yours, but then I decided that I didn't want a job mixing concrete."


    I hope you realize I purposely typed in caps like that for the added effect of sounding like an idiot. I don't normally leave out punctuation, make run-on sentences, and type in unnecessary capital letters.




    I hope you realized I quoted that from someone.

  5. It was a female doing the search, (so I've heard) so I don't see the problem. Besides, don't you have to sign wavers at the beginning of school for medicine and such that is filed in the office and in the nurses office which probably includes something about being searched? At my school they give you a handbook (that's like 300 pages long and no one reads) and a paper with it that you and your parent/guardian must sign before you're allowed to come to school that has all of the rules, and I'm positive that it has something about being searched, so, you agree to it, at least in my school.

  6. Does anyone else have any cool stories they know about things somewhat like that sniper? That really did actually catch my interest, and not much does.

  7. People who bump old topics.








    "Seven sixteenths of one inch,


    That's the distance you'd have to move your pinky in order to not sound like an idiot. I know the burden of pressing shift to capitalize is a great one, but c'mon Turing, you can do better than that. I used to type emails in caps like yours, but then I decided that I didn't want a job mixing concrete."

  8. Today, what will I do today- well, my parents took off to go out to lunch before I even woke up, and said they'll be back late afternoon, around 7.




    All I really want to get done today is cleaning my room from it's horrid part that it's at now, to absolute spotlessness (is that a word?).




    If anyone has any tips on how to clean my room, i'd really appreciate it, other then for example: get a bag, throw it all away, or shove it all in the closet, I want to actually clean it, it'll look very good when my parents return as well.




    So, if anyone has any tips on how to clean my room, PM me or post here and I'll try to remember to check.

  9. Simo Hayha!








    Taken from Cracked.com:








    Simo Hayha had a fairly boring life in Finland. He served his one mandatory year in the military, and then became a farmer. But when the Soviet Union invaded his homeland in 1939, he decided he wanted to help his country.




    Since the majority of fighting took place in the forest, he figured the best way to stop the invasion was to grab his trusty rifle, a couple of cans of food and hide in a tree all day shooting Russians. In six feet of snow. And 20-40 degrees below zero.








    Can you spot Hayha? Neither could the Russians.




    Of course when the Russians heard that dozens of their men were going down and that it was all one dude with a rifle, they got [bleep] scared. He became known as "The White Death" because of his white camouflage outfit, and they actually mounted whole missions just to kill that one guy.




    They started by sending out a task force to find Hayha and take him out. He killed them all.




    Then they tried getting together a team of counter-snipers (which are basically snipers that kill snipers) and sent them in to eliminate Hayha. He killed all of them, too.




    Over the course of 100 days, Hayha killed 542 people with his rifle. He took out another 150 or so with his SMG, sending his credited kill-count up to 705.




    Since everyone they had was either too dead or too scared to go anywhere near him, the Russians just carpet-bombed everywhere they thought he might be. Supposedly, they had the location right, and he actually got hit by a cloud of shrapnel that tore his coat up, but didn't actually hurt him, because he's the [bleep] White Death, damn it.




    Finally on March 6th, 1940, some lucky bastard shot Hayha in the head with an exploding bullet. When some other soldiers found him and brought him back to base, he "had half his head missing." The White Death had finally been stopped...








    ...for about a week. In spite of having come down with a nasty case of shot-in-the-face syndrome, he was still very much alive, and regained consciousness on March 13, the very day the war ended.




    That's really interesting, seriously.

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