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Everything posted by sonsie

  1. u * idiot would u want to be a mother of a child that u got that was made in a rape?!?? u dont know cabbage. abortion is not murder you dont know anything about it so shut your mouth, u maybe heard on radio,tv,news, but u know how it is for real? NO I DONT THINK SO Well certainly proved a shat load of naught.
  2. Sperms arent "Human" u tool technically nor is a foetus. it has the same dna structure as an ape at that stage. its not even close to becoming a baby. Arn't apes endagered animals? Perhaps foetuses should be aswell. I'm quiet surprised this post has not been locked yet.
  3. Their is a difference between a developing baby and sperm in a cup.
  4. Well when its summer (couple months) I'm going to sit around on a beach maybe and get some tan, perhaps slob around and all.
  5. Heh whatever, dude you'll find that people who don't believe in god don't worry about going to hell or heaven. Besides hasn't BlackAdder taught the word anything? People who go to hell do bad stuff they enjoy, whereas people who goto heaven do stuff they enjoy like wear white and talk to god.
  6. I lean towards pro-choice, but it is definitely a difficult subject..... I would be opposed to setting age-limits, since rape can occur at any age. As for your statement about the 15 year old girl..... I was 18 & my girlfriend 15 when we had our first son. With some help & a lot of hard work, we have done quite well for ourselves. My wife (8 years now) has a BA in psychology and I am an electrical engineering techonologist. We now have two boys (12 & 6) and a girl (1). I am glad beyond words that we didn't opt out the easy way & abort our first son, but I maintain that it should be up to the mother, since it is the burden she has to bear for the rest of her life. 18 and 15? Wow I think thats illegal in Australia...
  7. The story about the first born of Egypt...
  8. Abortion should only be allowed under EXTREME circumstances, this means no "But I don't want a baby", use protection and it wont happen.
  9. Ditto! I couldn't careless about my post count but my avatar! Poor little fella.... Didn't know it was coming... :cry: Bam.... He's gone now. :(
  10. I think the shu up debate comes in handy here, people are here to say yes or no to whether they beleive in god then talk about it (debate) if you have a problem you can go away and don't read the topic.
  11. what? that's a huge contradiction there my friend. I fail to see the contradiction there, a person may of been called Jesus and though he was the son of god and may of healed the sick, created a religion and then died in a grusome way, miricals could be fake as magicians do make the audience see the right hand whilst you move the left. The fact this occured thousands of years ago little can be proven of what Jesus did. Me as an athiest have little though that "the" god exists but do beleive a man such as jesus walked the earth and did spread the word of "good" much like many other "messangers" have done in the past and will do in the present.
  12. Erm, exactly, how could everything just appear? Creation is a big load of crap. For god stepped out of the shadows and said let there be a world with many people, with different genetic traits and they shall be born from two, Adam and Eve, in the holy garden of Eden. Then they shalt be cast out for no real reason and left to suffer and generations after shall suffer and multiply and bring on more suffering. I am nice and shall forgive you for your sins, even though I could stop you from sinning and stop suffering but I don't like you enough to do that, but remember when good stuff happens, gods will baby but when bad stuff happens I'm just testing you I'm not really being evil... Thou shalt fear me and shall worship me, ye shall stay silent against my will and shall oppose foe with other beliefs. Shall thine person shake loose the mortal coil thou shall be judged and thou shall be cast down to eternal damnation despite my lack of proving myself to ye, ye may not of heard of me but tough luck thou shall suffer...
  13. People, using the bible will hardly prove god to be real. I mean come on I could use cave paintings and say we were taller than wolly mammoths...
  14. Knowing without proof is stupid... An old tree, its old and its a tree? Theres a mirical there but I cant quiet see the mirical? Is it because its old?
  15. This god that you speak of, does he exist? Some of you say yes, some say no but neither side has the ability to prove the existence or non existence of said being. Ask a religious person where god is and they will point out at the horizon as if to say out there be the lord, but an athiest would laugh and say that is not proof. We are in awe of the world but have no answers to its origins whether it was a divine being or an explosion of high magnitude it cannot be proven, because that would bring in more questions such as what created god? Where did the energy come in to make the big bang? You cannot prove beyond all reasonable doubt that there is a divine being, but you cannot disprove it. Athiests don't beleive in hell or heaven so we don't have that problem.
  16. I don't beleive in god and until somebody can prove without a doubt god exists I will never beleive fully in a god, or organsied religion...
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