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Posts posted by Continuum

  1. As for using guns, ninjas don't need guns. They use stealth. Guns ruin stealth. Ninja stars, maybe. But I think they did use them once in a while.








    I was just commenting on the fact that TMNT was more nonsensical than Power Rangers, which was nonsensical as well, but less so. Also, I know that Pokemon is nonsensical as well, I wasn't saying it wasn't. :P




    Anyone remember Land Sharks? They were these sharks that ran...well, drove, actually, they had little chassis where their tails should have been...on land. I recall one episode where one burst through a hardwood floor. XD

  2. If we're talking about the most essential natural force, it's obviously sunlight.




    If we're talking about the most powerful natural source, I'd have to go with earthquakes. They cause tsunamis, can change the very status of a nation, and are freaking scary.

  3. I didn't watch much of TMNT as a child, but the whole idea always seemed ridiculous to me, even as a child. Man-sized turtles? A rodent was affected and then proceeded to just happen to become a martial arts master and then successfully taught that to some turtles? How come the turtles didn't use guns, either, some sort of projectile weapon...




    I watched the first season of Power Rangers and then Pokemon took over my childhood by force. Power Rangers were awesome.

  4. I'm just curious... Why don't we send a radio message to the planet? It would take approximately 20.5 years and if any civilization exists... They might receive it and transmit something back. If not, then possibly the civilization isn't advanced enough to care about or doesn't exist at all.




    I read that in Contact. lol




    Radio messages travel at the speed of light?




    Just curious here, but how long would it take to send a radio message to this planet, assuming it gets there without being interrupted by some sort of hole.




    *Has no understanding of physics in the slightest*

  5. Um, did you forget to read the article? I'm sure you didn't post without reading the articles. That would be stupid.




    Will you be able to migrate a current account from Guild Wars (like what we did with Classic to RS2)?




    Nope, but achievements in the first Guild Wars will be displayed in the second Guild Wars.

  6. No, there's no lobby system. At least, not in the current Guild Wars.




    My understanding from the articles was that it won't be placing you in the campaign or a lvl 20 PvP character, but it'll be closer to the regular MMORPG...like WoW...

  7. Eh, I believe that if you deserve to go to "Hell", you just get sent back to Earth to try, try again. What kind of God would abandon his creations to Satan, hmm?




    Might not go to Heaven after this life though. Might. *shrug*




    Funny, your saying you won't believe in God, won't trust what his son did for you to save you.. but your definatly hoping he will re-send you back to the earth for a second chance, otherwise he doesn't care?




    And to be sent back for what? You already said you didn't believe the first time.. hoping to believe Jesus the second time and strike it lucky?




    It doesn't sound like God is abandoning you, it sounds like your abandoning God..




    "Well maybe God will let my life this time around be for Satan, and then next life, i might see what he is up to, and go for good. Gotta keep the balance ya know.."




    Where did you get that logic..








    I'm sorry, but what the hell are you talking about? If your referring to me being an atheist, I'm not anymore. I decided I don't believe in the Catholic Church, but I believe in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. If you're somehow assuming that I didn't accept God in my first life or whatever, God'll probably help me see the error of my ways.




    If one chooses to live their life on Earth rather than spend it with God in Heaven, that's their choice, but I think that, eventually, one will get in. You know why?




    God loves us.

  8. So, now that I'm actually starting to make mil and such, I've been wanting to look cool. I don't get lucky from randoms (never got a mime, 3 years of playing, still have legs to go in camo, zombie chest/boots only, and frog price is bad =/), so I figured I'd just wear a black cav to go along with my black clothes for the time being.




    Then again, I could get a whip. So, I ask you this: Is it better to be powerful on RS and own in CW and such, or is it better to be cool and hang out with friends and make FU signs with cabbages?




    Really think about this though. Power can give you popularity and friends, but coolness can give you laugh attacks.








    (By the way, I'm buying the black cav. :D )

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