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Posts posted by Sebasdesebas

  1. Try standing still for around 5 minutes with a bone in your inventory, then burying it. Don't say anything in that time, just right click once every minute so you don't log out, just talk on the forums or so. When you bury the bone, you should get a random event, and hopefully it will be Leo.

  2. If I was a betting man, I would wager that:








    1. There will be three boats for different levels;




    2. The lower-level boat will go to a different island, and be easier to do than current PC;




    3. The higher-level boat will be go to yet another island, and be far harder to do than current PC;




    4. The mid-level boat will stay exactly the same; and




    5. You can only get on the lander that suits your level, otherwise you get less of a reward or something.








    Well, that's how it SHOULD be anyway.








    Nice thoughts, maybe the higer level one wil give like 3 points, mid 2 and lower 1?








    That'd make Pc points a lot easier, thus destoying Rs :ohnoes:

  3. yes and no...extremely unlikely...only way you could is if you picked up the clue, dropped it, killed another, and that new one dropped a clue.








    even then, you cant pick up the second one if you have one in your inventory.








    hope this helped












    I guess this guy is right. I go with him




    Lamb of God w00t!

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