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Posts posted by rhan_wolf

  1. People will do it just for the satisfaction that they totally screwed up someone's account.




    Take MySpace for example. A lot of people have stolen passwords to accounts (cracking or phishing) just to mess up their page and make it say insulting things. They really have no reason to do it but they still do.






    hah my freind gave his freinds account info to 4chan and they really F ed him over.

  2. My freinds been talking about it nonstop since he found out its coming out. He claims its gonna be the 300 killer.




    I AM BEOWOLF!!!!




    shockingly similar in the preview.

  3. Recently i heard a rl freind pronounce some rs words totally different than i do. So i was wondering what the correct way to say them are?
















    Thinking about it now, i guess there really isnt a correct way considering that noone can actually know. But I would like to know what most people think.

  4. It says that cell phones are extra....I was wondering if anyone knew how much they were.








    edit:Now i have a new problem, when i try to dial the number they give me in which to obtain a pin, I get a recording from verizon wireless saying that the number has been diconected or changed.

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