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  1. i dunno about you guys but im gonna hord d bones till that day comes. Me being a merch and all. Srry for double post if i did
  2. he is right...but if it is true, any1 who doesnt have a fire cape is going to be stuck in dust....
  3. I think this is going to make getting firecapes a lot easier, thus not as admirable :(
  4. thanks, if there is any others feel free to post them here
  5. Any1 know of a program that will let me video when i fight jad?
  6. Right now i am giving it all i got to deafeat the great Jad and i always seem to screw it all up when the dam healers come, i always get raped by Jad when trying to discract healers....The rune thrown axe idea baffled me, whoever came up with that is a smart 1 =D> Kinda off topic but can any1 give me a tip on where to get a program that videos runescape?
  7. i would stack like 10k of them up in a single space, then ice barrage it :twisted: masssss exp :shock: prolly get 99 mage in 20 shots or so, roflmao Then i would get another 10k of them stack em all in 1 spot, then use d2h spec on them...instant 99 strength :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: if ya didnt know d2h spec is multi target attack aswell
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