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Posts posted by supanova

  1. i'm 99% sure that i'm the only lava blade :-k






    i only put the 5 at the end because this is my fifth account (other 4 got hacked. been lucky on Lava so fr *touch wood* :pray: )

  2. Wall of Mods. Lol. Not a bad bank. And I am certainly jealous of your hawt goals. To bad my Purple Hat is hawter. Can't wait to see you hit 1700 total. Good luck! =D> :thumbsup:




    ~Your Big Sis. :wink:






    correct me if i'm wrong, but you don't actually have your purple party hat yet :-k




    but when you get it, i'll admit your better than me :wink:






    and thanks big sis ::'

  3. i'm just gonna jump on the bandwagon here, and also hope that no-one i know looks at these :pray: :-$




    [hide=do not open]








    [hide=i can see you, you can see me <.< ]






    [hide=no idea why i did this]moi2.jpg[/hide]






    if anyone tells me to get a haircut, i will HURT you -.-






    EDIT: 2 more pics.




    [hide=my funky scar]


    if you look closely, you can see the scar under my eye. i also have a miniscule scar on my eyeball from when this happened :?






    [hide=me and my bro]




    i hate the way i look in this photo, but i'll post it anyway, because my brother is soooo cute <3:


    [hide=me and my little bro]moiandAl.jpg[/hide]





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