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  1. Dropped one by one. There will be plenty of things to be found on the ground.
  2. Most will be used to buy coal, mith, addy and rune ores. Might be a small cash drop here and there but 99% of drops will be items.
  3. We're back yet again folks with another great partay! Come one, come all to the official MaSoRs (The Miners and Smithers of Runescape) four year anniversary drop party! On September 29th at 3PM Eastern Time (8PM GMT) in Al Kharid, World 14, the MaSoRs will be holding one of our legendary drop parties, and once again, all are welcome! We have been present in these realms for ages now, and we would just like to thank everybody for your support. Without the people of Runescape, our great clan could not flourish. Our community is ever growing, constantly holding events, and overall just having a fun time in the game. We always appreciate new recruits, and would love for all of Runescape to come down and party with the MaSoRs. We have been together since classic folks, here is a picture from one of our first parties: And we've definitely partied our little avatars out since then too - And what have you to look forward to this time? Here is a preliminary look at what will be dropping (note that there are doubles of many items, this is because this is a comilation of several different banks on different characters). There is still time left, the bank will become bigger, money will be spent, bars will be made into nice, shiny armour - so check back in closer to the drop party to see the final drop picture. Current Drop Count: Will be added once official drop pictures are closer to being finished. However, to get an idea, look at the GP amounts and a basic overview of the items we already have. Well folks, let's get to the run down. If you want to attend, we suggest lining the world 14 area atleast one hour early, we've had issues in the past where people can't attend because world 14 is full during our parties. The way a MaSoRs party is held: we have teams of firemakers, masking droppers, and official droppers. The firemakers and masking droppers are here to upset those nasty tele grabbers. We prefer to kick it oldschool and get down and dirty with our hands in the sands of Al Kharid, but not all of our beloved Runescape brethran feel that way. Hopefully they'll get upset after wasting their runes on ashes or bowls and decide to play nice like everyone else! Trivia: It is unclear whether or not trivia will be held again at this drop party. If it does happen, you will be given plenty of notice on the forums and during the drop party. If we do host it, it will be in the Al Kharid palace, and a Player Moderator will be asking the questions (so please turn your chat off so you can see him asking the question). It is absolutely important that you remain silent until the question is asked, or the trivia will be CANCELLED! So, to recap: Bring your friends! Get in early! and most importantly... HAVE FUN! If you have any questions, feel free to ask them, we will have members of MaSoRs monitoring this post to ensure top quality Q&A. DATE: September 29th TIME: 3PM EST/8PM GMT PLACE: Al Kharid, centralized around the bank SERVER: 14 We hope to see you at another massive drop party hosted by MASORS! :) Brutus456 Leader, on behalf of the Miners and Smithers of Runescape
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