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Posts posted by Quorra

  1. Wish I could post my evidence now. They finally updated it 12 hours after the mute. I got muted for telling someone "I'm a Gen in Flowers". Just staying I'm a general in an fc named Flowers. Never mentioned anything gambling related. And Boom. Muted. Such a sad day.


    If Jagex was against gambling they could just make it against the rules and I know a lot of the community would stop because as shocking as it may be, a lot of the big gamblers have 2200+ total and don't want to get banned.


    But instead of making it against the rules, they just say they are making their on "safe" gambling. Whatever. I'm still going to host. I have multiple accounts I can lobby on to advert for my hosting account.





    Get a load of this guy.

    • Like 14
  2. I have had the problem described above by some, mostly when using Rapid Fire. It's really only a problem when using it at sohpisticated bosses. So for instance, I used it the other night against Automatons, which retaliated with their ground special attack. That hurt quite a bit...


    You are using range... Stand a bit further away and avoid the ground stomp.

  3. would explain why the hell seren's gone and the city's disappeared


    City was already explained in the last quest.

    yeah, city's gone cause the seed reverted.


    why did the seed revert?


    Jor-El was mad at Kal-El and decided to revert the fortress of solitude back into it's crystal.

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