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Everything posted by Danno385

  1. Lol, spend 2 hours on an intense one hour workout. Good idea.
  2. I think you'll be fine as long as you have the dumbbells.
  3. Silva and Psycho have done nothing but good for me.... :) =) =D XD
  4. Ye, back in the day the you're banned game seemed massive when it hit 1k pages. This post is insane though.
  5. Not really. I understand the rules, I've came to and left forum games a few times. I just choose not to follow the rules.
  6. Wasn't random at all. -__________________-;
  7. staaaaaaaaaaar rockets in flight
  8. Best sporks come from Taco Bell. Hands down.
  9. How can you not enjoy that word on le internetz?
  10. Was on le phone for an hour. Girl I was talking to is very hard to understand on the phone. High pitched high speed voice. It's kind of like listening to spanish. Pick up a few things, but a lot of the time I have no idea what is going on.
  11. Ate some pecan pie. You can't mess up pecan pie.
  12. Well, I suppose I had always known. It just didn't occur to me that they both suck things. I found it humorous.
  13. just realized vampire and vacuum both start with "va"
  14. Huh. Well. It's kinda comical.... If you don't think about it much.
  15. Yowza. It's like on Law and Order, there was a dude that called himself a pedosexual, arguing that it's like any other sexuality.
  16. I traded her Carlos for Booboo, and Booboo just ran back upstairs to her :(
  17. Is it okay if I think about you while I masturbate?
  18. Carlos is staring at Bean. He looks retarded with his face flat on the top of the cage.
  19. Does everyone know about Kevin already?
  20. I can't find the picture, but I have the last name.
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