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Posts posted by Purcell364

  1. The first memeory i have is my friend leading me around to do the ghosts speak quest. I remember him leading me into varrock (world 1) and i couldnt believ the amount of people.




    I also remember when i logged on and you could see other peoples combat levels outside of wilderness

  2. "Think of your teeth" :-?








    I've never had problems with drinking a lot of any drink.




    Maybe felt a bit bloated but that's about all :P








    mmm dentist says they are in really good shape








    i brush them twice a day and all that.

  3. I have always loved coca cola/ any other bottled drink really (pepsi, dr pepper etc)




    Since I was little I always drank a lot of coke. Any way over the years I have been drinking it more and more often, and its at the point where I have about 2 x 1.25 litre bottles of coke a day. I can finish off a 2 litre coke like its nothing.




    Anyway recently the shop down the road started selling pepsi 1.25 litres for 80 cents AUD (about 50? USD) and i have been having about 5 a day.




    A lot of kids tell me that it's really unhealthy but i never thought it was to bad?




    Anyone have any idea if this can have some bad effects on my health?








    I dont want to get some coke-disease.


    I have been smoking for 2 years [since i was 14] I have had a quite depressing life, When ever i was upset or needed comforting i just had a cigarette.








    That's pathetic. You get no help or sympathy from me.




    completely unnecessary..




    this guy has come to sb for help and advice on quitting something that him (and many others) have 'fallen victim' to. and you shut him down without any information about him or his life.








    I respect this guy and admire his courage.








    come on bubsa I really expected more from you :(


    not sayin he's an autoer or anything but check out ''pure99skillz' was lookin at his mine, rose from 80ish to 92 in bout week...his other skills he got up incrediably fast...








    I am the real Pure99skillz, I don't know who registered my name. I decided to register to Tip.it Forum to clear rumors about me from spreading.








    Joeyto, I would encourage you to stop exaggerating my rate of Leveling. To make it straight, I never autoed in my life, nor I support/promote it.








    I resumed my mining from Level 74 on July 22th, and tonight I should be Level 93.








    ~*~ I'm a Skill Beast. Rawr! ~*~
















    INCREDIBLE, keep it up?




    whats next after mining?

  6. How about a non selectable bounty assignment? The bounty master picks someone of equal or lower level. As an incentive for the hunted to participate, they get a reward if they kill their hunter.








    This is a MUCH better idea.








    If the player knows they have a bounty, they can get a friend to kill them and split the cash.




    I really love xeros idea.


    1.) use search next time..this has previously been suggested








    2.) no...we shouldn't have cook all for these reasons




    -cooking is easy enough...a lobby is almost triple the exp a steel bar




    -smithing you get much less experience




    -jagex would never do it...nor should they




    just shut up...








    very good suggestion would help loads








    stupid flamers who want to suck up to jagex shouldnt even post








    yeah, if someones opinion is different to yours they shouldn't post, how thoughtless of them.








    I fully agree with Bubsa, they have made all skills a lot easier over the past year, they havent touched cooking.




    Although cooking is easy as it is, because of the fastexp.




    I can't see it ever happening, though, i would never have imagined jagex would change fletching to :)

  8. if youve played a lot for 4 years you will be 120+ if your level 90 and claim to have played 4 years you lie or either play 5 mins a day








    4 and a half years here and im just turned level 100... i got to level 90 on rsc..








    level is no reflection of how long you have played, just look at n0valyfe.








    rsc was much harder to gain levels in, alot of people who played for 3-4 years got most of their levels in rsc, meaning they arent as high as you would assume they would be.




    does that make sense?

  9. 12 year old going out with a 15 year old is a bit of a grey area really.




    They could be happy together. Suppose the main fear is if he starts pressuring her into sex...noone should have it that young. Talk things through about sex with your sister (not have sex with your sister, i mean, talk about it with her) and tell her not to get into it with her boyfriend. If they just want a close friendship, maybe kissin, that's probably fine, but any more is a bit of a nono...she's not even past puberty yet.








    aahh I cant understand this, a 12 year old is pretty much like a baby








    this guy is sick and I dont usually say this but if it was me i would tell him to stop or i would beat his as.




    although your sister will hate you for a while, she will thank you in a few years time.. right now she probably just wants respect from her friends, but you dont know how far that can go..

  10. I have read the topics on how to reformat C drive with windows XP and they say to use the Win XP disk.




    My computer came with windows XP already on the computer.




    If i right click C drive there is a format option, is this how i reformat?




    if i do this will i be able to get Win XP back?





  11. Heh, for once, I'm playing the big bad pirate. ^.^ I won't tell how I get it (well, I'm still getting it) but I never saw a single Family guy episode, but if I enjoy this movie I might try out the series and buy the DVD when it comes out, that's a promise. 8)








    it seems like the movie was made for fans of the series though, with lots of reference to the series and stuff.




    Though it will be interesting to see what you think of it :)

  12. right now i work at macdonalds (8 hour shift tomorrow :( ) but i am still in high school.








    Im getting straight B's in school so hopefully i will be able to get into some kind of course at uni.








    I want to work in an office job for a company. I will look for a job in a skateboard company though, cause i will have the knowledge for that or whatever.








    For now ill keep you guys happy with big macs.

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