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Posts posted by Roberthree

  1. Maybe it should be that way? What's the point of getting a production skill like smiting up to 99 with the exception of a skill cape? I can understand the point of maxing prayer, or consitution or fishing/gathering skills in general, but outside of that it's relatively pointless and as such has no real incentive for me to actually earn them.


    I would be fine with this. As long as it was consistent you know? Although I'd be afraid that instead of it being a perk (Ie, I have 96 smithing so I get better armor) it would be a requirement like overloads are.


    About the GE, I know some people liked merchanting but I always found trading to be a hassle and I remember spending more time trying to sell my goods than I did actually getting them.

  2. I left the game a bit after summoning came out, and returned for about a month when dungeoneering was released, left again and came back for bonus XP weekend. (I always wind up regretting missing them when I eventually come back so I opted in on this one. Turns out summoning is unaffected so I wasted a lot of time) Here are some thoughts and experiences I've had about the modern RS in comparison to the RS as I recall.


    The Bad.


    1) Dungeoneering is still obnoxious.

    When I left the second time, there was talk of making dungeoneering more solo friendly. As far as I can see, this never happened. Soloing dungeons is still ludicrously slow xp and using pugs still isn't very good. I also don't understand the motivation behind "prestige". It just makes it even harder to find people to group with since they have to be on the exact same floor as you are. These two problems compound on each other, you have to get a group to get good xp but finding a group is super hard because of the whole prestige thing. I've just been dumping lamps and tears of guthix into this skill, mostly. (I actually dumped a dragon lamp into it not realizing I could have gotten more xp just taking it to the museum lol. I really should read the wiki before I do things)


    2) Scammers are even scammier

    Yesterday I was at the Grand Exchange (which now is four booths and you can't click on the bankers from directly above...) and I saw a level 137 guy with some skillcape (I think it was mining) and a red Halloween mask who was offering to double gold. He had a few level 80 somethings walk up to him trade him and walk away shouting "Omfg" and similar things. I expected a scam but I was curious so I pulled out 100k and traded it to him. He traded me back 200k. He told me he was quitting and was giving away most of his money. I went back to my bank and pulled out 5m (note that I had about 35m at the time, so loosing 5m wasn't that big of a deal), I traded it to him and he logged off. At that point I burst out laughing because his scam had worked perfectly. I was actually kind of impressed. They guy had a character at level 137 with hundreds of millions of gold, but he was still sitting there with a very clever little scam going. The scammers I remember were like level 80 and wore rune, not 137 and in masks. Just think; if I hadn't got greedy and gone for seconds the scammer would be out 100k. That's fantastic right there. I wish that Jagex followed up on tickets like Blizzard does in WoW because I want to know what happens to that guy.


    3) Everything is very high leveled now.

    Another observation I've had is that jagex seems to expect people to have skills in the 90s, when I left it was more typical for things to stop really being relevant past 85 or so unless you wanted a skill cape. This has been a bit of a shock for me, since when I left I could do almost anything I wanted while now there's a significant portion of the game I can't even reach. For example, before I could use every prayer, now I need 95 prayer to have all of them. Before I left I was getting close to the best level for slayer, 85; now whips are like 400k and there are level 99 slayer monsters. When I left, GWD was the pinnacle of boss monster content. I remember soloing the sara boss, that was fun. You had to kite it. I don't even know if people still do that. Now there's Nex and the Corporeal Beast and such, who make the ol' commander look like a complete pansy and require groups. And I touched on this in my dungeoneering bit, but groups in RS are typically really hard to find. Especially if you aren't absurdly high leveled.


    4) Herblore vs the rest of the crafting skills.

    This one I just don't get. Why did they give Herblore a bunch of un-tradeable potions? None of the other skills have high level perks like this. I can't catch un-tradeable super fish with my 99 fishing, nor can I make un-tradeable super bows with my 99 fletching. A smith can't make super armor, a runecrafter can't make super runes, I just don't get why they picked herblore and handed it enormous perks. I like that it made herb prices absurd because I like farming, but I hate that it's now a requirement for any high level content to use overloaded potions and saradomin brews (a combination I find ludicrously overpowered ).



    The Good.


    1) Free Trade

    It's back! Enough said. I love the GE though. A thousand times better than shouting in w2 for a year.


    There's my little rant, hope you enjoyed and don't take it too seriously.

  3. Slayer and farming are among my favorite skills already so it won't be a problem doing that. Though I typically do more than herbs. Recently I've been doing snapdragon, limpwurt, cactus, and some trees for experience. I don't do the vegetables because I find them to be too much hassle.



    Is there a list of all the "dailies"? I already do MTK.

  4. Does anyone have some money-making tips? Supplies are way more expensive than I remember them. (Dragon bones are over 3k? That's triple what I remember...) Though seeing a SGS for 20m and a BGS for 3m makes me lol. Whip being 300k sucks though, neutered slayer...


    Here's my current skills:


    88 Attack

    90 Defence

    86 Strength

    90 Constitution

    82 Ranged

    71 Prayer

    86 Magic

    81 Cooking

    67 Woodcutting

    99 Fletching

    99 Fishing

    75 Firemaking

    69 Crafting

    65 Smithing

    65 Mining

    66 Herblore

    70 Agility

    63 Thieving

    80 Slayer

    73 Farming

    61 Runecrafting

    68 Hunter

    57 Construction

    73 Summoning

    41 Dungeoneering

  5. I've been out of the game for a while. I quit about four years ago, joined for about a month when dungeoneering was released, then quit again. I'm popping back on again for the bonus XP weekend since I've missed all the others and figure why not.


    Pretty much the whole game looks different from how I remember it, and there are of course a billion new ways to train every skill. I was just wondering what a few of the current most popular ways to train are.


    Also, how the heck do people make money? I saw a thread saying that people could make 50m a week, but when I got 99 fishing doing monks that only got 30m or so. That was four years ago though...


    For perspective, these are the methods I remember from when I last played.

    Magic: High Alchemy

    Herblore: Prayer Potions

    Summoning: The highest level thing you can make affordably, for me it would be bunyips and locusts I think

    Prayer: Dragon Bones on a friend's alter

    Dungeoneering: No clue. Solo all the early floors and get a group for the last couple? Did they ever get around to making it solo friendly?

  6. I left a little while after the summoning update and came back for like a month when dungeoneering was released. I'm coming back again because of free trade and I want to ask you guys if there are any things I should be aware of as far as changes go. I know they added a bunch of quests, any notable rewards? Any new skill training methods pop up?


    Also, unrelated question here but is solo training dungeoneering viable? How would I do it and how much slower is it? I kinda wanna hit 80 for the rapier but if I wanted a group heavy game I'd just go back to WoW.

  7. Plus bullying is a dumb reason to ban it anyway. You're just rewarding the bigot. "Oh noes that guy is different, lets ban him so that he won't be made fun of!".


    Protip: Everyone gets picked on in school. It doesn't mean we should stop having babies, it means we should stop having terrible parents.

  8. 22. The liberal media that claims it's fair and balanced.







    I know of ONE news station that calls itself "fair and balanced". ONE. It's their goddamn CATCH PHRASE.


    And they are the most far RIGHT station on American television.

  9. It's all the jews fault. They blow the holocaust out of proportion so that people will sympathize with them and let them take over everything. Ask the average schmuck about the Nanking Massacre or Stalin and they'll know one or two things at best, nothing in most cases. Check who is the big bad in all WWII movies. Look in the schoolbooks. Its all a plot by the jews to sway public opinion and take over the world.





    (I've actually heard people say this kind of thing before. Makes me a bit weary when people start to downplay the holocaust)


    Has anyone seen that "King of the Hill" episode where a hippy or something calls anything he doesn't like a nazi? "You're a nazi, man" etc. And then he meets Hank's dad who was a WWII vet and gets his ass kicked? I love that one. I kinda feel like the censor is there for reducio ad hitlerum attacks more than anything else. When it becomes common for teenagers to call each other Stalin-esque I'll support a change.

  10. I don't follow any sports. Football, handegg, soccer, baseketball, etc. I follow none of them.


    I still know what a vuvuzela is because I watch the Daily Show and read things on the internet. I knew about them like a week after people started complaining, but I figured that delay was standard for non-sports people.



    EDIT: To anyone that says soccer is boring, why are any sports different? I find all sport watching to be inane and boring.



    Goddamn, that is the hardest fight I've ever done in FF. And I've done all the optional bosses in the other games. After a few grueling hours of watching him one shot lighting after he steals all my buffs I manage to take him down.


    It was so epic. I wound up breaking him as I summoned Odin and just tore open the stagger gauge before hitting him at 800% with a Zanzetsuken. I didn't see how much damage it did because IT KILLED HIM. The last thing I saw was lightning crouching in the most awesome battle pose ever as the FIVE STARS showed up. I was so happy I couldn't help but jump up out of my chair in victory. I'm glad I was the only one home because the little dance I did afterward would be awkward to explain. The swearing on my previous attempts would probably have cleared the room by then though.


    Gotta give these guys credit, their video gave me the Odin idea

    (has swears and immature humor, be warned)


    I didn't do what they did in that video, they just gave me the idea of finishing him with odin. I used fang instead of sahz, I loose out on haste but constant paradigm shifts make up for the speed loss. Dispel and slowga make things much easier too. I used both sols. I really pulled out all the stops now that I think about it. I spammed potions at some points and had his stagger at 250/300 when he transformed. Summon canceled the ray-of-dispelling-everything-and-pissing-you-off and staggered him with Odin. Got really lucky cause he went into defense mode which gave me a ton of time to build it. Then gestalt for the win! I really wish I had recorded it, It was so epic. Especially the way it ended. Might only feel epic for me, but I spent longer on Cid than I did on Emerald Weapon or Nemesis.

  12. What's wrong with you???



    Alot of things.....


    "Mauahah! I'm going to destroy the world for no reason!!" Please describe to me how that entertained you in any way possible. :blink:


    I don't know much about five, but four and six were nothing like that.


    Well, Kefka was like that, but he has a long history that made him like that and he's only the big bad for the last half of the game. The world of balance is more about Ghestal.

  13. I may be totally wrong with this, but I thought that most bands made very little off album sales because the recording companies take most of it and that the actual bands made the bulk of their money off concerts. If this is the case then piracy is actually beneficial since it's basically free advertising for concerts.


    Of course this cuts into the big buisness' profit margin so it must be stopped, despite the fact that the people who are actually doing work on the stuff are fine.

  14. You couldn't follow that? Yunalesca was sacrificing virgins to sin to keep him pleased, in a nut shell... I mean was it me or did it seem like all the high summoners needed to get laid. Braska was the only one who seemed like he had a non-insane reason.


    Naw, but the way Yu-Yevon just seemed to pop out of nowhere surprised me. That and I didn't really understand why Tidus and Auron disappeared. Then when I went to the FF wiki to look it up and found this long history of the relationship between bevelle and zanarkand that cleared up the ending for me, even though I didn't remember any of it being in the game itself.



    I'm playing FFXIII now but I don't own a current gen console. Been using my sister's boyfriend's x-box so I can't play as much as I'd like. I'm halfway through chapter nine and loving it.


    Vannille is kinda odd to me. When I was waiting for the game and watching japanese clips I thought she was ADORABLE. I watched a video of her summoning hecatoncheir about 5 times just because the way she would hop around and squeal was so cute. I don't know japanese at all so I have no clue what she said, but the little bit she does right after she hops on heta in gestalt was cuter than a box of kittens. I watched the English version of it and it just annoyed me. Her cute little high pitched giggle was gone and her phrases just sounded bad. When I started playing for real her little moan she does when she casts a spell just about drove me to being literally angry with rage. "I'm tougher than you thought, huh?" is funny though.


    Fang is way more awesome than I expected. I've only had her in my team for a little bit but man she is so cool. Not only does she have more strength than any of my other teammates and awesome saboteur skills, she's just awesome. Her battle quotes don't get on my nerves and are just badass. "Eat this!" is way cooler than a grunt.


    Hope didn't get on my nerves as much as I expected. Ironically he seemed the most realistic to me, a scared kid afraid to stand up for himself. His reaction to becoming a L'Cie was appropriate and his mission has always been clear, get revenge on Snow. Now that they seem to be BFF now though (I'm on chapter nine) I am left wondering if his character development is over. He's pretty bomb in combat too. Protect/Shell/Bar[element] make keeping the team up way easier. Though, keeping him up is a pain! Even with HP boosts he seems to be the first to die when things go wrong.


    Snow gets on my nerves, but I kinda have to respect the guy. He carried an unconscious Hope right after being heavily wounded by him, just to keep a promise. He has a tendency to be inconsiderate and naive though. He's pretty good on the commando role and his sentinel role was the only way I could find to beat those damn flying motorbikes in Palumpolum (goddamn Gatling gun!!!)


    Sahz is painful for me to use in combat. He doesn't have the power of Hope, Light, or Vanille in ravager mode and his attack speed is painfully slow in commando. He has haste and the en[element] spells, along with bravery and faith so he's like an offensive Hope. Which would be great, except on enemies I buff up for I generally am doing it because they hit really hard and don't go down easily. Hence I play defensively. It hardly matters since I'm forced to use him for a good chunk of the game, but he will most likely not be in my final party.

    However, story-wise Sahz is be far the best. The stuff that goes down right before his Eidolon battle is intense.


    Lighting punched Snow when he was getting annoying. She is awesome. Enough said.


    This is just how I feel about the characters. I know that eventually everyone gets every role so alot of what I said is worthless, but I'm just killing time til I'm able to play FFXIII again!

  15. Roberthreee- What? summoning isn't rewarding either until 68 summoning, and as dungeoneering is an endgame skill, it is supposed to be hard and reward those that are good at it. I don't really understand your obsession with crabs, though i'm not sure people would have been happy to be able to buy ~steel weapons upon 14 dungeoneering.


    My point is there is no reward at all in dungeoneering until very high levels, which makes the skill feel like an unrewarding grind. With summoning you had (bad) rewards every few levels. Summoning that crab at 16 was just as fun as summoning my bunyip at 68, it's just nice to see things pay off.


    Patch two will probably fix the rewards, but atm I can't be bothered to try and deal with groups for nothing for a month before getting any reward.


    No other skill works like this, when you level prayer you don't get piety at level 77 because you learned superhuman strength. Why would it make sense for the level 80 dungeoneering reward to come later because you bought the level 34 reward?


    You don't need all skills 97, you need 8 skills 91. The dragonkin lamp is a reward, and if you don't have the skills it's just that you would have to work for it. Also, it's not a poor design as you can trade the effigie in for a 5k lamp if yu want.


    The point is, they claim they want people to assist for effigies, but disallow more than one a day.

  17. The whole thing about loosing them is the main reason I don't want to train dungeoneering. It will just make the rest of my training stressful since I'll be worried about loosing a sword or necklace nonstop.


    They should add a way to buy it back for a reduced price or let you use coins for a replacement. Free ones would make it imbalanced, but 2m or so for a replacement if you loose your first would be fair.


    EDIT- Dungeoneering as a whole isn't very rewarding. I remember leveling up summoning on release day and thinking my granite crab was amazing. I've done a fair bit of raiding, but I can't even afford the cheapest rewards, and if I could it would just make the high end ones harder to get! I think a skill should gradually reward you instead of a big lump of reward at a magic level. I have literally nothing to show for my 38 dungeoneering, yet I had a sweet pet crab for 16 summoning. I think a good fix would be to make everything cost about a tenth of what it does now and simply adjust the required level to wield instead.

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