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  1. i think bac talan is right my account was safe cause like after a while i was able 2 get back in cause i was on world 124 and even if my account was ahacked wat could they do?
  2. I logged out of my account and then tried 2 log in again but it said my account was logged in already. i waited the 60 secs but it wont log on. Is there a thing that can find out some1s pass and bank pin and all this other stuff cause i want my account back and ive changed my pass because of it but it still says the same thing. Any help ppl?
  3. problem with those idea's idea No.1 i dont a high enough fletching lvl Idea No.2 i dont have 800k if u read the 1st post u will c why
  4. i need the money fast i and i want a way besides nats and laws any other ways besides flax and unids if u have a better way i would like to know
  5. my most was like 20 abyssal tele random events when u get stuck in that room and u have 2 pull the lever i was doing tt when it occured every time i teled it came up it got really annoying after a while
  6. ok i just thought they were turquoise
  7. oh thx man there on this post so i hope u can be a bit of help and i knew how 2 take a screen shot.
  8. uhhhhhhh im trying to find the centre of the lumby wheat field and ive gone over the whole area ill post a pic of wat im wearing and wat the clue is and where i am then u ppl can just tell me wats wrong. can u tell me how 2 insert pic cause have no idea how 2 so tell me that and illpost the pics
  9. Every time I walk around, They leavesomething on the ground; Although I try to pick them up, they never reach inside my cup. They always trudge along behind, Waiting for me to try and find; Who's leaving these on the ground? Why, there, everywhere, even upside down! I think they're monsters trying for trouble, Or maybe gnomes with shoes of bubbles; Possibly creeping up up behind, I stop and they're gone again. The many more steps I have to take, The many more prints they seem to make; Until I turn around and see, The dorty prints belong to me! gr8 poem eh my sister wrote that
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