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Posts posted by jitterboogie

  1. Ok Zander, I had seen someone say his U/N wasn't his ingame name, did not realize it was you.


    Again, they aren't rules, it's basically an agreed upon code of conduct among respectable pkers.


    So you go ahead, one item etc, but expect nothing but scorn. And I hope you feel great when there's noone left to one item on but one itemers themselves, til eventually even they leave to go harrass others, screaming noob to an empty server.

  2. Esta, i can definitely see how you think I'm being contradictory, but I'm not. I'll elaborate.




    The main reason I'm out there is fun, not pixels. Of course, I'm excited when I get those kills, but it's not the be all end all. It just simply isn't fun, when you get the one itemers hopping on you and leaving bones. I don't care incredibly about the pixels, but I still get annoyed by them wasting my supplies.

  3. Zander, I'm assuming the stats on the runescape hiscores for the same username you have on this forum are yours. If that is the case, your stats are hardly reflective of the stats you would need to be an effective pker.


    Your arguments beg the question. All of them. You addressed nothing I said. They are not rules in place, they are basic decency. Let me quickly point out, again, since you don't get it, why these are in place.






    No safeing - Both people have a chance to come out with something, as opposed to both coming out of it emptyhanded, and in fact worse off, for having wasted their money on potions and food.




    Don't PJ - This is just plain rotten. Color it however you want, scream about how it doesn't say in the rules you can't do it, but the plain and simple fact is that it is incredibly disrespectful, cowardly and just generally underhanded.




    PKing in Junk- If you can't afford to lose it, you probably shouldn't be out there. You know, if you started saving up, instead of wasting all that money on those sharks and potions you throw down the drain, you might be able to afford the better equipment.




    One iteming - Again, deplorable. Sure kid, it's not in the rules, but again, it's a matter of RESPECT and DECENCY. You know what? most people who pk that advocate fighting fair, and miss the old days, Guess what? They're not out there for the damn pixels. They're out there because this is a game, and it's for fun, and it's not fun when some little idiot with a dragon dagger and nothing else comes up throwing specs at you

  4. Clearly it is. I'm assuming he enjoys wasting all of his supplies. Zander, you're not actually a pker are you?




    What do you do when people do this same thing to you? Do you not get frustrated at having wasted all of your Supplies, which are not cheap, on these pathetic little children running up with just a dagger yelling "Owned Lol" As they throw their specs at you, then die and call you a noob?

  5. You don't get it Zander. You do those things, we can and will do them back, resulting in a mass waste of supplies across the board. I don't care about farcasting. I don't even care about safeing too much, it's annoying sure, but whatever, the way My pkers are built it doesn't matter how much you safe, you have a very very good chance of dieing. I dislike one itemers and pjers, immensely. What will I do? Likely eventually quit. Who will that leave? One itemers and pjers, attacking themselves and getting nothing, who eventually lament the fact that they drove off anyone with any sense of respect/ honour/courage/fairness/intelligence, or move on to rape the next game.

  6. Koga pretty much hit the nail on the head, but I wanted to drive home the point that your point of view is exactly what is ruining the wilderness.One itemers are an abomination, regardless how "funny" it is. Congratulations, you're contributing to the downfall of the wilderness, one of the very few refuges left in runescape that are actually still fun / exciting. And the wilderness is pretty much on its last legs.






    The next time you go out and decide to jump on that player who was just in a fair fight, decide to take that one item out there without food, just stop, and think about the effect of your actions. People get that much more sickened by the actions of others and the current deplorable state of the wilderness, which is really just a reflection of the deplorable state of the runescape community in general. So one more honest person quits. Soon more. Eventually, you are left with the lurers, people who take one item out and hop on people yelling noob, which you presumably do based on everything you said in your article , the cheats, the children, the scammers and the rude people. I'm sure you'll be basking in the glory of your misguided opinions then.

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