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Posts posted by heartless619

  1. o god...iv had them all


    Pogs and slammers








    Dragonball Z


    Sailor moon


    Magic the Gathering




    wow yea..never learned to play them except Yu-gi-oh and a little pokemon and magic


    Droping the whole cult like charade now, Id like to take a step back and let people know that something like this is not stupid.


    I'm kicking you out of the cult for calling it a charade. TURN IN YOUR PAPERCLIPS.








    but on or off topic i like to bend paper clips straight as i can then throw them into a cardboard box...like a senbon

  3. ok first off...IMO


    Mario party games suck real bad...but regular mario games were you only play as mario are fine..




    and im 19, and ill tell anyone i'll gladly admit i play pokemon then ill proceed to tell them what version..red, blue, yellow, and silver..also leaf green


    i really dont care what people think of me liking it...chances are that they at some point liked it also.


    jeez im really big into the stuff i was into as a kid (Tv shows, games, ect.)


    i keep it old school for my generation. im a 90's kid..ugh let me find this....




    EDIT: here we are...read up








    1990's KIDS!! READ!!!!




    1990's KIDS!!! READ!!!!!!




    You have to read all of this!!


    Remember when beepers was the thing to have : )


    If you are under the age of 13...you should not read this


    and if you do, you should not repost this.


    Just because you were born in '97 doesn't mean you're a 90's kid.


    It's not like you could remember the original Simpsons. I am sorry but three conscious years of the 90's just wont cut it.


    You're a 90's kid if:


    You can finish this [ice ice _ _ _ _ ]


    You remember watching:




    -Ren & Stimpy


    -Pinky and the Brain


    -AAAAAAAH Real Monsters!


    -Rockos modern Life.


    You've ever ended a sentence with the word "PSYCHE!"


    You just cant resist finishing this . . . "Iiiiiiin west philidelphia born and raised . . ."


    You remember:




    -Step by Step


    -Family Matters




    -Boy Meets World.




    You remember when it was actually worth getting up early


    on a Saturday to watch cartoons.


    You got super excited when it was Oregon Trail day in computer class at school.


    You remember reading "Goosebumps"


    You took plastic cartoon lunch boxes to school.


    You still get the urge to say "NOT" after (almost) every sentence . . . not


    when everyhting was settled by


    -rock paper scissors or


    -bubble gum bubble gum in a dish or


    -daddy had a donkey inky binky bonky.


    when cops and robbers was a daily activity.


    when we played Hide and go seek until our legs grew numb.


    when we used to obey our parents


    You used to listen to the radio all day long just to record your FAVORITE song of ALL time.


    "Where in the World is Carmen San Diego?" was both a game and a TV game show.


    Captain Planet. He's a Hero.


    You knew that Kimberly, the pink ranger, and Tommy, the green ranger, were meant to be together. ???


    You remember when Super Nintendos and Sega Genisis became popular.


    You always wanted to send in a tape to America's Funniest Home Videos . . . but never taped anything funny.


    You remember watching Home Alone 1, 2 , and 3 . . . and tried to pull the pranks on "intruders"


    You remember watching:


    -The Magic School Bus




    -Reading Rainbow on PBS.


    You remember when Yo-Yos were cool.


    You remember those Where's Waldo books.


    You remember eating Warheads.


    You remember watching:


    -the 1st Batman




    -Ninja Turtles


    -3 Ninjas movies.


    You remember Ring Pops.


    You remember drinking Surge, and Tang.


    If you remember when every thing was "da BOMB!"


    When they made the new lunchables so that you could make pizza AND tacos.


    You remember boom boxes vs. cd players.


    Making those little paper fortune cookie things, and then predicting your life with them.


    You played and/or collected "Pogs" :)


    You had at least one Tamagotchi, GigaPet, or Nano and brought it everywhere.


    . . . Furbies.


    You haven't always had a computer, and it was cool to have the internet.


    And Windows 95 was the best.


    You watched the original cartoons of Rugrats, Power Rangers, and Ninja Turtles.


    Michael Jordan was a king.


    YIKES pencils and erasers were the stuff!


    All your school supplies were "Lisa Frank" brand.


    You remember when the new Beanie Babies and Talking Elmo were always sold out


    You collected those Beanie Babies.




    Gak was the coolest stuff invented.


    Lambchop's song never ended.


    The old dollar bills.


    Silver dollars, which were cool to have.


    You remember a time before the WB.


    You collected all the Troll dolls


    If you even know what an original walkman is.


    You remember wanting to sit on the orange Nickelodeon couch.


    You've gotten creeped out by "Are You Afraid of the Dark?"


    You know the Macarena by heart.


    "Talk to the hand" . . . enough said


    You always said, "Then why don't you marry it!"


    You went to McDonald's to play in the playplace.


    You remember playing on merry go rounds at the playground.


    Before the MySpace frenzy . . .


    Before the Internet & text messaging . . .


    Before Sidekicks & iPods . . .


    Before MIKE JONES . . .


    Before PlayStation2 or X-BOX . . .


    Before Spongebob . . .


    Back when you put off the 5 hours of homework you had every night.


    When light up sneakers were cool.


    When you rented VHS tapes, not DVDs.


    When gas was $1.35 a gallon & Caller ID was a new thing.


    When we recorded


    stuff on VCRs.


    When we called the radio station to request songs to hear off of our walkman.


    When checking out drawing books and that one book about the rainbow fish from the library was THE cool thing to do.


    You had slap braclets!


    Way back.


    Before we realized all this would eventually disappear.


    Who would have thought you'd miss the 90's so much!!!!!

  4. Favorites & Least Favorites




    What is your favorite Skill?




    What is your least favorite Skill?




    What is your favorite combat Skill?




    What is your least favorite combat Skill?




    What is your favorite Cape of Achievement (Skill) ?


    agil or slayer


    What is your least favorite Cape of Achievement (Skill) ?












    What was your first Cape of Achievement (99) Skill?




    What is your slowest leveling Skill?




    What is your most respectful Skill?


    smithing or mining


    What is your least respectful Skill?






    What is your highest Skill?


    FIremaking 99


    What is your lowest Skill?




    What is the most number of Skills you have trained on at once?




    What is the Skill you are training on now?




    How many Skills have you achieved 99 on?




    How many Capes of Achievements (Skill) do you own?



  5. A day.




    Block 1 - Biology - Atkinson C


    Block 2 - World History - Kirschbaum S


    Block 3 - Lunch/Study block


    Block 4 - Spanish II - Barry M






    B day.




    Block 1 - Honors English 9 - Atkinson E


    Block 2 - Health & Pe - Duross S


    Block 3 - Study block/Lunch


    Blcok 4 - Algebra II/Trig - Derickson S






    Freshman. It can't be too hard doing these classes. Oh yeah. by the way. These are block scheduling. That means each day I have half the classes I should, but double the time in each class.




    just like my old alumni...but i dont recognize any of ur teachers names...




    but i wouuld say..block schedule is better then 7 day periods..

  6. ugh,.....yes true...but on these forums while people try to voice there opinion they usually end up getting flamed and hated for believing..


    and then useless arguments arise


    if everyone could keep an open mind as said in some thread lost some time ago...people are only human and let what they really believe get in the way..yes it seems those of us that have been involved in a religious thread have heard both sides of the discussion or whatever you want to call it, but still..no one is or will be changing there mind soon...and hearing about the other sides beliefs still takes us in a circle...

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