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Posts posted by TheMadSirSlaughter

  1. Alright, I got one....




    As your coveting the 1 gp, you hear someone say "Free stuff please!". You turn to see a horde of Begger Zombies! As they all start lurching at you, you start firing spells into the crowd, killing them by the dozen. However, you fail to notice a single Begger Zombie come up from behind. Before you realize he's there, he grabs you and chomps down hard on your shoulder! As he starts feasting on your flesh as you try to wiggle free, the rest of the horde bears down on you, some taking part in the unholy feast, other looting through your possession. After a few minutes, the horde dissipates, leaving nothing but a clean-picked skulliton. A few minutes later, I meet up with one of the zombies. I offer to trade him a firelighter for the gp. He agrees and starts examining the firelighter. I then pull a string, causeing the firelighter to go off in his face, killing him instantly.




    Beat that!

  2. If you could make any item for runescape, what would it be?




    I would make a n00b cannon. It would be just like the dwarf cannon, but instead of cannonballs fireing at NPCs, you could stuff the following types of players in it and fire them a random direction for several miles:










    People who think their better then you, even when their not




    People who think everyone show play their way


    People who think RuneScape is for nerds, even though they are playing it


    And the list goes on....

  3. Well, I didn't get scammed, but someone attempted it.




    I was attempting to purchase the services of someone to buy a white set for me, and some other person tryed to get me to believe that a set was worth 1mill and that he would sell me the helm, pl8 and legs at a "discount" of 200k.




    I logged because I didn't want to deal with his bologna.

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