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Posts posted by mr_freddie

  1. I have an idea for a story ( and intend to write it )








    Part one : The begining






    The land had flourished for quite some time , oh grand gelinor how fair thy had become . The era of a benevolent and loving king had just begun , granting his people many chances for riches and glory . Men and women clad in the finest hand smithed runite , even young aspiring knights who had just sharpened their first blade of bronze were welcomed . It seemed far too perfect to be true , somewhere deep in the


    mountains plottimg was afoot .




    '' Curse that fool Moric where could he be "




    The dark prince sat in his throne looking rather annoyed at his groups recent failures , " I have the finest mages and archers in the land why can I not take over a simple kingdom " . He shouted looking down onto the large group with one of his best missing , after a long eerie quiet a man with lengthy blue hair stepped into the room awnsering him . Moric Kembool age unknown the height and sheer mass of an ork , bellowed " perhaps we should not attack for awhile " . The dark one looked down angrily " what would that prove " , The gargantuan man chuckled " i have found a beast able to put those foolish knights to rest " . His dark eyes narrowed " but it will take time for me to tame it " , his lord smirked under his blackened helm with its golden plume " very well my old servant do what you must " . The taller but still much younger Moric nodded quietly " soon enough my lord the whole world will know the name and know it well the grand lord of chaos .. the king black dragon "




    ( part 2 comming soon )

  2. i stated earlier that abyss rcing hasnt been killed the revenants are minimal till about 25 wild




    bounty hunter is a bit brutal




    drop and trade limits annoy me and all but if you really think about it its not all that bad




    rwt is eliminated for the most part right now .. and my bet is as soon as people realize this and it dies alltogether .. the limits are removed and put on reserve should rwt resume .. think of it as their saftey net should people doubt them .. like when your mom threatened to turn the car around heading to the amusment park




    this net will come and go as needed .. if my guess is wrong and its permenent im issueing a mass quitting -.-

  3. Yeah baby the eternal knight is back and better than ever




    ive been on silent leave from tif and rs for about 3 months now to come back and find




    New duel arena




    and summoning ( zomg )




    Needless to say the man whos been banned from tipitchat ( clanchat ) so many times its not funny has something to say




    Duel arena - Dear god they killed staking .. ok people mellow it out its not that bad .. when you look at some of the facts and that they added tourneys to rectify their ( goof ) up




    G/e - Ive tried it .. and liked it


    yes this makes merchanting alot harder because of the market value caps on certian items but


    Now certian skills such as cooking / fm / crafting / smithing


    can be done without training fish / wc / cmb / mining etc


    this simplifies the job for skillers who want to have a strong level balance and not raise their mining to 29 to get their smithing to 25








    summoning - completly unoriginal concept given a twist like nothing ive ever seen .. its gonna murder the java and im gonna see so many tiny little infant demons running around fally im gonna think its 6/6/6 all over agane but i believe this could be a really fun profitable skill if jagex doesnt phone it in




    mods can lock this if they want .. but im back and better than ever and those were my thoughts

  4. This is the first update ive ever had an issue with honestly .. and if people riot over it .. heck count me in ill riot and get banned for my cause




    since the days of rsc herblore has been the ' perfect ' skill




    and now because of a swarm of " xomg i got szamzor3d with teh guams "






    there going to nurf herblore .. no thats just bull




    let the noobs struggle like we did ..




    the wilderness ditch * cabbage *


    trade modifications ( i didnt mind that )


    and now completly murdering a skill ive used as my claim to fame ( tho im low lv ) mother * cabbage * ing * cabbage *




    i hope paul and andrew are happy .. there gonna suffer a large group of rioters and people quitting alltogether over this one

  5. Chaos knight is a totally different monster with totally different drops




    and the 2 new barrows monsters would add a new challenge to the barrows .. the brothers are total purs .. immagine hybrids added in to make it challenging to even the highest of levels

  6. These are just random ideas i had come up with ^.^




    new barrows brothers and a barrows sister .. and new armors




    acinom the tainted ( female ) mage/mele




    Acinom body


    acinom skirt


    acinom hood


    acinom magical sword - a sword that can autocast spells with a high mage bonus and decent attacking power




    special :: drops opponents special attack by 50%




    Roric the unkind - range/mage




    roric body


    roric coif


    roric chaps


    roric Hyperbow - most details under work




    special :: binds for 10 seconds




    so far this is what i have as well as an idea for a new enemy




    Chaos knight - boss




    combat level 400








    rune pl8 , rune legs , chaos runes ( 500 + ) , death runes ( 250+ ) , chaos cape , chaos platebody , chaos legs , chaos full helm , Knights sword , sigil of knights




    Knights sword is 2h and wielded over your shoulder




    special - none




    when you smith the sigil to the sword it becomes the chaos edge




    chaos edge - same stats as d2h




    special : cut down = drops opponents combat stats ( including prayer ) by 15%




    60% drain




    bump if you like it or have any ideas

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