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Posts posted by Von_Goon

  1. I woke up one morning, only to find that while I was sleeping a third eye had grown out right in the middle of my forehead. I quickly prayed to my God, Zim G0t Sk1l a.k.a. Kevan. The third eye then explodes due to the divine power of Kevan.

  2. The coat you put on before entering Narnia was in fact a live bear. You then pull over was seems to be a hood, but was actually the bear's mouth you just put over your head, thus sealing your own fate. .


    The coin rolls out of your cold hand and shines in the blood soaked snow.




    Whilst I am out for my morning stroll I notice the gp, I casually pick up the coin and slide it into my magic pouch which only I can open. Then melleeing the bear whom was busy tearing apart a weary traveller, I eat my hearty breakfast.

  3. 3 months after i started, and my first account got hacked(at lvl 12... rofl?)


    i made a new account and was training on giant spiders.




    along comes this noob.








    noob:yes you!!


    me:why? what did i do wrong :anxious: ?




    aperantly this guy had been reading the rules recently, because he promptly spouted out: BUG ABUSE!!!




    though spiders arent bugs, i didnt bring this to his attention then... i hopped out after reporting him for misuse of customer support.








    I 'lol'ed IRL at that. :) Made my day.

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