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About chiefpnut

  • Birthday 01/24/1986

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  1. It might be a good idea to add something to the quest guide: After you finished Fairy Tale 2, and you use the fairy rings, you get teleported and offered to start the third Fairy Tale quest... If you decline to start the quest then and there, you will not be teleported to that area again when you use the fairy rings! To the quest guide should be added, that if this is the case, fairy Very Wise can be reached by dialing fairycode BIR.
  2. Happy birthday :D

  3. For this clue: This scroll will work in the dreaded Chaos Tunnels. Orb scan range: 22 paces. Location: In the room with Animated Pickaxes and Possessed Spades (number 42 on the chaos tunnel map). I never thought to take a screenshot when i had this clue, wish I had...
  4. a picture of the guardians as they are, as they show in the summoning tab and as they show in inventory
  5. a picture of the newly colored infinity robes worn on a female character and below a picture of the robes in inventory
  6. Usually it doesn't take you guys long to look into submissions :wink: perhaps it's taking a while now cause this is an older one? It don't matter much lol, just hope it doesn't get pushed away and forgotten. Ohh also, I recently submitted a route through the temple in the Within the Light quest, it has been used but I never got credited for it :shame: Anyway, happy gaming guys and keep up the good work! ~ChiefPnut~
  7. Good afternoon, When doing this quest, I found a few little things that i think could be added to the quest guide. Step 9 Before speaking to Ezekial, you need to talk with Kimberly. If you dont do this first, Ezekial won't have much to say to you. Also, it would be useful to add to this step that Ezekial can be found in the fish store in the north east part of Witchaven. In step 11 I think a little thing is missing: In the quest, you do enter the next room, BUT: in this room you find Ezekial, you have to talk to him, THEN you head to the next room, where your goal is to... Last but not least, step 18: I think it would be wise to change this to: Ask Kimberly where she has been playing with the train, she will mention a building. Look around the base of this building to find Kennith's train. Reason: It's much easier to be guided to the correct building straight away rather than having to go look for a tiny toy train and THEN asking for a hint. I hope this helps, for me these little things missing meant that the quest took a little bit longer than needed. ~ChiefPnut~
  8. good afternoon. when i did this new quest, before guides came out, i found myself going through the mournings ends part 2 guide to try and find my way through the temple of light. it took me a while to figure it out since it had been a long time ago i was there for this quest. my suggestion is, that instead of saying (in step 5) say this: Enter the Temple and head up the stairs in front of you. Turn south, go up the ladder all the way at the south end, then head for the double stairs in the middle and go down them. Go down the third set of stairs you find there and walk through the light door to find yourself close to the death altar. in step 6 it will tell about rotating the mirror, it might be useful to pull this bit of information in with step five, since it is part of heading to the death altar. So my suggestion is to continue with: Rotate the mirror so the light door near the altar turns white, and you can step through it. after this go on with the bit about arianwyn and the trinket i think adding this bit of information will help out a lot of players find their way through the temple a lot quicker.
  9. [hide=Done, thank you!]Brutal green dragon, ID 924 Waterfiend, ID 936 [/hide]
  10. Figured I'd go look for a few creatures to take pics of. Use what you can use I guess : First the ones I think still needed updating, or I simply think these pictures are clearer than the ones used. [hide=]#329 Done, thank you. #11`Done, thank you. #23 #27 #27 (theres different versions of it as you can see) #550 #578 #801 #818 Done, thank you. #768 #92 #104 #796 #666 #334 #297 Done, thank you. #546 #290 #797 #137 #798 Done, thank you. #1242 [/hide] Then a few pictures of creatures that are not in your bestiary at all: [hide=] creature name: Centaur, found on fairy location BKQ. examine info: horseplay. creature name: Centaur, found on fairy location BKQ examine info: half horse, half woman. creature name: Dairy cow, found near farms examine info: fit for milking. creature name: butterfly, this one i found on fairy location BKQ examine info: these look much better in the wild. creature name: lamb, found at lumbridge farm examine info: the black sheep of the family. creature name: li'l lamb, found at lumbridge farm examine info: how cute! creature name: sheep, found at lumbridge farm examine info: a sheep? creature name: wood dryad, found at fairy location BKQ examine info: twiggy.[/hide]
  11. Hallo, I noticed that new images have been placed on the Tzhaar Fight Cave guide, but for the Tz-Kek you put up thesame image for both the lvl 45 and lvl 22 versions. Here's a new picture for both of them, as you got them pretty much mixed up. [hide=Done, thank you!]First the lvl 22, monster ID 539: Then the lvl 45, monster ID 679: [/hide] Now as you can see, at the lvl 45 monster you have a picture of the lvl 22, and at the lvl 22 there is no graphically updated monster picture yet. Also, in the guide for the Fight Caves, both the lvl 45 and the lvl 22 look thesame, while they are quite different from eachother. Hope this helps : If you do put up my name, make it my RSN: Rianne1444
  12. while doing this quest i got completely stuck here, i kept using the key on the bookcase and nothing happened. tried using it on other items, nothing happened. even destroyed it and got me a new key, tried again, and nothing. then i searched the bookcase, and used the key on it again... stairs!!! might wanna add that to step 21, search the bookcase to the far west and then use the key on it. other than that, great work on the guide, glad to have my cape back where it belongs :thumbsup:
  13. think theres a typo there ;) also, add to this, that you can use the xp on any skill higher than lvl 25, as this is what the quest journal says after completing the quest.
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