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Posts posted by Craiglowery

  1. So I've got a situation. Anyways, I met this girl in August, we clicked immediately and started hanging out all the time, well anyways back then I saw her as a friend type only, but I knew that she liked me and wanted to be more than friends but I never really felt attracted to her. So about a month ago, all of a sudden these feelings for her started developing, so much as to where I'm pretty much infatuated with her now. The thing is that we've become best friends and now I'm not too sure that she still likes me in a more than friends way. I told her that I like her but she didn't really respond, just kept quiet. So now I want to ask her out, but I'm afraid of the outcome. I really don't think she will say yes, but I also don't want her to feel weirded out by the situation and stop talking to me. We talk every night and hang out all the time and she means alot to me, but idk what to do. :???:


    Any suggestions?

  2. I've got a Mongoose Iboc that I bought at Target I think 2 years ago, and it works great. I've been riding it to school whenever possible since fall of last year.


    Next year I am going to college. I have two questions:


    1) What am I to do with the bike when I leave? I've got no experience selling anything to strangers and I don't know who I could give it to, as my relatives don't live in my state.


    2) I enjoy biking, and I hope I get the chance to when I reach college, but I've noticed from various campus visits that everyone uses very, very cheap bikes so if they're stolen, it wouldn't be a big deal. Riding on a squeaky bike would get on my nerves so much, so... yeah. I wish I could bring my bike to school but if it gets stolen, then I'm bikeless.


    Thanks for the input. :-)


    You could bring the bike with you to college as transportation, it's a lot easier to bring than your own car. If you really wanna keep the bike you should just store it at home in the garage or something.


    If you want to bring your bike to school with you just invest in a good u-lock and a cable lock just for extra security. You could also strip the bike of it's paint, get it down to raw metal, it will seem less attractive to thieves and it wont attract as much attention as a nicer bike would.

  3. Today is the greatest day ever, I just inherited this beauty from my uncle, he can't ride anymore so he gave it to me. :smile: (Sorry about the crappy cell phone pic, I'll take some better ones soon and post them)




    It's a custom Colnago, I'm not sure of the model but it was built for a Swiss Tour De France rider back in 2002. It's got full Campagnolo Super Record on it, and it's pretty much the best looking bike I've ever seen. I really wanna ride this thing but I'm afraid of ruining it.

  4. So this is my fixed gear currently my only bike.




    I am planning on converting it to a single speed like a european city bike. The only think I have left to plan is what type of handlebars I want. I don't want drop bars anymore so I'm looking at french styles of handlebars and I found this website that has serveral different options [WEBSITE LINK]. Right now I'm kinda torn between the Porteur and Left Bank handlebars. Or I might just keep it pretty modern with just a flat bar but I'd rather try to keep true to a European style. What handlebars from that site or anywhere else would you pick to achieve the style. If your not familiar with European bicycles you can check this site http://www.copenhagencyclechic.com/.


    Some other modifcations I'm doing:

    changing to a threadless stem with a quill stem adapter

    I'm going to buy this seat (the brown one)


    That is an awesome bike, I just love the look of aluminum Cannondales. A beauty like that deserves a nice pair of drops, perhaps some Deda pistas? But if I had to pick between the two that you pointed out I would choose the Porteur bars.

  5. I went to go see Andre Nickatina last night, only to find out that he was in a fight with the concert promoter and decided to leave <_< Anyways, I'm going to see Kiss and Buckcherry tonight, should be fun!

  6. Does anyone know some "tests" that girls give to guys? I know I was given a test last night and that I pretty much failed, but idk what the test was. Help?


    How can you know you had a test but not know what it was? :s


    Most of the time the test will be her trying to get you to jump through a hoop like doing something for her, or following her.


    Girls that get hit on a lot will often just straight up insult you, and if you pass (and neg) they warm up a lot. I wouldn't worry about those types until you get out of school though.


    Well last night we were talking on the phone, it was pretty late, and the conversation is going well but out of nowhere she just says that she'll talk to me some other time and she hangs up. 5 minutes later she texted me that she didn't hang up because she was tired (I figured she did cause it was late), and she said that she was testing me and that I was failing. I just gave up and went to sleep, but I didn't know what she was testing me for.


    And what is (neg)? And I'm in college lol, I meet those types of girls alot.

  7. I won't go anywhere.


    If you try to modify the past or future, the world will be completely different if you go back to the present. Sure, it might sometimes be for the better, but the risks can be potentially dangerous.


    I've seen a cartoon where some guy travels back to the Stone Age, kills a fly, and when he goes back to the present there's things like giant mutant flies in the world.


    Are you basing this theory off of a cartoon you saw?


    Anyways, I would travel to the 70's and see Bob Dylan and Neil Young live in their prime.

  8. I need to come up with a Halloween costume idea (and costume itself) by Saturday. No, not gonna be a streaker.

    Be jesus.

    I don't think things would go over that well, I'm getting a ride with a friend of a friend's parents who are really strict Catholics.


    I was gonna be Obama 'cause they sell masks and I'd just have to wear a suit with it, but I only have a tuxedo, and my parents don't want me wearing my nice tuxedo out on Halloween night. Pshhh.


    Wear an old bed sheet and be a ghost.

  9. Y'know, a lot of girls are like jobs.


    Let's say that a woman has a close male friend. This means that he is probably interested in her, which is why he hangs around so much. She sees him strictly as a friend. This always starts out with, you're a great guy, but I don't like you in that way. This is roughly the equivalent for the guy of going to a job interview and the company saying, You have a great resume, you have all the qualifications we are looking for, but we're not going to hire you. We will, however, use your resume as the basis for comparison for all other applicants. But, we're going to hire somebody who is far less qualified and is probably an alcoholic. And if he doesn't work out, we'll hire somebody else, but still not you. In fact, we will never hire you. But we will call you from time to time to complain about the person that we hired. Funny thing is how goddamned true it is.


    I'm pretty much in this situation, though I've realized that I will never ever date her and I'm through trying. I've been hanging out with her so much lately that I don't even feel like being around her anymore. <_<

    See, now is when you stop hanging out with her for a couple days, and just disappear.


    How can I disappear if she considers me her "best friend?" I've been trying to stay away for the last couple of days but she calls me to hang out, to ask me questions, and just to talk. And we even have the same classes together. I don't want to be a jerk and not answer her calls or try to avoid her but idk what else to do to get away for awhile.

  10. Y'know, a lot of girls are like jobs.


    Let's say that a woman has a close male friend. This means that he is probably interested in her, which is why he hangs around so much. She sees him strictly as a friend. This always starts out with, you're a great guy, but I don't like you in that way. This is roughly the equivalent for the guy of going to a job interview and the company saying, You have a great resume, you have all the qualifications we are looking for, but we're not going to hire you. We will, however, use your resume as the basis for comparison for all other applicants. But, we're going to hire somebody who is far less qualified and is probably an alcoholic. And if he doesn't work out, we'll hire somebody else, but still not you. In fact, we will never hire you. But we will call you from time to time to complain about the person that we hired. Funny thing is how goddamned true it is.


    I'm pretty much in this situation, though I've realized that I will never ever date her and I'm through trying. I've been hanging out with her so much lately that I don't even feel like being around her anymore. <_<

  11. Has anyone ever heard of (Hardcourt) Bike Polo? It's no where near being a major sport but it's popular in major cities like NYC.


    I've played it a couple of times, it's not very popular where I live but when I've visited Los Angeles it's not hard to find a group to play with. It's a pretty fun game. :mrgreen:

  12. Ugh. Snapped a spoke today. Not a huge deal, but it still sucks.


    Breaking a spoke is the worst! Do you know how to true and tension a wheel? These skills help if you ever break a spoke in the middle of nowhere and need to make a quick fix to make it to the lbs.

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