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Posts posted by dwarfdude3

  1. hahaha I totally fell for that, and it was great. I've seen that at ages ago and knew what it was but I did not remember about it at all.




    I was like shocked and laughing at the same time. That was so great.

  2. Is God real?




    This kind of question is asked so often, all this 'Is God real? Do you Believe in God? How much Faith do you have?'




    but I don't see how anyone can even BEGIN to answer this question without first asking the real question: 'What is God?'




    Now that is a much more interesting question.




    If by God, you mean a grandfather figure in the sky with a long beard, then no of course I don't believe in it, that is absurd.




    What I do believe in is the spirit, the soul, the mystical. The idea that there is something beyond the ordinary material life. God is what lies beyond the material world, whatever that may be. I cannot describe it, because I live in the material world and any attempt to describe it would be describing it in terms of materialism. But it is there. At least that is what I believe, that is faith.




    But really, it makes sense. Because you CAN tune in to this metaphysical concept, you just can't explain it...

  3. I'm 16 and haven't had mine but then again my gf lives on the other side of the country so yeah. But then again: "Be patient, everything comes in time" :)




    uh no it doesn't

  4. I bought a TV maybe a half a year ago, and one thing I found was with LCD screens, the video game graphics seem to diminish(or at least on my xbox it did). Or maybe that was plasma screen....but watch out for that.

  5. I'm 17 too, juinor in high school. I dunno what I'm gonna do. Most definitely college. I might go all out and get a bunch of degrees and stuff and then be a teacher or something. If not well, I don't really want a job or anything. I might write something or make something. And money doesn't really appeal to me that much, so I think I'd be happier just kinda living.

  6. 1. In your opinion, what is truth?




    Anything that can be proven, (i.e. 1+1=2)




    2. Do you believe in God or Allah or Buddha or any other deity or higher force, power, or being?








    3. Can you give any reasons for why you believe/disbelieve in the above?




    Although I believe there is truth in mathematics and science, that doesn't answer why math and science works. When we attempt to describe the world scholarly, we are only explaining how the world works, not what made the world work. What makes the world work? that is god.




    4. How would you describe this being etc(the answer to number 2)? (If "yes to 3")




    this being, as in the higher intelligence? Well, I don't think it is a being, I don't think it can be described in terms of words. Words cannot describe it in truth, just as math cannot describe the world in truth.




    An old taoist saying: "He who knows does not speak, he who speaks does not know."

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