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  1. Currently i have 50 crafting- and like alot of other people I would like to be able to make Dragon Hide Armor. I want to train my runecraft up- so I figure what better way to do it than high alching Dragon Hides? I will train up both my RC and my Craft, which are both pretty hard skills to get up. However i have run into a problem- getting from 50 Craft to 63 seems impossible considering what i have been though thus far. I figured the best way to get crafting exp was to craft gold items with gems. So i did Between a Rock... so I will have a great place to mine gold at. Then i read about shilo village- and though wow minning gems! what a great idea. So i did all the quests leading upto and then did shilo viallage, only to realize the rate that you get the gems there is terrible, unless you are working on fletching. So i read around some more and found out that the Rouges Den has a safe that you can seal gems from- and for the last week i have worked thief up to 50 from 38. Got to the Rouges den, and the gems come pretty fast. While picking the lock on the safe I used Tip It for a quick calc of how many gems i will be needing, and assuming its mostly saphires and emeralds i need alittle over 3k! At the rate that the gems come from there it will take ages. Side Information: Im not someone who likes to go buy all my supplies- ie gems- for two reasons: 1. Im poor and just plain cant afford to do that. 2. I would much rather work for the supplies myself. So keeping that in mind cna anyone give me any ideas as what to do? Maybe something different than Jewlery? Maybe a better spot to get gems from?
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