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Posts posted by joke33

  1. My brother once teleported a penguin a while ago using a fairy ring. The penguin walked around and acted normally. Then he killed it (to see if he could).


    [spoiler=the pic]penguinteleport.png




    However I do find it extremely unlikely that the corporeal beast was tele'd out. Like previously mentioned, someone would have screenied it, vidded it, or atleast told all of their friends about it while it was still alive. Plus who would have killed it to make it go away? :-k

    I have caught a Chinchompa in Zanaris that I accidentally teleported, this was a while back though.

  2. Surely It doesn't matter how random the mouse movements are? Doesn't runescape only log the click location? If so then having a realistic human-like mouse movement but a repeated click would still show as botting

    If you move the mouse the 5 minute logoff timer resets .. so I'm pretty sure the game detects the mouse movement.

    Oh I didn't know that. I've always used the arrow keys to turn the camera angle

    I don't know if I'm unaware or something, but I thought that arrow keys are only way to turn the camera angle.

    Other than that, I agree with LCooL.

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