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Everything posted by Exe16p

  1. Ok thanks guys, Monkfish beware! :twisted:
  2. Hi, Am i able to do swan song? stats in Sig. Thanks.
  3. Brand new website design coming soon, but the forums are still available! http://www.runepowerforums[LikelyScam]/ Also interested in making a new banner for the site? Details Here!!: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?f=106&t=753947
  4. Hi all! I'm running a new RuneScape fan site and i need a new banner as i'm redesigning the website in html code and the old sign didn't go right with the new design. The template is displayed below and it also has the details which it must have and the size it must be. Edit: the background is the same as the Runescape Homepage background, the scroll background. Thanks.
  5. Hi, I have 900k to spend on mage, out of 2.3M and i have decided to buy ether an Ahrims set or a steam staff. If i buy the Ahrims set i will have to train my defence 10 levels and my mage 4 levels. While if i buy a steam staff then i can use that to get to 70. Or would it be best to buy the steam staff, train to 70, then buy ahrims?, but would i recover enough money to buy ahrims. Note: i will be making the runes myself, except bloods and deaths, so there is no extra cost, not even for essence. Thanks
  6. Hi How much does it cost to repair Ahrims set from 0, as i'm interested in buying but wanted to know the repair cost first. Thanks
  7. Hi, I'm stuck on what skill to train next, once i finished getting 1mil xp in hunter. Please could you tell me the best training method for my skill level for my next skill to train. Skill levels in sig. Thanks
  8. Well, that sucks, :( Thanks Guy's :thumbsup:
  9. Hi, i just trying by 581 maple longbows, and i have only got 100 of these through. Is it that nobody is making these bows, or something else? Thanks.
  10. Hi, After getting 70 hunter, i might go for 71 so i can catch imps. But do i need to bait the traps, and can you catch them anywhere on the map is there a spot which is best for these, please note, i am not using these to level up my hunter, just to simply use the benefits which they provide. Thanks
  11. So as it says above if you have it on 4x then you will have less jagged edges, but you graphic's card will have to work harder, much much much smoother images. If you have it on none then your graphics card will have less work to do, but more jagged edges, especially if your looking at an odd angle. Personally i would run it on 4x, if you have a good graphics card, as the images would be a lot better, but if you have an old graphics card which can just about run the HD mode, then use the none option.
  12. Well, i used grey chins, till level 70 as it too slow to catch red chins. This may help: [hide=This may help][/hide]
  13. Hi, as i achieve 54 runecrafting today, i'm looking forward to crafting law runes, but i need to know the easiest and fastest method to craft law runes without using the abyss. Would the Entrana to void island be fastest or would the castlewars - balloon - entrana be fastest, or any other method. also how long would it roughly take to get a large pouch from the single combat abyss? Thanks
  14. Hi, i am trying to unlock the balloon ride from entrana to castle wars, and i know there was a guide about it, but i can't remember the way to complete in nor find the guide. So i kinda need to know how to complete the balloon thing, so i can use it for law running. Thanks
  15. I'd skip the ones that require green charms, as those are the most expensive for the least amount of xp. It's probably best to stick to honey badgers, pyrelords, bloated leeches, and terrorbirds. So its; 19-40 Granite Crabs (1,539) 40- 43 Honey Badgers (94) 43-46 Cockatrices (235) 46-49 Pyrelords (118) 49-52 Bloated Leaches (149) 52-57 Terrorbirds (1164) So i need the following amount of charms; Gold - 2703 Chrimson - 361 Green - 235 Any suggestions on the best charm droppers for green, chrimson and gold charms???
  16. *Don't* do bull ants, save your gold charms until 52 for terrorbirds. Much better off farming the marigolds anyway, then selling them. So granite crabs till 40 (1,524), then something else till 52, terriorbirds till 57 (1,164). But what shall i train on between level 40 and 52??
  17. Hi I'm currently 19 summoning and i am wishing to raise this skill to level 57, but before i start i would like to know the cheapest and fastest way to get to my target of 57 summoning. I have some charms in my bank, but not many and i would also like to know some decent charm droppers for all charms for a combat level of 80, (attack: 63, strength 67, defense 60, hit points 63, prayer 43, magic 65 and range 43) Thanks New Question:Any suggestions on the best charm droppers for green, chrimson and gold charms???
  18. Hi, Well i got to craft 4316 natures, 155 runs, and i will have to use 33 super pots, if i use; Zanaris(bank) - Fairy Ring - Nats Altar - Fairy Ring - Zanaris (bank); but i wondering if there is a fast method for the runs. Please Note: i would prefer not to use the abyss. Thanks
  19. It no memory issue, as there no blue screens, I've checked AOL and there seems to be no rendering issue.
  20. This happens on all websites, Runescape was simply the example of the problem. It seems to only happen on program when they've found something, (eg: new music or photos)(corel draws an good example)
  21. I guess i could live without several skills: Construction, Firemaking, Possibly summoning and herbivore.
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