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Posts posted by 13_19_16

  1. I agree that this would be an excellent idea, and I would love to have it put in. It also fits perfectly with an idea I've been trying to propose to Jagex, which is the trimmed quest cape. How that would work is that there are two categories of quest, normal quests like we have now and super-quests (or whatever you want to call them). The super-quests would be much harder, and completing them would only be necessary for the trim on the cape - not the cape itself. That way, they can put in tougher quests without raising a riot about the requirements for the quest cape (and make the cape worth using again).




    As for the name of the guild, I have no idea. Maybe the Eternals Guild?

  2. Can you please fix the wilderness because I got owned there? I went in because there was cash there and they put [1,610k] around me and I died. It was really annoying.




    I put the cash in brackets because I couldn't figure out the "




    I think what he was trying to say was ice blocks; nothing else makes sense there (not that that's much to go by in this case . . .). If so, he not only cut out part of the word ice, he misspelled his leetspeak :) .




    Off-Topic: I'm getting nervous. I was able to decipher that sentence in under 10 seconds with no major effort. I hope that doesn't mean what I'm afraid it might :ohnoes: .

  3. How many spaces I have free depends on what I'm wearing. If I have all my melee armor on, I have about 9-10 spaces available; when I have none on, it drops down to about 4. It's going to be a nightmare trying to fit the remaining three barrows sets I need in there . . .




    I've never run out of space as a p2p, so I simply don't know what's the max. Can anyone enlighten me?
    Not enough.




    I'm not sure how many there are, but you could figure it out for yourself. Scroll down to the bottom of the bank and count the rows as you go, then multiply that by eight to get the number of spaces.

  4. Usually I'd edit these into the previous post, but this thread needs a bump.




    Did you know . . .

    • [*:5pjy67d2]that when you enter the respawn room in Castlewars by dying, you don't have to worry about the two-minute time limit?[*:5pjy67d2]that when you tell Juna about the Black Knights' Fortress quest, her response is "Never underestimate the power of the vegetables of Guthix."? :)

  5. All I can think of for now is




    Final Smash - Ice Barrage: hits all opponents for massive damage and encases them in blocks of ice, similar to the ones from freezies but with a long duration (probably 20 seconds like in RS).




    It's not as spectacular as some of the others Nintendo's released (Mario's and Samus's come to mind), but it's still pretty good. Imagine using that while someone's over the edge :twisted:.




    EDIT: first post that actually answered the question the topic is about :) .

  6. Yeah, those guys take a while to vaporize.


    IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m going to become rich and famous after I invent a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet.


    I yearn for the day when chickens can cross roads and not have their motives questioned.


    I take advantage of people being midgets.


    Appreciate bacteria! ItÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s the only form of culture some people have


    For all that atheism is supposed to be a non-prophet organization . . .


    Oh, sweet! Smoldering wreckage!
  7. All variations on the generic "noob" (noob, n00b, choob, ect.)


    defense noob


    attack noob


    food noob


    eater noob


    farcaster noob


    ranger noob


    tele noob (note that I do not pk, I get this when I teleport out of the wild to save my clues)


    no lifer noob


    prayer noob


    runner noob


    dead noob (when I let low levels in CW kill me so I can restore my stats)






    and my two personal favorites:




    M00b1!! :)








    "noob!" "Noob!!!" "n00b!" "nub!!" "n00b1" (when I KOed a full quarter of the other team at the rocks in CW at once :lol: )

  8. Did you know . . .

    • [*:2vudx0gx] that you can cure yourself of poison without using a poison curing item, restorative environments, or death? Some animations will stop poison damage if performed with the proper timing.




    This fact may sound too good to be true, but I know that it is. I've done this a few times by now, and with enough actions to see that it isn't a glitch with a certain animation. The only animations I can recall this happening with are passing abyssal obstacles and restoring prayer at an altar, but I know there are others. Note that it is really rare for this to occur without repeating the animation continuously for an extended time.




    Here is my speculation as to the reason this effect can happen. At some point during the animations which work for this fact, there is always a period in which your character cannot interact with or respond to anything. If one of the poison hits is supposed to fall during this period, it would be prevented by the fact that your character cannot interact with the rest of the game at that time. Since the poison hit never occurs the game doesn't start counting down the time to the next one, which is the same effect as curing the poison.




    Assuming this reasoning is correct, any animation which prevents you from doing a new activity with your character during some or all of its duration would work for this. Some possible ones doing agility obstacles, smithing, and doing achievement cape emotes along with a few others. If it is correct it would also mean that any animation you can click out of wouldn't work, eliminating fletching, filling vials, spinning strings, and most others. I'll try to test some of these and see if any of them work.

  9. Did you know . . .

    • [*:14uprgzk]that while you're using the Protect From Magic prayer, the holding times of modern magic binding spells are halved?[*:14uprgzk]that when you are using the gnome gliders, you can close the destination screen after picking a location and still be transported to it? [*:14uprgzk]that if you try to care for or pick My Arm's goutweed, your character will tell you that "That's My Arm's problem now." and cancel the attempted action?[*:14uprgzk]that it used to be that if you were hit with a binding or freezing spell right as some safe minigames ended (e.g. castlewars), you would be stuck in place outside of the game area for the length of the spell's binding effect?[*:14uprgzk]that it is possible to be hit for more damage than you have hp at the time? During certain extended animations (the best example is the escape lectern in the Dream Mentor Quest) the damage you take is not deducted from your hitpoints until after they finish. This means that you can be repeatedly hit for enough damage to kill you during the animation, all of which is inflicted on you at once when the animation finishes.

  10. Did you know . . .

      [*:wr24hf8o]that the fireballs thrown out by volcanos in the wilderness aren't just graphical effects? They hit you for 1 damage if they land on you.
      [*:wr24hf8o]that if a monster is standing where a crop circle appears when it does, the monster will instantly vanish?
      [*:wr24hf8o]that if you use a cannon to attack something on a higher level than you, your cannonballs will fly through the floor to hit it?

  11. I use control-click to run most of the time, but as has been said before since that one's been out for years it doesn't really count. As for the "new" hotkeys, I almost never use them - like everyone else I've learned to manage perfectly without them. The only times I use them are in situations where I make a conscious effort to, such as during alching so that I don't need to use the mouse at all.

  12. I both hate and like getting dharok as my tunnel brother:




    I hate getting dharok as my tunnel because he is by far the most dangerous to me. Most of the other brothers don't hit me much, but dharok usually gets me for 30+ damage before I can get into a safespot. I also have bad memories of nearly getting killled by dharok triplets on one trip where I was low on supplies.




    I like dharok as my tunnel only because he is my luckiest brother. Go figure.

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