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Posts posted by Shlaymoed

  1. Read this somewhere, and don't remember it word for word, but here goes.




    There are 6 people tied to a train track, 5 on one track, and 1 on the other. Right now the train is headed towards the 5 people, and you have the switch to make it change tracks and head towards the other person.




    There are 5 dying people in a hospital room, and 1 perfectly healthy person is there. Do you take the healthy persons organs (also making them die) and give them to the 5 dying people so they can live, or not?




    What would you do?

  2. Come on, any way you look at it, it's a terrible idea....




    You get no exp, so it's basically a lot of money wasted on some armor that could look like crap for all we know... Since you aren't willing to take your own idea seriously and elaborate and make pictures, why should we support it? :?

  3. Like so many have said, it's completely unnessescary (spelling?), but it will add a bit of flavor, like hot sauce! *Kisses fingers like one of those fancy chefs*




    And besides, it's better than a lot of updates Jagex has made in the past. :XD:




    Also, I dont know if you have played World of Warcraft before, but this is almost exactly what happens in the game. Just wondering.




    One of the more creative suggestions I've seen lately though, so good job on that. :thumbsup:

  4. Well the people that complain usually dont report autoers when they see them. I report them because I enjoy it. I take pride in other people's (in this case robots) misery of getting banned.






    Im evil, or am I? :-k




    No, you're not evil, I think everyone enjoys that. \'




    But most people who say the community is bad will try to help, most people on TIF do. There's not much we can do about it though, for every person we report, another 3 out there scam someone. One time, by reporting somebody, I actually made the situation worse.




    There were a group of scammers (I think they were a group because I was buying a rune scimmy, and all 5 or 6 of them switched it out for an iron), so I reported one, and said "reported". That made the rest very angry, so they all started cussing me out and saying he was innocent and telling everyone else I reported somebody for no reason. Everyone else believed them (no suprise there), so everybody started cussing at me and telling me I was the kind of person that ruined the game for everybody. I just teled to Lumbridge but 10 or 11 people pmed me just to cuss me out. I reported some, but then I just logged out. The next time I logged in, I got a message from Jagex telling me to "please not abuse the customer services"!!! :evil: I appealed and didn't get a black mark luckily. :thumbsup:

  5. No, everyone mentioned in the scenarios were high level players. I think the woman in the second scenario was actually 5 or 6 levels higher than the guy. But everyone was at least level 70.




    Oh, and ugafan, I don't expect Jagex to even try and monitor this. I'm just saying I think it's unfair, but it's not really a rant.

  6. Everyone knows you can choose the color of your skin and your gender at the beginning of the game. But apparently, now this effects the gameplay entirely. Recently, I saw these 2 scenarios play out.




    Rs player 1=Light-colored skin man


    Rs player 2=Dark-colored skin man


    Rs player 3=Light-colored skin man




    Rs player 1:selling full zammy!!!


    Rs player 2:I will buy for 2.2mil


    Rs player 1:I don't believe you really have that much


    Rs player 2:I do, I will show you


    Rs player 3:I will buy it, trade me


    Rs players 3 and 1:Thanks




    This struck me as amazing, I made another post about the decline in the community, but this was too far.




    Here is the second scenario that I saw.




    Rs player 1=Light-colored skin man


    Rs player 2=Light-colored skin woman


    Rs player 3=Light-colored skin man




    Rs player 1:selling 3k willows 60k!!!


    Rs player 2:ill buy all


    Rs player 3:no i will buy all


    Rs player 2:ill buy all for 70k


    Rs player 1:no thanks i want to sell to him (Rs player 3)




    I thought this was totally unfair. But also, usually the women players in Runescape get better deals, and people are a lot nicer to them. However, a lot of guys who play Runescape think that an online relationship will actually work as a real relationship (most likely because they can't get a girlfriend in real life). They also think that they can somehow have sex through an online game (which is frankly the stupidest thing i have ever heard).

  7. If there is one more thread about how much runescapes economy/people/updates/whatever sucks, I'm gonna jump off a bridge. serously. can't people just stfu already? runescape doesn't suck anymore then it ever did. who cares if there's autoers? don't wc. that simple. :evil:




    Everybody cares that there is autoers. And there are autoers for almost every skill out there. So, using your logic, we shouldn't train any skills.

  8. Runescape is possibly the most addicting game i have ever played. The reason MMORPGS like Runescape and World of Warcraft are so popular is because it is like a fantasy, you get to adventure and do things you couldn't possibly dream of doing in real life. Your character in the game does whatever you tell them, and they interact with NPC's and other players however you want them to, making them exactly like you. The pixels in the game begin to form a personality, an attitude. It becomes your other self. They are so addicting because everybody would love to be able to play themselves in a video game. Everyone would love to be in a video game, and with games like Runescape, you can. Sooner or later, it won't just be your other self. The real life you will be your other, secondary self, and your Runescape self will become your real life.




    As said many times before, it's like a drug. And you may say it doesn't affect you, but it really does. Maybe if you don't notice it, it's because it affects you at a subconcious level. If you posted and said Runescape doesn't affect you at all. Maybe it doesn't. But it probably does, and you are so into the game that you are defending it just as you would defend your real self if somebody insulted you. Since your Runescape character is now your real self, you are going to defend it because Runescape has just been insulted, attacked.




    Since now it is your real self, it will be incredibly, INCREDIBLY hard to quit. Those of you who say Runescape doesn't affect you, I want you to just try and quit, and see if you can. You cannot go to any runescape fansites, not post on the forums. It may be the hardest thing you ever do, especially if you have been playing for more than 2 or 3 years. Ever heard the saying "old habits die hard"? The longer you play, the more it becomes your regular self, and the harder it will be to quit.




    To the people that are linking quitting Runescape to quitting smoking, they have nothing in common, except for quitting a bad habit. Smoking is an incredibly bad habit. Some people don't even know half of the terrible things smoking does to your body. There are reasons people smoke. To relieve stress (which is proved false, smoking makes you more tense), because people (especially teenagers) think it's cool, because people pressure them into it, etc. The list goes on and on. But even less people know what Runescape actually does to you(which is explained in the above paragraphs). In my opinion, Runescape is much harder to quit. However, i have been playing runescape for 2 years, and I have never smoked, so my opinion is very biased. Some people will say smoking is harder to quit. It all depends on the person.




    Quitting smoking can be just quitting a bad habit for some people, and may be easy. However, for other people, it has become a daily thing to do, like eating(as they smoke 2 packs a day). It has become a part of their lives, and they are so addicted to it not just because of the nicotine, but because they absolutely need it. As i said before, it has become as regular as eating. Nobody in their right minds would quit eating(unless they are anorexic, but I won't go into that) because they would die. I believe that is the smokers' logic. They don't think they will die, but usually people are never able to quit eating even if they want to. So even if they try to quit, they will never be able to, so whats the point of trying?




    Runescape is not like smoking. For some people, quitting runescape can just be like turning off the tv. Whenever they want to, they can just quit. However, for the majority of us, Runescape has become our life (as explained above). So quitting runescape is not just quitting a game. It's quitting our character. It's like giving up on life. Stopping Runescape can be like killing your character. Unless you are going to play again in a few months, or even a few years. Then, it's not quitting, so it's not killing your pixelated (is that a word?) self.




    Sometimes you need even more than just another life. You may play several MMORPGS at once, or you have another Runescape account. This means you are in even deeper. You have 2 pixelated(once again, is that a word?) versions of yourself. You now have 3 lives, 2 regular ones (the Runescape ones) and your actual, secondary life. This makes it twice as addicting, twice as hard to quit. Some people have more, maybe even 3 or 4 Runescape accounts. This means you are so addicted to Runescape that you have to play the whole game 3 or 4 times.




    If anyone reading this wants to quit Runescape, I'm not a psychologist or anything (although I want to be one when i grow up, could you tell?), but I can give a little advice. If you started not too long ago, I would advise to quit as soon as possible. It may seem great and fun now, but it will get incredibly addicting, and ironically, that's also when it starts to get dull. You need to quit before it gets addicting, or it will be 10 times harder to quit. For those of you who have been playing for several years, and have several accounts, I would advise you to quit the secondary accounts first, before they become addicting and you become too attached to them. Once you have done that you are halfway there. :thumbsup:




    Start in small steps. If you play 6 hours a day (which is a lot), try playing less. Try playing only 4 or 5 hours a day. If you still find yourself playing too much, go somewhere. If you are too young, just ask your parents, I'm sure they would do anything to get you to stop playing. Go somewhere where A. You have no access to a computer, or B. Whatever you are doing will be a lot more fun than Runescape, which is probably true anyways.




    You may think Runescape is the most fun thing in the world, but go to a friend's house or go outside and play sports. The reason Runescape is so "fun" is because it is instant gratification. Sports aren't instant gratification, but they are much, much more fun and rewarding in the long run. Many people use this reason to not play sports or other things, because they aren't as fun as Runescape in the beginning. Try making a commitment. Join a team or a club. That way you feel the need to go, just as you feel the need to play Runescape. You will definitely make new friends along the way. \'




    Once you only play 2 or 3 hours a day (or something along those lines), and you actually have a social life and something to do other than Runescape, you're almost there! Go places with your friends, and set a time limit for yourself. Say you can only play 2 hours a day, and get somebody else to reinforce it (if you don't reinforce it, you will just break your own rules). Or you could take it a step further (which is what i recommend), and set actual times when you can play. Set up a schedule.




    Example: 3:00-5:00=go see a movie with friends.


    5:00-6:00=play Runescape.


    6:00-7:00=go out to eat.


    7:00-8:00=play Runescape.




    Or something like that. Eventually you will be so caught up in other things that you won't have time to play Runescape, or you'll find other joys in life than clicking a mouse to make some pixels do something. There are some things you should not do, though. While you are totally addicted(playing 5-6 hours a day), DO NOT just try to quit all at once. That almost never works. Also, you can fill Runescape with something else. During the time you would play Runescape, play sports or go to a friends house. DO NOT fill Runescape with something bad, like smoking, or simply starting another MMORPG, because that completely defeats the purpose. <.<




    Thanks for reading this incredibly long post!! :D




    ps. I think i made some grammar/spelling mistakes, but don't flame me for it. Also, if you can't quit Runescape using my method, don't blame me for it.




    pss. If anyone who is reading this smokes, you should quit RIGHT AWAY, or go to a professional.

  9. i dont think this is a good idea and im not even a member! f2p players are never EVER happy with jagex updates or that we dont get anything new, and if you just give them just a little leverage they will probably keep demanding more and more until everyone is a member! trust me people are way too demanding

  10. i dont support. you say jagex removed the black hole in the first place because people would scam and stuff just to get in the black hole. well that isnt going to change if you bring it back. they will just break the rules more because you made the black hole more elegant. also, i dont really think people would want to watch the rule-breakers in the black hole unless they have no life. (actually most people who play runescape dont lol). its basically a big fat waste of time. what kind of lesson do you think people are going to learn from the black hole? boredom? they would just log out and do something else or log onto a different account.

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