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Posts posted by x_oh_ex_oh_x

  1. OMG!#@@$@#%#$^%#%#$%##$%[bleep] YOU JAGEX!@@#$%#%#$@%###$#$$@##@OMFG!#@!@#@#@#$@#$#$@@#$$@##$!$@$#@#$!@


    Curse you jagex..you're next on my list of murders :twisted:




    Really, really sorry man. You were a great friend, Every time I talked to you I had a little chuckle on my computer chair ::' You WILL be missed, I'll dream about you every night <3:




    Farewell, K NARB :( <3: :( <3: :( <3:




    P.S - Rule 12 is rl trading right? It could've been the stuff I gave to you on XOXOX..But I highly doubt that, seeing as it was ~2 months ago.




    Byezzzzz :(

  2. glad to hear you're decision, its strange that you would keep getting hacked, what exactly would cause this? There must be something you're using wrong that is causing it to happen. You're visiting some unsafe site, you're clicking every link you see on IRC or MSN, something is causing it to occur because it doesn't just happen randomly... I suggest figuring out what you're doing and correct it then you'll never again have to worry about getting hacked :)




    mmm I dont really know anymore. All websites i visit are rs, tif, zybez. myspace, youtube, and winterrowd. Those are pretty much all websites i visit. Well google too.




    Crusaders been googling pr0n@@@@@@@@@@

  3. Unfortunatly, November 10th, my first dog passed away. A couple weeks ago I posted a picture of her around in the 40 pages. (the Black dog, not the Dochshun) It seems very empty in my house now. We had to put her alseep because she kept peeing in the living room on our new carpet, and her Tracea collapsed and would cough from time to time. I feel really sorry for her too. One moment shes alive and waging her tail, 5 seconds later shes on the table alseep forever. This year of 07, is the worse year I have ever faced before.




    Th3 Crusader




    That really sucks dude. Even though i've never had any pets, I still know what it feels like. Hopefully next year will be 10x better :D

  4. Hopefully i'll be on tomorrow! Without lag. Anyway. Remember to start checking out the new blog mmkay? Much better than my other one anyway.




    Link ---> http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=714606








    P.S. I hope you have fun calling me by my first name 8-)




    And isn't Crusaders name Zach too?




    I think so..either Zack or Zach ::'


    And just remembered, i'll add you to the thanks list.

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