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  1. Please edit your post. The word in the last sentence is not welcomed in the Forums.
  2. Mod Ash said they would bring out the new holloween hood. Finally!
  3. Some people are saying party hats are the best item. What is really the best item in RS?
  4. It could be a hack site don't visit it! It's nothing to do with RS.
  5. In the real RuneScape Forums, many people hate it. I LOVE IT! Theres more chances into winning. The only thing I don't like is the lvl 100 ship. I mean all the lvl 100's go into there. They always win.
  6. Autos stink! When I was choppin' yews, they kept getting all of them. I mean a Jagex Mod should visit some worlds, and ban them.
  7. Thank you guys! I will no longer post the site on the forum. I will use it in my sign.
  8. Lol. No I'm talking about they should have more stickys like this. Many people are not looking at the off-topic forum. Many people are in the General forum, so they should move it here.
  9. The only thing I don't like about the adv. sticky, is that really no one visits it! No one can see your forum/site about RuneScape. I think you should put another sticky in the general forum.
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