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Everything posted by HugATree

  1. There is no individual person inside of her. Yes, there is. As long as it's the egg or sperm inside the body, it is part of the parent. However, as soon as that egg and sperm combine inside the female, it is a new organism, with different DNA than it's parents, therefore, it is NOT the woman's body, it is ANOTHER body inside of her. (correct me if I'm wrong) Parasitic body which is totally dependent on hers, is that an individual? Its not separate, its joined. You seem to be pulling this answer out of thin air.
  2. No, I'm saying an individual is exactly that, individual, which includes not being physically bound to another in a parasitic relationship. An as far as I know no one is forcing "normal" people to look after "silly" people, as most pro-lifers seem to be wishing on women. Yea, bad me for being anti-fascist and giving women a choice. I'm not killing anything, I'm just not forcing women into do anything they don't want to, as I've accepted my opinion doesn't over rule hers.
  3. There is no individual person inside of her. Yes there is, there is a child with its own individual DNA and its own blood. No individual mind or emotions, only a potential, and you're going to make the real individual go through it because your opinion over weighs hers?
  4. There is no individual person inside of her.
  5. Great. Now you're twisting it around so the victim is the criminal, because she wasn't ready for a child and doesn't want to carry one you're going to make her have it anyway, are you any different from the rapist? Hey maybe it was her fault and she has to suffer the consequences? It was not her fault, it was the rapist's fault. But the fact is, whether she wanted it or not, she is pregnant. Just because the baby was forced on her does not mean she shouldn't give it the same chance as if it was a normal child. She should make the best out of something terrible that happened to her. You're telling her what she should or shouldn't do, how is it her responsibly? Why are you making the decision for her? She should do whatever she damn wants with her own body.
  6. Great. Now you're twisting it around so the victim is the criminal, because she wasn't ready for a child and doesn't want to carry one you're going to make her have it anyway, are you any different from the rapist? Hey maybe it was her fault and she has to suffer the consequences?
  7. Possibly, but they'll never consider it. All that matters in their mind is their religion is the right one, but then nearly every other religion has the same view. If Allah is the true God, Christians will be burning in hell with the non-theists.
  8. The missionaries believed they were saving the non-christians by spreading their beliefs. saving? from wat? not like they're dyin without christian beliefs Apparently by believing in Jesus as the son of God, you don't get to go to hell.
  9. The missionaries believed they were saving the non-christians by spreading their beliefs.
  10. So lets take away a life because some one got rapped, great idea!!! Its call adoption for the 5,000,001th time in this thread. I've got a better idea, let people like you run other peoples lives.
  11. An abortion clinic bomber in the making.
  12. What would you define as human nature? for centuries humans have split themselfs from nature.
  13. The site is assuming one God is real. I bet if they put in every God the odds would greatly change of going to heaven.
  14. But notice the Christian God had no problem killing kids just in case they grow up bad, or gutting pregnant women? And you're going to use this cowardly hypocrite to defend pro-life?
  15. He did a poor job if no one has yet got a stable interpretation of the Bible without pulling answers out of thin air. So much for the Bible being Truth. Maybe he will come today, but don't told your breath. I have seen the truth, your idol God just doesn't play a part in it.
  16. And who let the evil serpent into his perfect garden? God. Observations show the universe is expanding. Creation is an abstract. Its an urban legend, its surprising how many Christians use this as an argument. In OT Satan works for God, and is not a rebelous angel and no reference of him being Lucifer. Satan being evil is a NT concept. Your right, good people don't go to heaven, believers do. Criminals that accepted Jesus went to heaven, non-christians went to hell.
  17. Do you really prefer that humans have these inclinations towards greed, hate and general unrighteousness then? Interesting that the Bible actually states that those in the dark prefer darkness to light, because their deeds are dark. Your God seems to share these characteristics but instead of being called sin, its called righteous acts. Could you provide some examples as to when God has been greedy, hateful or unrighteous? Biblical or otherwise is fine. Not necessarly greedy, but hateful as I'll show, and unrighteous from other religions views.
  18. Do you really prefer that humans have these inclinations towards greed, hate and general unrighteousness then? Interesting that the Bible actually states that those in the dark prefer darkness to light, because their deeds are dark. Your God seems to share these characteristics but instead of being called sin, its called righteous acts.
  19. Would you please elaborate on that? i don't really understand it either. maybe pyro was reading the Mosiac ( i think) law or something and didn't understand what was written. but i doubt that's the case. Maybe... there's alot of stuff subject to ethical reflection (laws like "do not plant more than one crop in your field; if you or someone you know does, they are subject to death" are ridiculous because they can't possibly apply to our culture - this is why some people misinterpret the Bible) It doesn't need to apply to our culture, but the fact is the bible has God doing some blood thirsty things.
  20. Kedai - In other words pipe dreams.
  21. Christianity didnt die out because of the bible, you know, those 66 or so book of religious proproganda which serves to convince thouse who want a nice god to watch their backs and make them feel better than others. Christians where fed to the lions? Well, cant blame them, the lions dont have a soul according to christians :P . Did you answer a single point he made? No. All you did was write something filled with underlying mockery and disdain. Stop posting if you're not going to contribute to the debate. Good job, keiran. Just to kind of simlify your point: If Christianity was invented by men, it should have failed long ago. BUT, if it is from God, then it will survive and thrive, which it has. Followers of Gnostic Christianity were burnt and tortured by early Christians as they viewed them as heretics and their beliefs as blasphemous, using your logic since this religion still exists it wasn't created by man either?
  22. I know about God and his sacrifices, I find it ironic that he gets people into an endless cycle of animal killing but then stops it dead by doing the sacrificing himself. All those years surely had a purpose? Yes, the sacrifices under the Mosaic Law were to illustrate how man can't be right with God by his works. The Law shows us that we need a Saviour. It's not ironic that God would show us that we need something before giving it to us. Who did he illustrate it to? The Jews still rejected Jesus. Its ironic that God would use deception to prove a point, afterall he did have them believe that works could help them.
  23. Correction, Your God, not everyone believes in your god. Jesus's death was hardly a sacrifice for an Omnipotent being, a sacrifice is to lose something, what did God/Jesus lose that he couldn't replace? correction, THE God. He is God, and you can't change my mind nah nah nah nah nah nah. man some of you people need to read the new testament to get a better understanding of this and to properly address your arguments. And thats exactly where he exists, in your mind.
  24. I know about God and his sacrifices, I find it ironic that he gets people into an endless cycle of animal killing but then stops it dead by doing the sacrificing himself. All those years surely had a purpose?
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