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  1. I frequently get reported for autotyping just because I write quickly, if you're too unskilled to do something as simple as type effectively, you should just suck it up instead of forcing us to make it "fair" for you.
  2. Thanks to everyone who has expressed their views here. Just to make it clear, I'm not actively viewing or replying to this topic anymore. If you have a burning question or something you'd like to tell me, PM me and I might see it sometime. Feel free to discuss this further, but I've said all I can really say, and I'd like to thank the intelligent, open-minded people for responding. ~Scorpiona
  3. Although it's a bit of a niche market, some people in cheating communities will find a phrase that works perfectly on a certain appeal and sell "unban services" for people who want to pay X amount of mils to get one of their accounts unbanned. I hope that's sarcasm. >_>
  4. I can understand, to an extent, the anger that people feel against cheaters, but I dislike the bloodthirstily overzealous attitude many normal players seem to have about cheating. I see tons of people complaining about macroers, and calling them "greedy" and "lazy", but all I see from their arguments is: "I want macroers to go away so prices on all my stuff can go up and I can get rich selling them without doing anything." I consider that completely hypocritical. However, coming from a cheating background, I realize that cheating is wrong, but I don't detest them to the extent that the people here do. I still have friends in the cheating community who I talk to regularly. Just because they're doing something that I know is wrong, that doesn't automatically make them greedy, lazy human garbage. As for your last point, if that happened, I'd accept it as the other applicant being better prepared than me. I can never end cheating, just like I can never end worldwide crime, but I can accept that it does happen, however unfairly. So yes, you're right. My view on cheating itself is primarily: "Cheating is wrong. Live with it."
  5. It's a nice thought, but practically, it's absolutely useless -- you could simply search for the hammer color within a boxed area (in this case, the interface window). If you wanted to get more complex, you could even use a DTM (Deformed Template Model) and search for a fuzzy match of the hammer shape. Overall, this has got to be one of most easily solved randoms I've seen.
  6. Like I said above, there is no real way to stop macroing, but eliminating the market for GP-to-USD is the only thing that comes close. Jagex can't do anything about cheating sites, Jagex isn't even legally allowed to visit, download, or use macroing sites and software. Because (to quote one of my other posts): Even if Jagex attempted to file a lawsuit against a UK-hosted gold selling site, Jagex themselves would have to accept liability for violating the terms of service forbidding them from entering.
  7. I was only citing the macroers over-running the game as one example of how integrated they are with the RuneScape market, I explain in more detail in some of my other posts.
  8. The macroing community is enormous, just so you know. That number is nowhere near accurate, I only took figures from two or three forums out of the literal thousands existing and added them together -- and those are only current statistics, several of these sites have had mergers, ownership changes, database resets, etc, all of which would reset the count back to zero, in addition to some cheating sites which no longer exist (publicly) but still have a large userbase. Cheating is big. :P As you were saying, personal macroing is also a big issue -- but a significantly less treatable one. After all, even if most people in RuneScape can confidently say they've never power macroed for fun and profit; how many can say they've never used an autoclicker for alching or an autoteleporter when they had to burn 20k Camelot teleports? After all, it's only on their main, and they weren't really hurting anyone by doing it is the rallying cry, and that sort of "not so bad" mentality is exactly the problem that keeps casual cheating alive. You've pretty much summed it all up: short of drastic, massive changes that will obliterate the RuneScape economy we used to know, there isn't a treatment for the horde of macroers that are sweeping RuneScape, and even if they are eradicated, as soon as the market heals they'll come right back. Not a fun thought.
  9. Jagex does IP ban, but it is so easy to get around it. [hide=This is how.] To get around an IP ban you need a static IP (not sure where to get one but they exist) and an unsigned Java applet. Simple and easy, how do I know this you may wonder? I'm a nerd, I know stuff. :D [/hide] Yes, getting around an IP ban is easy, but Jagex doesn't IP ban. I explain it here: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=687801#5059747 EDIT: Also, I'm pretty sure you don't actually understand the true process of getting around IP bans -- after all, if you were really "a nerd who knows stuff," you would know the difference between static and dynamic IPs, and a signed and unsigned Java applet. A dynamic (or constantly changing) IP is an easy way to get around an IP ban, a static IP is an IP that never changes (static == unchanging). Because the signed and unsigned applets use different cache directories and have to be coded differently due to the security restrictions the unsigned applet runs with, they are effectively sandboxed to different environments, complete with different cache contents and UIDs -- but it still won't hide your IP from Jagex by simply using unsigned instead of signed or vice versa.
  10. I said your overzealous high-and-mighty rants against cheating were a waste of space, not to mention your flaming and personal attacks against me. Cheating is wrong, don't do it, but don't act like an [wagon] about it. Which word didn't you understand? I didn't say macroers should remain, I said that they were an important part of the economy. Try reading my post -- I don't advocate them staying, I advocate them being either utterly eradicated or let to run unchecked (as this would wipe them out as well), not treated half-assedly like Jagex is doing. Try reading my very first post again if that was too complex for you, and in the meantime, you can stay off my thread if you can't get over yourself. I'm sorry if you consider this "harsh," but at the moment, my tolerance for you is at an all-time low. Buh-bye! Off-topic- Dude, you really need to take a chill pill, he just misunderstood your thoughts.. By the way, nobody likes to see you cuss, especially the mods.. On-topic- Define "utterly eradicated'- mass IP bans..? But it is possible to change your IP relatively easily, certainly for an average hacker.. Honestly, Jagex is doing the best they can, but even so, there are thousands of bots being created each day.. Just look at the numbers- Let's say that there are, out of all the people who play runescape, 1000 hackers/bot developers/bot users- If each of these people creates/uses 5 bots each day, thats 5000 bots being created/used each day.. Only a handful of these bots will be caught marcoing, lets say 2/10's(Jagex is doing a so-called half***ed job as you say -.- ), so like 200.. Thus, in a week, thats about 35,000 bots- as soon as Jagex bans one, theres always another to take it's place.. It's an unwinnable war I'm afraid, unless Jagex does what they did to Classic- close all accounts to new members for a period of time- and mass ban all accounts even suspected of macroing.. However, these accounts are absolutely worthless to macroers- all they care about is their mains- so Jagex would have to develop trading logs of accounts suspected of macroing, to hunt down the main and kill it :twisted: However, if they mass-ban the little noob accounts, they no longer have a way of finding this main and thus he would get away with it without much loss to himself. This is pretty much what they're doing now, but without closing the servers temporally, they just can't catch up to the overwhelming surplus of macroers. Letting macroing run rampant is just like giving up- and a Runescape Deppresion is just going to severely hurt the legitimate players, as well as simply encourage more cheating. If you think macroing is bad now just imagine what it would be like.. :shock: Yeah, yeah. I should've just let him be an idiot, but I do so enjoy getting the last laugh. After a quick tally from some of the leading cheating forums... 245,700 cheaters every day, generally with around 3-20 bots each. That's a conservative estimate. :P Exactly, it's an undefeatable battle -- which is why I think the only way to get rid of cheaters entirely is by destroying the RuneScape market -- which won't happen, but is the only long-term way I can see to remove bots / gold farmers / rw traders from the game. Incidentally, Jagex does have a (somewhat ineffective now since just about every cheater knows how to circumvent it) method of tracking the mains of macroers. I wrote a post about it here: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?p=5023647#5023647
  11. To be honest, it seems a little stale -- even for Jagex. They try and level-balance their updates so that they don't get flames from players left out, so I don't see it happening.
  12. Or if you read the actual suggestion, it could be a pop up when mousing over the total level bar. Idiot. I support. Thank you for your totally baseless personal attacks! Take it elsewhere if you need an ego-boost. If you had understood the first ten syllables of my post, you would see that I was saying that it was going to be too big for just a popup when you mouseover the total level.
  13. I said your overzealous high-and-mighty rants against cheating were a waste of space, not to mention your flaming and personal attacks against me. Cheating is wrong, don't do it, but don't act like an [wagon] about it. Which word didn't you understand? I didn't say macroers should remain, I said that they were an important part of the economy. Try reading my post -- I don't advocate them staying, I advocate them being either utterly eradicated or let to run unchecked (as this would wipe them out as well), not treated half-assedly like Jagex is doing. Try reading my very first post again if that was too complex for you, and in the meantime, you can stay off my thread if you can't get over yourself. I'm sorry if you consider this "harsh," but at the moment, my tolerance for you is at an all-time low. Buh-bye!
  14. Total XP is going to be HUGE on the average player -- Jagex would need to make it pop up in a new interface with a scrollbar if they were going to implement it.
  15. I think you misunderstand me. I have six mains, four of them are banned. After a little over four years and burning through four mains, I decided to stop jeopardizing the real work I put into my mains by no longer cheating. I have, through the course of several years, cheated, and been banned because of my slip-ups. If you want to get high-and-mighty and go judge and jury on my [wagon], feel free, but don't expect me to praise you for stating the obvious. Cheating is wrong. Boo hoo. My current work in RuneScape is entirely legitimate, and you have no grounds for dissing it. If I was still cheating, why would I be on a legitimate RS forum trying to educate people about getting rid of cheaters? I'm saying that macroers are an integral part of the RuneScape economy. Having too many or too few macroers would drastically reshape the market as we know it. The RuneScape Market was made by players, but it is no longer dominated by players, it's dominated by macroers. That's why the market doesn't crash as long as macroers keep the balance. Remember finishing Darkness of Hallowvale when Drezel (if I got his name right) told you about the Guthixian Edicts? Things have to be in balance: too few macroers and the price of common goods skyrockets, creating a lucrative market for skillers, and, you guessed it: gold farmers and macroers. Too many macroers and the price of common goods would plummet, allowing easy access to goods for lower levels and low-skilled players, who would raise the price of items by creating demand for them. However, if macroing were to run unchecked, then the price of common goods would crash, nullifying any real cash value of RS GP, and removing the incentive that drives macroers and gold farmers to doing what they do. However, since players and Jagex both try to fight macroers and gold farmers by making their job harder, but not making their job impossible, macroers can still make a living, and they will simply flourish even more because the harder it is for them to make GP, the higher the USD-to-GP price will be, and the more they'll be driven to macro. Like I said, it all balances out. Your rants are an unnecessary waste of space. Refer back to previous: Also, Jagex doesn't IP ban. Yes, macroers are a plague, but they aren't being removed. Their job is being made temporarily harder by mediocre stumbling blocks that Jagex pops out every once in a while, like a new random.
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