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  1. well thats what clans I was mostly interested in and I still love we owned that day it was a good clean victory against thor note: we massed for about 5 mins and each clan massed about 40 opts ea. still preety good. im excited i found it its about a year old.
  2. there not that good considering my level but I still like em. I'm training str atm. I think ni might call for a pk today not sure. 8/9/08
  3. this is just about my past I dont care if any one reads it I just want to document what I did on the internet I was scratching my head looking for videos of tzs owning but I couldnt find....
  4. I started runescape slow, I made about 3 accounts before I actually had a preety stable one that I used. I kept making different accounts because, I kept getting owned or dying and I lost all of my newb [cabbage] so I made another account. I finally progressed I found ways to make money and train before I ever made good money one of my freinds said hay, I hear if you beat all of the free to play quests you'll become a member I was earger to beat them all that I did in about 1 month I beat dragon slayer and was eager for my member ship. I didn't get it so. I fished lots of lobsters for full rune player killing trips with my freinds at the moment I didn't consider us anything else, but people started to recognize us as a clan, but people left because they got over with runescape or they became a member so they didn't really have time for us, finally I became a member. I got interested in player killing so I brought 400k of my best items and lobsters to see who I could kill. It didn't go so well, I ended up getting very frustrated but I came to an agreement with my self, I shouldn't get mad or frustrated with somthing I loved so I got over it and I went back to fishing more lobsters for a very long time. I eventually had 10k lobsters and I cooked them and gained some levels. I realized after doing all that work took me 2 summer months, I didn't really accomplish anything. I decided this game isn't for me I have lost interest. I decided to scroll around runescape for a day say good bye to all my freinds I have fished with and all that. Then Ironically this guy named mole asked me to join his clan. I was like whats a clan???(me being nooby). Then he said ow we player kill in the wilderness in free to play we don't go in pay to play because we'd just get owned. I'm like I'll give it a try. What do I have to do? Just add my leader Boston, he can tell you when we got out into the wilderness. I added him, he didn't get on for about 3 days after I added him. I asked him why he hasn't been on he says, I have just been busy with some things. I said when are we going to player kill? He said we actually might go today. I was like sweet. Since, I was interested in this clan stuff and I was a preety good level at the time me and boston began to bond, I was quickly given Player killing status because I was already good with player killing at the time better then any one in his clan, Thats why we gave it to me. As time passed got more people and people left. We had recruitment drives and I recruited some of my best freinds that I have still got added from the clan boston had let me join. People like Talim 04, Hell boy49 and duclordingx and a couple others but some got over runescape said the fair wells gave me there stuff and we shared are tears and are farwells. As are clan had gotten stronger, we were 70 members strong, we had around 40 active members. We could mass about 45 opts - 60 opts. We are on a hot streak. Boston quickly gave me co-leader after pk-leader. I ran things because boston, was to busy with things so I lead PKS most of time. I had help from my freind ducklordingx on how to do things because he was more oreinted to this clan stuff then I was when we had problems with members we would talk to them, I guess you could say he was are clan physciatrist. I was proud to have such a mature wise person in the clan. As time went on I became more and more power hungry, I did stuff with out consulting the leader, like making websites getting us on a rune head listings. He didn't like this though. He always said. Why didn't you talk to me? I said because your like never on when I'm on so I don't have time to talk with you. As time went on, we became a lot strong having good clans that are still alive to this day help us like Noobs Incorporated and Dark legion. When we had a fun pk with all of are allied clans we pulled like 150 opts. I was proud to say what good we were doing. At the time when we were with noobs incorporated as like an allie, I was sort of double clanning because I wanted respect in NI, when I was in it for the first couple of months all they did was kill me for my full rune, how ever I persisted them and they became eqainted with me. Me and bostonjoe drift further and further away from each other. Then one day me and a couple others decided to go out for a pk we owned a preety good sized clan called aftermath. They had a lot of preety good levels at the time so I was astonished we owned them, so we go to edge and spam GF AFTERMATH. Then one of the leaders a level 110 ask me for a mini war, I why you guys are like 110+ and we are all level 90s, I was level 106 at the time. I quickly decided it and said yes, Then I began massing for a 30 v 30 mini war. I only got level 90s and when we got to the battle field the noobs I raised to be honor ran away Bostonjoe was at the war as well and one of the people that was like one of my good freinds named xmas bandit I heard ran away. I was furious I caught up to him and I killed him. I was like YOU DONT EVER RUN AWAY FROM A WAR EVER!!!! There was a lot of debate about this like them taking away my co-leader position for killing xmas-bandit. I just quit being so angry and sad that they actually debated about it. I thought to my self why did they pick him over me. I drifted away again. I got closer to dark legion and noobs incorporated. I pked with both clans and I liked them very much. I joined dark legion. I lead a couple pks here and there and I even brought some of my best buds to pk with us like hell boy49. Bostonjoe told them immediatly after finding out that they cant. I was in dark legion for about 3 months and then one day They decided to back stab me, so I left DL at an angry note, didn't have to many freinds besides Metal who was the leader and persuided me to join. In the begining with noobs incorporated. We were just a small band of freinds that pked a lot and we crashed wars we massed about 120 opts with a guy named black jackz in charge, we de baited a name somthing to do with a favorite clan at the time damage incorporated. As we evolved. I was in the N.I since the begining but I was also leading a clan of my own at the moment well I was helping lead I guess. Since ni wasnt an official clan at the time. We also had another thing going called murder inc. I was in that as well since we didn't pull that many opts MI ended and NI lived on. After TZS ended and DL back stabbed me I heard NI was becomming an official clan so I was eager to join. Since that day after Dl bsed it was a bad decision because. I have been proud NI since and since ni wasnt a clan and was becoming a clan I say I was very excited. More detailed storys to come.
  5. Well bostonjoe we had are fun your story was interesting but the fact that its not true hurts me. I tried to re-join after I made the idiotic descion to quit, you should have understood that my descisions were clouded by my emotions. After all somthing happened xmasbandit ran from a war so I killed him. I didn't like your decision because you put him before me, but you seemed to like us all the same for that I'm not mad. Have fun with your blog mate, Its preety interesting the way you put it. I never back stabbed you by the way, which says I did in the first page, you should right a book. I'll buy it of course then I'll read it. Good luck.
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