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Posts posted by Exploit

  1. E-drama is a cool word, are most of you about to have a heart attack or something lol? It's a discussion, I don't get why some of you find this so dramatic... There IS need for negative comments, try to imagine a world where everyone compliments someone even though they are doing something wrong. "Hi, mom, I just failed school for RS :)" -Well done, son, way to go, it's your choice of how you live and I fully support you for ruining your life for a game! :D- You see, you can't compliment every stupid action whether it's in real life or on RS. If I was doing something wrong I would analyze all the negative comments I get and try to change the way I do things and not flame the people who are obviously right about the matter L. That's just ignorant, people who don't admit their mistakes and continue doing things the wrong way out of principle are not so smart.


    There's a difference between complimenting and just plain old being an ass. Okay, we got the point 500 posts ago that you think she's inefficient, move on. I don't even post in these forums, mostly lurk, but good lord, your arrogance (misplaced at that) completely ruins this thread. The constant "oh you're 2k total, you must be bad" is completely ridiculous to the point it actually makes me laugh. The only thing needed for this game is time, not skill, so just because your total is higher doesn't really mean anything at all. For all you know I train with the best possible methods for any current level I have, yet according to your amazing logic, you're better than me because you're allowed the freedom to play more. Good on you!

  2. Hi to everyone above!


    Also wanted to introduce myself! I've been around for a good while, but never did anything but random posts throughout the last couple of years. I'm what I guess could be called a skiller oriented person, only gaining any combat levels because of Slayer. I try to keep my skills around a decent minimum level, obviously excluding Dungeoneering and Summoning, which are lvl 34 and lvl 1 respectively. I came back to Runescape about 2 months ago and have been loving just like I used to!


    Look forward to seeing you guys around!


    P.S. I'd also really appreciate it if some people would click my signature so my Runetrack can activate!


    because f2p is a demo :|


    if f2p is too good why pay?


    if no updates are put in people get bored and pay




    Because an update every now and then is terrible..you are right. What was I thinking :roll:




    If you seriously think adding some form of weapon, that doesn't even have to be Dragon, will decrease the f2p->p2p membership process by a good amount then all I have to say is lol. F2p will never be comparable to p2p for the simple fact that there is so much more content in p2p.

  4. de·serve (d-zûrv)


    v. de·served, de·serv·ing, de·serves




    To be worthy of; merit.




    Why the hell are any of you saying that f2p doesn't "deserve" Dragon weapons? Who gives you the right to say who "deserves" something or doesn't? Because you pay for members (which I do as well) you think you can pick who should and shouldn't get an item? Even if f2p was to receive dragon items on down the road, that will not effect your gameplay at all, nor will it decrease the amount of membership (or rather, decrease by a significant amount) that Jagex receives.




    Main point is...stop trying to tell others what they do or don't deserve. Members didn't "deserve" to get Godswords, but they still received them.


    why are f2p worthy of dragon items jagex receive nothing from them :|


    oh and if paying players don't deserve godswords to we deserve any updates at all and we should be going back to the first day of rs release




    Yes, p2p does deserve some kind of update every now and then since they are paying customers and it is expected from Jagex. However, how does that mean that Jagex can't throw an update at f2p every now and then? This has nothing to do with being "worthy", which I still don't understand why you [wagon]es keep using that and "deserve" to explain why someone who is f2p shouldn't get something.

  5. de·serve (d-zûrv)


    v. de·served, de·serv·ing, de·serves




    To be worthy of; merit.




    Why the hell are any of you saying that f2p doesn't "deserve" Dragon weapons? Who gives you the right to say who "deserves" something or doesn't? Because you pay for members (which I do as well) you think you can pick who should and shouldn't get an item? Even if f2p was to receive dragon items on down the road, that will not effect your gameplay at all, nor will it decrease the amount of membership (or rather, decrease by a significant amount) that Jagex receives.




    Main point is...stop trying to tell others what they do or don't deserve. Members didn't "deserve" to get Godswords, but they still received them.

  6. Hey, just wanted to ask and see what everyone was using for an experience gain/level requirement tool now. I used to use RSDemon, but apparently it hasn't been updated since the middle of 2006.




    Anyone have a good toolkit they have been using?

  7. Really? I wasn't aware that the only way to get to Canifis was through my POH.




    In fact, I must be really magical or something because I've found some really ancient and forgotten ways of traveling there, which incude an ectophial, ancient magicks teleport, slayer ring and even the most amazing of all...walking from Varrock!!!




    /Sarcastic response.




    You have no base of a discussion here. Logs do not equal barrows, though pvp equals barrows. So, yes, barrows will rise, but not because of the logs. And the logs will not rise because of the barrows. The logs will probably stay the same and/or drop in price.




    Thank god there are people around here like you to keep everyone straight! :roll:

  8. the only people that can complain are the ones that actually played when there was pk'ing everywhere before.....everyone else can be be quiet. which would be 95% of the people on here lol. It was super fun back then, so obviously the only downfall is you don't get all their armor....well boohoo to all you cry babies.




    The thing that is different now is that most people will go to pvp worlds to ONLY PVP. Back then you were stuck with it. Now all you have to do is go to a non-pvp world and you don't have to worry about some [cabbage]ter who hates his life coming along and killing you while you train.

  9. So I got to thinking about it, and for the most part, it would seem that a full pvp world just isn't needed. If you have normal worlds, most people will continue to train there instead of doing it on a pvp world. However, when people want to go to a pvp server to pk, there won't be much use for all those skill training areas. Just seems like a big waste of space to me.


    I personally think these "PK Worlds" should just have the same setup as the old school worlds. They should have the wilderness be hostile, but the rest of the world as it is now.


    It's easy to transfer money with the GE. I know one friend who gave another friend plenty of cash, and it's not hard if you think about it carefully.




    So are you going to tell Jagex so they can close this loophole, or are you going to let your friend cause another episode of anti-RWT measurements?!


    [i can't freaking [i]stand[/i] people that make statements like this. It's like they're broadcasting to the world that they know someone that's committed embezzlement, but won't turn them in. So damn irritating.]




    It's not hard, just think about it. Buy something cheap on the account you want to transfer to, then turn around and put it on GE for max price. Then go and buy that item for max price on the account you want to transfer from. Sell the item on the account you are transferring from and keep doing it till you have your gold transfered.

  11. I got an idea.




    Maybe, you could have a boss, a bit like the beast, at the end of a long cave. In the cave, there would be every material in abundance. I.E, rune rocks, coal rocks, trees, leather dragons (they would only drop hides). The thing would be, you are not allowed to take any items in with you, there is no bank inside, and you cannot take any items out of the cave.




    You would have to make all your own armour, weapons, catch your food, cook it. You would have to rely on your skills, to get your supplies, and then kill the the boss. right now, people just buy gear, and go. If they have no skills, for this boss, then they can't do it. Simple, but very hard.




    Who like the idea?




    Thinking outside the box, I like it. Would be pretty fun to say the least. Alot of gripe about how they didn't have the best level in this or that skill, but oh well.

  12. A while back, i was headed to wizards tower to do the part of Recipe For Disater that you had to make theh lumbrige guide's cake. Anyways, i was wearing a pink outfit as a joke and so this happend:








    I honestly laughed so hard my jaw hurt. :lol:








    but srsly do u has a bf?








    <---interested as well. LOVE A MAN IN PINK. /sarcasm, obviously :D

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