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Everything posted by Sup3rxnova

  1. dang, i have to do that all over..
  2. I started the second chapter a while back but i've lost the monkey dentures, can i still get em back?
  3. Awesome man, i'm also looking into 99 fishing, i'm 62 right now, and i'm gonna go fish monkfish til lvl 85 or so. What are you fishing in shilo village? btw, good luck!! :thumbsup:
  4. well i'm currently f2p lvl 61 fishing, once i get 75 im going to become members and do the barbarian fishing. And ima take a wild guess, the barbarian fishing is in the the barbarian village?
  5. i thought it was bare handed fishing
  6. 10-20 minutes my butt. Dude i lvled up yesterday.
  7. Whenever i try to update my signature, my lvls stay the same =(, i got 60 fishing and cooking now =/ and it won't show.
  8. I'm focused on 99 fishing, and from the looks of the things you can catch, no matter what lvl you are, it looks like catching trout and salmon are the fastest way to get there, yeah i could fish lobbies, but they're sooo slow! and i can get 1k xp in like 4 minutes fishing trout and salmon. So, is this what i should do til i get 99?
  9. How is it not fair that they can ban you without giving you warning? So you have time to transfer all your stuff onto another account? That'd just be stupid. Like telling a murderer he's going to jail but they're going to pick him up tomorrow :-s . Either way, there is no excuse for having a black mark. You break the rules, you pay. I agree, if you break the rules you pay, but i do think Jagex is very harsh. First off, i don't think telling a noob you'll sell him a rare shark for a lot of money should be against the rules, you can do it in real life. It's just lying, not very moral, but it shouldn't be against the rules. Emp, I can't imagine how bad this is for you, all that hard work you put into your account, and you get banned for some stupid mistakes. I wish it wasn't permanent, sorry man, but rules are rules, and let this be a lesson for all of us.
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