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Posts posted by Mc_comix_yo

  1. Hmm.




    Well, this one really stumps me, but I'm going to take a stab at it.




    Psyonics perhaps. The way it would work... hmm. Perhaps one would do a quest to learn the skill from a wise master (Like herblore). The trick to not making psyonics to powerful is the psyonics 'spells' (Probably called powers, etc...) will replace the magic page. Instead of runes it will use something else (Or maybe it will just use runes, perhaps different runes like a life rune), and you train it through normal combat. Somehow Jagex would have to make it not be able to boost combat past 126, or some people would be mad, I'm sure.

  2. Sorry, I didn't feel like reading all 6 pages of posts (I read the first page), so if this has been said, tie me up to a post and shoot me. No really, do it. Well, maybe not... ANYWAYS.




    If RuneScape became a television show, it would probably be set in the RuneScape universe, and follow the life of some main character, who will be Ye Olde hero, and there will be some evil group (Maybe new, or something like the Black Knights (To a level 10 they are deadly!). The hero would probably have to retrieve some item of power, then go slay the black knight leader in the final episode.




    It sounds so cliche it just might work :ohnoes:




    (I love that smily.)

  3. But if the parents saw them playing and swearing flashed on the screen like a ghost in the night, and they go tell Jagex in complaint form, Jagex can just say "Your child said it was ok. Don't blame us :notalk: " and run away.

  4. I got to thinking... Can't you just steal the holy grail now without doing the quest? I mean, just type in the code for that place, go into the castle, grab a holy grail, then fairy ring out, grab camalot runes, and head to camalot?

  5. It is fake. There is a websaite that puts text into newspaper-y format. Usually it's just called something like "Mc_Comix_Yo's Paper!" with a story of "Mc_Comix_Yo is the coolestz0rz?!11111", but in this case, someone abused their right to fun little amusing things.....

  6. I had tried to change the room above my skill room into a quest room, and my stairs disappeared from the second floor. I left the house, re-entered it, and the stairs were still there on the first floor. If you build the stairs when it prompts (it'll say you have no stairs in the room above), the stairs fix themselves. It won't make a third floor, just fix the steps between the first and second floors.




    Do you have a basement? It's 3 floors total, not 3 floors above, 1 floor below. I found out the hard way.

  7. i have cut some earlier, but stopped because the trees are just too far from bank. I will cut more once more trees will be added in khazard jungle (they promised that 2 months ago :evil:)




    Talk to... I forgot his name, but it's an old guy near the entrence to the village, I belive his name is close to Gazebo. Talk to him and mail your logs to your bank for, I think, 10 sticks a log, or less.

  8. now that auoters are gone, do you think things like Yews and ess will go back up in price, yews back to like 300 ea? and ess to what and coal up a little as well?




    I should assume so, yes.




    However, autoers are not completly gone. I admit I go to certain forums that harbor these programs, though not to cheat, to investigate (Knowing your enemy is half the battle.), and only the majority are gone. Most autoers used a program called Ayran (Mods remove the name if you dont want people to know), and as far as I can tell, it analyzed the Java code. There are still other autoing programs that DO work (I won't tell you the name though, to prevent Google searches resulting in more autoers) that work based off automated scripts and color-based clicking.

  9. for anyone that cares, this means bye bye to all java bots (as in macroing). so this is a pretty big blow to autoers, while an overall enhancement to the game..very nice move on jagex's part.




    There are still SCAR scripts, which from what I understand, autoclick colors, not actually using game code. So they're still out there I should think.

  10. German?


    Why German?




    I'd think it would come out in Spanish or French or something like that before German.




    They're a Europe based country. While the main language in the USA after English is, I think, Spanish, in Europe, my guess is it may be German. Possibly French, but I dunno.

  11. bwahaha! Leik, w3 n33d h0rs3s plz!!!1!!!111




    Square shield


    "A shield with a picture of the mythical `horse`."




    Reminds me of a description I saw the other day...




    "Examine Ogre Standard" - "Not Very High"








    I don't get either of the examines. Can you please explain? :?




    Well, for the horse one... RuneScape has no true horses, and it's a highly wanted thing, and it's sort of a widely known inside joke, you could say. The "mythical" horse. (Thus meaning it's like a legendary creature.)




    The Ogre one is hard to explain... Ogre's standards, and in their standards for society, education, that sort of thing.. Are low. So basically it's calling them lazy idiots.

  12. Umm well ive never heard about that before, and If they dont like it, like i said, mods, please delete this thread.




    But i dont see how sharing music FOR FREE is illegal.




    Uh, isn't that the whole reason all those artists get mad when you download songs for free? They get no money? Well, somehow this must affect Jagex... Maybe as small as making their song creating team cry, or as major as... Andrew loading a shotgun and turning into Rambo, and raiding Tip.It... With reindeer... And a Duckmobile... Oh! And cheese. Gotta have cheese.




    Or not?

  13. Warning: Contains mild language. If you can't handle it, please don't read on.




    Chapter One: Besieged.




    Dawn. The sun shines through ColeÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s window, just barely a crack in the wall, awaking him from a shallow sleep. He stands up slowly, stiff from the nightsÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ rest, and stretches. Putting on a cheap wool coat, he slips on his ragged leather shoes and heads for the door.


    ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅWhere dÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ya think yer goinÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢, Cole? Ya still got yer chores to do, boy.ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

  14. I just had the carrot cake idea in math class today. Gasp :o




    Same with the idea for salads. Have a plain salad, chef salad, salad, and some other random salad they like in England that America has never seen!

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