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Posts posted by Contagiouz

  1. - I'm 20 and still a virgin. I've never even decently kissed. Freaks me out.

    - I'm hot for scars.

    - I often feel jealous towards my friends' social lives.

    - I wish my genes had provided me with decent boobies.




    - I love Runescape.

    - I once stole stupid stuff from my grandma's store.


    Ah that's it for now.

  2. So hey hi! I'm looking to join a wonderful and fun clan. Right now I'm P2P but my membership ends in 5days so I guess that makes me looking for a F2P clan.

    What do I look for?

    Basically a clan that just has fun, you know? Randomly hanging around, skilling together etc.

    If YOU would like ME to join your clan, please let me know! :D Either here in this post, but preferably in game (my game name is also Contagiouz, btw.).

    I'm looking for some amazing and fun people grouped together in a happy crazy clan :D.


    (Once I get started, I'm kind of a talker/randomist.)


    Loooots of love!


    PS; Runescape rocks my socks, mmkay?

  3. Nike and Converse aaall the way! I had a pair of black low converse shoes and they were honestly the best shoes I've ever worn!

    Also; cheap-ass shoes (no brand) to hang around in.

    + Also; barefoot rocks.

  4. I'm at the end of Mourning's End Part Two and I'm at the part where you need a death talisman to enter the altar, right?

    So after the cutscene with the dwarf, I teleported out to go get my death tali and when I come back I can't go through the light door between the double stairs..?!


    What did I do wrong?

  5. I always play in English. Might check out the French and German ones, there's aaaalways room for improvement. xD


    Runescape is really good for learning a language better, I've noticed. :thumbsup:




    Edit: Just joined the French server. This is officially awesome lol =D I think I'm gonna be here for a while =D

  6. Hi!


    I want to train my Magic, cause its well, not good enough. Problem is that I've always done Ranged and I have no idea where or how to train Magic. Do you have any suggestions? Anything involving Ancients or Lunar is also good, both are available to me.




    Thankies. :thumbsup:

  7. Im doing MEP 2 and I feel like I'm stuck. I'm using the Tipit Quest Guide and I'm at "5. The yellow and cyan doors".


    Now, I'm up to where the guide says




    "The next pillar along this corridor also needs a mirror, but it must point the light upwards. To achieve this the mirror needs to have its base where the light enters and top on the opposite side. In this case west and east. Light travelling up can be noted by a beam above the pillar."




    I'm at the pillar trying to make the light go upwards, but I don't get what they mean with all the west and east stuff. The only way I can get the light to go up is when the mirror is vertical.




    I don't know what to do now... Any help? :[

  8. I've just bought the ability to fletch broad arrows and bolts from my Slayer master and I'm still wondering how I can make them?


    I want to fletch the broad bolts but I still have no clue how to.. Any help?


    Much appreciated!

  9. Seeing as this is a forum where you can ask for help...




    I'm looking for someone who has 67construction or more and who is willing to assist me.


    Currently I am in World 110, but am willing to hop ofcourse!




    Really. I need someone with 67con. =[ Beeeegging yooou. =P


    Thank you!

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