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Posts posted by Promise

  1. Haven't found one, but Runescape is something I've been wanting to catch up on. I tried EOC for a little while, but that only lasted for a month or two. 

    Would anyone mind giving me a brief summary or run down of what's changed/been added sinceEOX was launched?? I don't really want to activate my membership again only to find everyone I see is a bot, of that the game has taken a turn for the worst. 

    I have played old school RS for a little while, so you can leave that part out. 


    Thanks in advanced!

  2. i think the most significant choice we've had is determining whether or not hazeel was resurrected


    Except at the end he comes back regardless of what you actually decide.

    Does he because...

    [spoiler=Quest spolier ahead]during RotM he only appears at the ceremony if you resurrected him during his quest.


    [hide]In Zemouregal's notes he mentions that either an adventurer (if you sided with the cult) or the cultists (if you sided with Carnellian) have resurrected Hazeel. I suppose Paul just forgot about this when he wrote RotM.[/hide]


    AH fair enough I was under the assumption that all majharrats attended the Ritual, so therefore seeing as Hazeel was missing unless the player resurrected him he stayed dormant. Must've missed those notes.




    im bored and found this...lol





  3. So many people are over reacting...


    I tried killing mith dragons on eoc, with only 87 range, I was hitting over 7000s every time I used an ultimate ability. If you haven't tried ranging in Eoc, adrenaline builds quickly. I was using a crystal bow, so I'd imagine you could build adrenaline even faster with a shield and cross bow...

  4. Hi tip.it! I'm an aspiring web application developer, and I made something recently that I would LOVE some feedback on:




    The basic function of the site is to graph price history charts. It's very similar to the GE Centre you have here, but I tried to focus on making it more usable and fast.


    Anyway, if you have any feedback for me I'd love to hear it!


    Current known issues:

    • Time since last update is broken as of RS website update
    • New items since RS website update are missing


    I really like it, the graph is easy to read and gives me a much better visual time line than Jagex's. I will probably use this as my main source of reference for current prices when you fix whatever bugs you find!


    Only suggestions I have is keep the simple layout.


    Add a welcome screen and a logo! Save a possible location for ads tho...I wouldn't be surprised if you started getting a lot of views when you finish this...

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