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Posts posted by TipIt

  1. Oh, cows too! and goblins! they get abused all the time, oh and those dragons! poor things, they get killed all day long. Thier FEELINGS must get hurt soo much. You're such a liberalistic enviornmentalist. Honestly, unless all you do for food is an IV, you have abused animals or plants. Hypocrite...

  2. [hide]When did you begin playing RS and how did you come across it?


    My friend told me about it one day after school, I decided to make an account and the rest is history.


    How did you pick your name?


    Well, I decided this pures name when all i hit on my tank ranger was 0 0 for my special attack, but my main is called nhmslay, my halo pc nickname.


    When did you start to use Tip.It?


    I believe I started using it when I couldn't figure out a quest, and I looked it up on google, this came up :)


    Did you play any other MMOÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s and what type of other games do you enjoy? Never any other mmos but I did play halo pc, a lot.


    Did you have any friends help you as you started the game?


    My IRL friend Dom helped me a ton over the years, he's quit to play wow recently(noob)


    What is your proudest accomplishment?


    My proudest accomplishment was completing desert treasure for the first time.


    What is one of your favorite quests to do on game?


    My favorite was murder mystery for some odd reason, but I loved it.


    Are you a loner on the game or do you prefer to be with friends when skilling? I'm a loner when it comes to skilling/quests, but I talk to people when I get the chance


    What is your least/favorite skill? Why?


    I HATE farming with a passion, I don't have time to get into agriculture... lol


    On average, how many hours a day do you play?


    TBH I kind of play a lot, maybe 2-3, maybe even 4 a say.


    What are your current goals? DO you have a favorite skill that you like working on more than others?


    My current goals are in my blog, i don't wish to list them all again, lol. I love woodcutting, it's pretty relaxing.


    Do you ever think of quitting the game?


    I might quit a while from now, but I don't see myself quitting anytime soon.


    Has being part of Tip.It helped you in any way? How?


    It's made me a lot more mature, and i've met a lot of cool people through it.


    How did you come across the Tip.It website?


    Google search


    What do you like to do outside of the game?


    I'm #93 wide reciever/punt return for my high school's JV team, I play paintball, nfsu 2, I work on my mustang, street race, take spanish, and listen to rage against the machine ;)


    What would be the one piece of major advice that you would give to all fellow Tip.iters? Don't go to runehq, tipit it t3h c00ler [/hide]

  3. 2, 4, 7 are ones i completely disagree with you on. I realize that # 6 some do a lot, but I'm a pure myself. Me and about the hundred other people I train with/making a clan with all don't have any of those rules against us. But that's just an opinion from me, I'd love to see some real statistics on where you got those results from though, see how many pures actually do those things...

  4. that is EXACTLY why I hate people who slay green drags and complain about getting pked. Its just why would you go into the wild if you aren't willing to die? That's just like when people got lured. It wasn't thier fault you were stupid enough to fall for it. And if you get lured, even WITH the ditch there(yes, it happens a lot), then you're even dumber. It's like stepping into a fire and expecting not to get burnt... thought I do not purposefully pk people who are doing clues.

  5. So, Why have people resorted to being discriminative against pures lately, just because of a few of the immature one's actions? This has always been an issue since I can remember, but now it's just getting out of hand. So is the so-called "honour code" of the wild. No matter who it is, pure, main, jagex mod, mc hammer, just about everyone in the wild either calls people noobs, pjers, pilers, nub fairies, the chocolate nub, safer, or whatever else you can think of. This so-called "honour code" used to be used so that the pking style of rs2 was similair to the outdated rsc. But now it seems that the people who use these terms just use them because


    A. They're loosing the fight


    B. They can't kill the other person


    So what happened, since when did eating at 25 health at level 90 become a safing issue? And why are pures targeted for this sudden abuse?

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