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Posts posted by skiier5

  1. Hi, this is probably a stupid question, but I have 85 dungeoneering, and I don't know how to get past floor 35, when I try to get to like 36+, the floor selector just ends at 35. I tried doing all floors 1-35 without resetting to maybe unlock 36 but it didn't work. Do I need to be on a team or something, or...what? Anybody know?

  2. 317gt2q.jpg

    -Protector's Ward-

    From a Spiritual Guardian.


    I was kind of excited when I first saw it because I had read on tipit that it adds a lot to attack. Unfortunately, it adds the posted stats, but to defence. So it'd be good to update it on the item info as well as the slayer section of the dungeoneering skills thing.


    Unfortunately I forgot to get examine or prices

  3. 1k kills is a lot...lol


    I could afford elysian in ge atm if I sold all of my stuff....including arcane...for mid lol, so it looks like im gonna need at least 1 more pair.


    ATM though, I have 322m cash, which I used to put an offer in for egg, pumpkin, disk, and 20 cat masks lol. I dont expect anything out of that.

  4. Hey, this forum is prolly dead, but skiing ftw

    ive got Armada Jp Vs. Julians from like 2005, and 08 K2 Hellbents

    Just made this GIF today, droppin a cliff, idk why its sideways. Its the biggest cliff at my resort, wish there were bigger ones lol



  5. TD solo log so far


    Trip 1

    1. nothing

    2. addy bars

    3. herbs

    4. sharks

    5. ppot

    6. fire tallys

    7. herbs

    8. lavas

    9. seeds

    10. rune sword

    11. deaths

    12. seeds

    13. rune mace

    14. rune mace

    15. addy bars

    16. rune mace

    17. diamonds

    18. lavas

    19. seeds

    20. herbs

    21. seeds

    22. addy baxe

    23. sup defs

    24. addy baxe

    25. seeds

    26. seeds

    27. fire tallies

    28. fire tallies

    29. sharks

    30. herbs

    31. bloods

    32. diamonds

    33. rune sword

    34. herbs

    35. rune med


    Trip 2

    36. herbs

    37. seeds

    38. fire tallies

    39. diamonds

    40. seeds

    41. lavas

    42. sup defs

    43. addy baxe

    44. nothing

    45. SLICE (unfortunately didnt get a pic)

    46. bloods

    47. fire tallies

    48. lavas

    49. rune sq

    50. seeds

    51. seeds

    52. diamonds

    53. diamonds

    54. nothing

    55. coins

    56. rune sq

    57. addy baxe

    58. rune med

    59. herbs

    60. herbs

    61. sup defs

    62. seeds

    63. rune sword

    64. diamonds

    65. seeds

    66. sharks

    67. seeds

    68. rune sword

    69. rune sq

    70. addy baxe

    71. bloods

    72. lavas


    Trip 3

    73. diamonds

    74. rune med

    75. coins

    76. diamonds

    77. deaths

    78. deaths

    79. diamonds

    80. herbs

    81. seeds

    82. coins

    83. laws

    84. rune sq

    85. sup defs

    86. diamonds

    87. rune mace

    88. sup defs

    89. rune sword

    90. coins

    91. herbs

    92. laws

    93. sup defs

    94. herbs

    95. herbs

    96. seeds

    97. nothing

    98. seeds

    99. fire tallies

    100. deaths

    101. sup defs

    102. rune sq

    103. diamonds

    104. diamonds

    105. lavas

    106. addy baxe

    107. addy baxe

    108. addy bars

    109. coins

    110. sharks

    111. rune sq

    112. coins

    113. rune mace

    114. coins

    115. herbs

    116. lavas


    Trip 4

    117. nothing

    118. lavas

    119. lavas

    120. addy bars

    121. rune sword

    122. sup defs

    123. sharks

    124. rune sword

    125. addy bars

    126. addy baxe

    127. seeds

    128. rune sq

    129. seeds

    130. fire tallies

    131. coins

    132. rune sword

    133. sharks

    134. diamonds

    135. bloods

    136. CLAWS

    [hide=Claws 1]iyeqex.jpg[/hide]

    137. bloods

    138. laws

    139. seeds

    140. diamonds

    141. lavas

    142. rune mace


    Trip 5

    143. herbs

    144. seeds

    145. diamonds

    146. rune sword

    147. rune sword

    148. sharks

    149. CLAWS

    [hide=Claws 2]2ziv6gx.jpg[/hide]


    Trip 6

    150. coins

    151. laws

    152. herbs

    153. sharks

    154. rune sword

    155. sup defs

    156. addy bars

    157. coins

    158. laws

    159. rune sword

    160. seeds

    161. sup defs

    162. fire tallies

    163. seeds

    164. seeds

    165. sup defs

    166. sup defs

    167. seeds

    168. rune mace

    169. seeds

    170. herbs

    171. fire tallies

    172. seeds

    173. herbs

    174. laws

    175. rune sword

    176. addy bars

    177. fire tallies

    178. deaths

    179. deaths

    180. seeds

    181. herbs

    182. coins

    183. addy bars

    184. coins

    185. rune chain

    186. deaths

    187. herbs

    188. seeds

    189. rune sword

    190. deaths


    Trip 7

    191. herbs

    192. rune sword

    193. herbs

    194. coins

    195. laws

    196. herbs

    197. fire tallies

    198. addy bars

    199. coins

    200. diamonds

    201. diamonds

    202. seeds

    203. diamonds

    204. sharks

    205. rune sq

    206. sup defs

    207. bloods

    208. rune sword

    209. law

    210. lavas

    211. addy baxe

    212. rune mace

    213. bloods

    214. addy baxe

    215. seeds

    216. seeds

    217. coins

    218. rune sq

    219. herbs

    220. herbs

    221. coins

    222. sharks

    223. rune bar


    Trip 8

    224. seeds

    225. sharks

    226. seeds

    227. rune sq

    228. herbs

    229. herbs

    230. herbs

    231. SLICE

    [hide=Slice 2]5agvma.jpg[/hide]

    232. coins

    233. diamonds

    234. addy baxe

    235. seeds

    236. coins

    237. herbs

    238. seeds

    239. addy baxe

    240. diamonds

    241. laws

    242. coins

    243. deaths

    244. laws

    245. diamonds

    246. seeds

    247. herbs

    248. fire tallies

    249. herbs

    250. sup defs

    251. laws

    252. sup defs

    253. bloods

    254. lavas

    255. addy baxe

    256. lavas


    Trip 9

    257. diamonds

    258. rune mace

    259. coins

    260. lavas

    261. deaths

    262. addy baxe

    263. deaths

    264. rune sq

    265. lavas

    266. rune mace

    267. laws

    268. herbs

    269. herbs

    270. seeds

    271. diamonds

    272. fire tallies

    273. rune sword

    274. bloods

    275. coins

    276. seeds

    277. CLAWS

    [hide=Claws 3]2j0m8vo.jpg[/hide]

    278. coins

    279. lavas

    280. addy bars

    281. laws

    282. sharks

    283. lavas

    284. herbs

    285. addy bars

    286. rune sword

    287. coins

    288. sup defs

    289. bloods

    290. herbs

    291. rune sword

    292. herbs

    293. deaths

    294. lavas

    295. rune chain

    296. lavas

    297. seeds

    298. sup defs

    299. herbs

    300. sup defs


    Trip 10

    301. laws

    302. rune sword

    303. diamonds

    304. bloods

    305. fire tallies

    306. herbs

    307. herbs

    308. fire tallies

    309. rune sword

    310. lavas

    311. diamonds

    312. addy baxe

    313. rune sword

    314. rune sword

    315. diamonds

    316. herbs

    317. diamonds

    318. sup defs

    319. sup defs

    320. rune sword

    321. addy baxe

    322. sharks

    323. rune sq

    324. deaths

    325. rune sq

    326. diamonds

    327. fire tallies

    328. addy bars

    329. herbs

    330. fire tallies

    331. addy bars

    332. rune mace

    333. addy baxe

    334. rune mace

    335. coins

    336. laws

    337. fire tallies

    338. rune sword

    339. rune mace

    340. diamonds

    341. lavas

    342. addy baxe

    343. herbs

    344. addy baxe

    345. rune mace

    346. diamonds

    347. fire tallies

    348. rune chain

    349. addy baxe

    350. coins


    Trip 11

    351. seeds

    352. seeds

    353. lavas

    354. lavas

    355. lavas

    356. rune sq

    357.350. coins

    351. seeds

    352. seeds

    353. lavas

    354. lavas

    355. lavas

    356. rune sq

    357. herbs

    358. deaths

    359. addy baxe

    360. herbs

    361. addy baxe

    362. addy bars

    363. deaths

    364. addy baxe

    365. bloods

    366. coins

    367. diamonds

    368. diamonds


    Trip 12 (in progress)

    369. CLAWS

    [hide= Claws 4]ej7erc.jpg[/hide]

    370. deaths

    371. addy bars

    372. rune mace

    373. seeds

    374. rune mace

    375. rune mace

    376. seeds

    377. addy bars

    378. sharks

    379. rune mace

    380. fire tallies

    381. rune mace

    382. diamonds

    383. lavas

  6. Well, just cause I can't upload pics doesn't mean i can't update.

    I'm still like 90k from 99 slay, waiting for my friend to catch up so we can have a double party.

    I sold some of my bank to get my herb up, like 100m worth, and got 95 and have materials for 2k overloads.

    Then, I decided to buy a spectral and go solo arma a lot. Till a hilt.

    So, I'm at 64 dry solos atm, hoping for a hilt soon =]

    And yeah Vann, we should duo sometime =]

    After the 99 slay party I think me and my friend are both gonna go for a divine/elysian at corp, might join OTG, who knows.

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