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Posts posted by raven_gaurd0

  1. Is that like, a porno line, Len? o.O




    Anywho, I'm not going either way in this debate. Too sensitive, I feel. Especially since everybody I've seen has been against the radicalism.




    But I don't really think the Muslims want that freedom of speech. In fact, it looks like they're fighting pretty damn hard against it. :|




    And freedom of speech is general is...it's mixed for me. On the upside, opinion gets out, and that's good. People should largely be allowed to speak what they think. But on the downside, the most negative, ignorant crap also gets out, too. At that point, whatever side wins becomes the new societal cast...what if the ignorant side wins? Change is nature, and naturally that change will occur, and that side will win. Eventually. Do we want a future like that? I am, once again, torn.

  2. I believe that perspective on any issue is the only way anybody could make any educated decision on it. Which, like our (ex?)-president Bush has proved, many world leaders do not have.




    Here's the way I see it with insurgents fighting for their jihad (????.)




    But first, the 'lesser' jihad that these people are fighting is, for lack of a better term, a cultural defense. Just like how a bee will sting at an interloper, so it is the same with the Muslims. They must defend their culture.




    Now, the 'greater' jihad is a literal definition of 'to struggle (strive) in the way of God'. This is not, by my understanding, a 'war' with which infidels must be cleansed. It is merely a way to come closer to God. Whether this Allah exists or not is not a discussion here.




    But, I digress. For all intents and purposes, the Muslims are fighting for the preservation of culture. Americans have been quick to dismiss the actions of these insurgent 'jihadists' as radical, violent, and unprovoked. I, personally, see this as a very ignorant statement. It is akin to saying thus, that it is in fact truth that, since these Muslims of an age old empire are refusing to submit to our own Western beliefs, that of the remarkably new American nation, they are somehow 'evil' in their defense.




    There are plenty of documentaries, particularly associating from the West (Religulous, anybody?) that are incredibly offending to all Abrahamic religions (I do hope I spelled that correctly) such as Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, and have understandably inflammatory remarks that were bound to illicit such a violent reaction from at least one of these groups.




    That is exactly what these Islamic radicals are - defenders of the Arabic culture as we know it.




    Here's on the flip side:




    Muslims radicals have assaulted, seemingly unprovoked, against western civilization, particularly American and Her associates, such as England, Germany, and, to a lesser extent, northern Europe.




    Insurgents have subdued their communities into submission of their often non-religious based agenda, such as that of al-Qaeda, ( ???????,) which is a broadly recognized terrorist organization. Under the guise of religion, al-Qaeda recruits for a seemingly political and power-hungry cause.




    I, personally, am well torn on the issue. But I want to hear the input of y'all at Tip.It. Are the Muslims justified in their jihad? Or are they troublemakers? I want to know!

  3. Oh, don't be on a high horse. You were throwing mud, like the rest of us.




    As for l0rd...why can't they accomplish those means of loneliness, companionship, etc, without getting married? I don't know a couple of people who feel somehow divided if they truly love each other, simply because they aren't married.

  4. No, man, it's totally relevant. Listen to this:




    You're held to societies code, as am I, but don't you like, wish it were MORE? Something better, some Utopian thing? We all strive for that, but we only dream what it might be through fairy-tales, see? So even though you're a very down-to-man kinda guy, follow the society norm and all that, which is fine, even you have to admit that our society can get better, and that's where fairy-tales come in.




    P.S. It'd be awesome to have been raised by bananas.

  5. Mmmf. It's hard to explain it, I guess. So you're perfectly content with societies moral code right now, right here? Where gays can't marry, we bomb the ever-living [cabbage] out of Muslims for practicing their religion hardcore, and we don't assist the billions of people living in poverty?




    P.S. I think I'm trying to go somewhere with this argument...This entire thread has been hard to express for me. -.-

  6. Biblical reference.




    You increased the population, which benefited society. Yes, being born is a benefit. If you view it as otherwise, then let nobody be born and society will no longer exist in 100 years.




    Marriage's original intention was for procreation and the bringing together of families, and procreation is a benefit to society. If you want to deny that, then you're even more foolish and stubborn than you're already making yourself out to be. Original intention is all that matters, and since it's a Governmental obligation to help society, it's perfectly reasonable to deny homosexuals the right to marry.

  7. Yes, Flyinjj got the point. It's not trying to say that somehow fairy-tales will be with us, here, in our lives, but merely saying that fairy-tales give us something more to strive for that is, on an opinion-based analysis, better than the world that we live in. Whether that means being an athlete or banana-talker, the life of a fairy-tale coming true certainly is the true reason humans survive fruitfully and bearably on earth.

  8. Calm down, Cane.




    Yes your parents marriage was beneficial to society. It resulted in you, and, your sister. Don't you dare pull the intolerance card on me; I'm analyzing this from a very pragmatic angle. My first paragraph was about social implications, in which I was implying that because homosexuals cannot procreate, they are not as of a good use to society as a man and a woman are. Intercourse is important. Gay doesn't result in life, straight does. One of them replenishes the ever-diminishing ranks of society, the other one is just fun. I'm not saying that gay people should all die, should all burn in Hell, should all become straight, I'm saying that they shouldn't get married.




    I won't touch morality because I already explained my view on it; simply that I have none that I can back up because it's simply not my place.




    @Harrington, what are you referring to, and if it's the marriage thing, how is it prejudice? It's very practical.

  9. Mmmmmm. Forum relationship advice...




    OK, so the girl that I like is going out with some dude. Andrew, I couldn't care less, to be honest. I mean, I'm not suppose to judge, but he's really not that handsome of a guy, acne problem, while my face is awesome (I think I look good... -.- ), at least not covered with red splotches. But I'm old enough to know that superficial look things don't really matter. Normally, I'd wait for them to break up as the course of time goes on.








    They are like, the best couple ever. And I mean EVER. They're always cuddling and hugging and laughing and then when they're alone at the end of the hallway after class gets out they get all morose and serious and lovey-dovey.




    This is not only driving me insane because I'm friends with the girl so I'd never do anything to sabotage her relationship, but also because of the fact that I could totally NOT live up to the same awesomeness that her current boyfriend is already giving her, and I'd hate to deprive her of that for myself.




    Consolations / suggestions / love kthxbai. :(

  10. 1229478965073.jpg




    Zombie Nazis! They haven't been debunked. They could exist!




    ...but logic dictates otherwise. Unless you consider nazis to be zombies...which I'd sympathize with.




    The arguments associated with God largely remain un-debunked. Science debunked the Greek gods because once they no longer had any powers associated with them, then they weren't Gods anymore. I suppose there could still be giants astride in the heavens, immortal and watching, but they don't do crap.




    EDIT: Lame, they won't let me post from 4chan. >.>

  11. Mmmmm...except that the polytheistic prophets claimed erroneous things, and largely after the Pantheon had been established. The stories were created by farmers to explain things they couldn't. Things explained by modern religions like Christianity are still - surprise - unexplained. Creation of matter is still unexplained, so God is still a completely viable fallback.




    All of the Greek Gods were debunked by science, and until we get some hard proof that everything that God says or said is wrong, then I'ma go with God.

  12. The spirits embodied in religion is what is (at least I feel) the core of the point here.




    Ok. Spirits in religion are (suppose to be) general kindness and something in life that leads to something else. It's a form of aspiration, right? So you're absolutely right in claiming that organized religion itself (Ah ha! Ossum. Back to my first point; organized religion caused the suffering, not religion) has harmed people, but has the spirit of religion done any harm? Seeing as I can not name a single religion that has the spirit of harm built into it. I am not actually quite sure that there are none out there, so if you can correct me, please do.




    The essence, the ideal, the life in a fairy-tale is more than just a moral of aesthetic nostalgic words, I think that even in the simplest of fables that were here to explain introduced a type of wonder and awe into the world that, while it may seem an unsurmountable amount of evidence has been amassed against it, I still consider to be at least plausible. And even that little shred of hope may still light a path of happiness that might not have existed for another (like me) who is simply not content to live at a cubicle until I'm 64 and get tossed aside like an over-used rag.




    Man, I'm depressing.




    Fairy-tales contain life that is suppose to be believed in moreso than the content, and the life, the spirit, simply gave rise in the imagination of the Creator (of the fairy-tale, that is) to create a world around that idea. Loving an idea and believing the idea of the fairy-tale to be true inevitably leads to the general belief that the world created by the Creator would be a better one than the one that you currently live in; ie, Hope. The only reason why you would believe in an ideal in a fairy-tale above a 'real' ideal is because you believe that the fairy-tale ideal is better, but is less suitable to the society, since the societies are in fact drastically different. (I mean, hobbits never dressed up in suits and crunched numbers for AIG, right?)




    Do you guys get what I'm trying to say? I apologize vehemently for my own problem relaying this into words, but try not to take this as a religion based debate. It's not. It's a debate as to whether or not it's Right or Wrong to believe in fairy-tale ideals over 'real' ones.Vaguely. Sorta.




    You guys are screwing up my brain! :wall:

  13. *Facedesk. Facedesk facedesk facedesk FACEDESK.* OH NOES I'M BLEEDING.




    You're missing the point. I'ma go edit above.








    Caps lock. I feel like a troller. But that's my point (I think.) Like I said, for ME, RAVEN_GUARD0, God IS that fairy-tale that gives me hope and happiness, but I also like to believe that by some strange quirk of nature there are other worlds out there that I might get to visit one day (wormholes, other planets, extra-planar dimensions, etc)





  14. Offensive is what we do.


    Marriage is by no means a documentation of love between two people. It should be, but it's a legally binding contract in which a government official is basically approving that the health of society will benefit by their union. I see no societal benefits from homosexual union. To be honest, it really isn't any different than two guys just being in an apartment and...having...gay butt-secks. But that's not the point, the point is, marriage is superficial and it is perfectly within the rights of the state (and certainly within the religion, which is a private establishment) to deny homosexuals the right to marry.




    As for 'right' and 'wrong'...it's foolish to make that judgment. I feel that if there is a God, then He will decide, and we mortals cannot and should not condemn something as good and bad. It's simply not our place to do any more than warn against what we perceive as bad.

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