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Posts posted by sumondskull6

  1. I've seen many posts about "Oh, you want to make money, do farm runs, dailies, and flip!". I fail miserably at flipping, making a mere ~1500k an hour, hardly worth it considering I can AFK frosts for 2000k+ an hour. I don't do any dailies simply because I've never bothered to find out which are worth doing, nor do I care THAT much, unless it really is 1m per day, for a measly 10-15 minutes. Lastly, I've never done a herb run in my life, but I'd like to start, seeing as it's extremely easy, fast, a smidgen of exp, and of course, it brings in a good 1m+ a day for little to no work.


    So my two biggest concerns are herb runs and dailies, and my only problem with dailies is: Which are worth doing, and what's the generally accepted 'best' path to take when doing them.


    This leaves farming, and the only thing I'm missing is a route, inventory,what herb to farm at 70 farming for the greatest profit, and those pesky Juju potions.

    I'm sure I can figure out the inventory/route on my own, but a suggested one would be appreciated! Now, onto the Juju's. I'm completely new to them, and I'm unfamiliar with the 'best' method to collect Ugune's and Marble vine. Also, I've read a bit into it, and it seems I need to have a few things planted inside the Juju farming area to attract the correct Jadinko type(s)? I've talked to someone about it, and since I'm only 78 hunter at the moment, they suggested Common's until I hit 80 hunter, then switch over to draconic? (I may have misunderstood, I believe that the draconic are of the more 'uncommon' types, and only appear every so often?).


    Basically, I'm looking for what to plant to attract what, how exactly do I catch them (Exactly like Chins?), and what Vines/seeds do I need to look out for other then Ugune and Marble?


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Juju mining potions (Samadem and Draconic vine) are the only other potion worth making? If so, what Jadinko's can I expect to drop Samadem seeds, I'll assume the (once again, assumed) occasional Draconic Jadinko?


    That's all I really need help with right now, and thanks in advance for any help!

  2. I would advise against any sort of range weapons/armor if you are using a cannon anyway. With a decent spawnrate this will actually increase your killing speed, though it will make soul split flashing somewhat more difficult. Also, elite fremennik sea boots would be great to have there.

    Funny, when i got back from that trip i thought to myslelf that i wouldn't take a Range weapon next time i go, as i used it ,at most, 4 times during the entire previous trip. And by the time i actually took the second shot the next DK would pop up and i'd have to switch back. Thanks for clearing that up though.


    Also when it comes to luring. I find that this slows me down a lot. Usually Rex and Prime are spawned at the same time. Either that or they would spawn seconds after the other. This means that if i chose to lure Rex i would give up the chance of replacing cannonballs when the cannon runs out, which ulimatly makes me kill Prime slower. This puts me at more risk when Supreme spawns cause i'd be praying make (still waiting for Prime to die) while taking hits from Supreme, who hits quite accurate sometimes.


    As for the rings. Would a Wealth really "up my profits" enough to take it over an offensive+defensive bonus?


    The offensive/defensive bonus on the Dstone(i) are so small and negligible, it's really just not worth taking over the wealth. Besides, you're using an Onyx (i), which just makes death something to worry about even more.

  3. How in the hell do you get the hackers IP if you only see the IP BEFORE you see your charicter..?


    Its not too difficult to notice a difference on a screen you see very regularly, so when he logged in I imagine the different IP stood out before he logged in.


    If you notice a difference in your IP, you're paranoid. Paranoid to the point where you know you did something to get hacked. >.<

    As far as I'm concerned, if you have your hackers IP, you deserved the hack, you knew it was comming.

  4. Robertr1, you can't use barrows gloves and a ddefender with void, you're no getting the bonus.


    And you guys need to keep in mind that claws are not 35m anymore, just a measily 20m, and dropping. However, while they're not one of the top moneymakers anymore, they're still a LOT beter then Mithrils.

  5. If you NEED slash, for whatever reason (It doesn't make a difference, use the 'best' weapon!), then use a 2H.


    Having said that:


    T3 Maul > T1 2H

    T4 Maul > T2 2H

    T5 Maul > T3 2H

    T6 Maul > T4 2H

    T7 Maul > T5 2H

    T8 Maul > T6 2H

    T9 Maul > T7 2H

    T10 Maul > T8 2h

    T11 Maul > T9 2H




    T2 Maul < T1 2H

    T3 Maul < T2 2H

    T4 Maul < T3 2H

    T5 Maul < T4 2H

    T6 Maul < T5 2H

    T7 Maul < T6 2H

    T8 Maul < T7 2H

    T9 Maul < T8 2H

    T10 Maul < T9 2H

    T11 Maul < T10 2H


    Basically, unless you can weild a Maul 2 tiers or higher then a 2H, use a 2h. If this is confusing, what are you attack and strength levels? (iPod, can't check, sorry!)

  6. yak



    Wow you can bank stuff with yak? :o


    I don't know if you seriously thought I didn't know about that or you are just trying to get me go on a kitten killingspree?



    I am 96 slayer and I don't have a yak, and I am a standard player. I think a lot most 85+ level slayers don't have a yak.


    If you're 85+ slayer and don't have a yak, you did something wrong. Just sayin'

  7. I'm probably sticking to Black demons because of the range exp (124k till level, then back to waterfiends), any tips?

    Obviously using a Yak, but what do I need to bank all ashes? Literally banking them, or bring summoning potions to bank them?

  8. The PC worlds are horrible, infested with bots.. So I see why you don't want to go there.


    I haven't been there in a LONG time but you could see if people still stand and trade people (on PC worlds) to show what the current world is for high levels.

    :/ Only other thing I can think of tbh.


    A friend of mine tells me there's good and bad days, good days people advertise for the high worlds, bad days they wont. But I have no confirmation on this.

    Yesterday when I was at PC just testing it out, there was no one advertising, so like I said, no confirmation. :/

  9. I wonder if Affliction are still going, doubtful. Aww the memories :D


    Tried googling Runescape PC Clan?


    I'll give em a look. I tried googling every possible combination to get me PC clans, there all dead... :(

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