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Posts posted by Napalm

  1. [hide=Question about Breaking Bad season 1 for whoever has seen it (spoilers if you haven't seen it)]I just finished the episode where Walter threw the fake meth/bomb thing in Tuco's place. Then he made a deal with Tuco and Tuco paid him. When Walter went back to the car he looked at the money and was all ARGHHHAHHHHH and seemed pissed. any particular reason? am I missing something here?[/hide]



    I didn't see that as being pissed at all. I thought it was more like when you're in a high stress situation and you bottle up a lot of strong emotions because of nervousness and such, and when he got out, it was more of a relief/celebration screaming.


    Or, it could be about Jesse being hospitalized at that point.



  2. You've made quite a few typos lately, Napalm. Are you okay?





    Nah, it's my keyboard. It's a piece of shit. Other one broke, and this one sometimes decides to have some keys stop working, get some other keys stuck down, you know, keyboard stuff.





    yep yep yep



  3. I rewashing my jeans because, for some reason, they smelled godawful right after being washed. Maybe it was the rain water? They didn't smell bad before, and nothing else that I washed in that same load smelled bad either.


    Also, I'm creating the ultimate hambrguer. I'll trascend humanity...

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