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Posts posted by kickler123

  1. Hi, I think this is the correct place to post this, :P so here goes:


    This wasn't a huge release,, but I have been anticipating this since day 1. It's the 4th generation ipod touch! With facetime, a front AND back facing camera. It has an updated retina display like the iPhone. This makes it screen, Hi-Def. It also includes a microphone and larger external speaker. Comes in 8gb, 32gb, and 64gb Here is a quick video explaining it:




    I have a problem though. I have an ipod touch 2nd generation and the battery life on it lasts about 1 hour of MUSIC. I used it to the max :P. I really want this ipod, I have WAY more than enough money for it, but my mom wants me to pay a hefty $80 fee from apple to replace my battery. I want to just get the new ipod because it is about time for an update. I'm honestly tempted to break my ipod on purpose, because it would be a waste to pay $80 to have the exact same ipod. some of the pixels on it are permanently broken and there is a small scratch on the screen. Tons of small scratches on the back. I'm tempted to break it to get the new ipod. Any suggestions on how to get the permission from my parents on how to get the new ipod?


    I thought I'd just make this 2 posts in one, so thanks if you read this far :P!

  2. I've searched both of the bookcases and could not find either. I tried every book. It said that the secret compartment was empty. So I went to my bank and could not find either (or the star amulet). What am I missing here? I have the gardener's head in my inventory.

    P.S: I started this quest a while back and just recently picked it back up.


    But still, there should be a way to get them back??

  3. Hello everybody, one of my friends at school recently admitted to botting. I've warned him to stop multiple times. I figured out where he bots and I want to try to stop him. If push comes to shove, I WILL report him. I want to teach him a lesson. Thanks

  4. Hi, I was wondering if they are going to come out with a color change for darkbows. I heard that including whips, you can color darkbows with Barbarian assault points. I can't seem to find it anywhere on the official runescape website, but if somebody could find that for me, that would be great. (If its a fact and not a myth)



  5. People still hold grudges these days. Trust me I've been there done that. Just try to stay cool, and keep confident you'll get all your stuff back. I would try a cheap skill at first such as mining, fishing, hunting, etc.... Then once you have enough money to buy some decent gear, try nat running. It works very well. I could make around 440k profit (660k total but buying pure essence drops profit)


    Last time I did this was in October though. I'm not sure what the prices are like for nats and pure essence now though..


    Good luck

  6. Hi everybody (favorite community by far)


    I've been having trouble with runescape lately. Crashing is starting to become extremely common. Im not sure if its the server or if its my computer, but anytime I induce loading (world map, teleing, logging on). It brings me to a different screen and says something along the lines of error_crash. Is this a problem with the runescape servers themselves, or is there something wrong with my browser?



  7. Hi guys I'm trying to jump in the whirpool and I'm sure I finished the barbarian firemaking task, but it keeps on spitting me up downriver? Can anybody help me figure out how to jump in successfully or is it luck?



    Ok i figured it out. Sorry, please delete.

    I had to talk to Otto. AGAIN

  8. Hi guys I'm trying to jump in the whirpool and I'm sure I finished the barbarian firemaking task, but it keeps on spitting me up downriver? Can anybody help me figure out how to jump in successfully or is it luck?

  9. I'm so mad at Jagex right now. I just lost ANOTHER account to a scammer. I have no clue how this keeps happening. So I had a registered e-mail, recovery questions and everything but everytime I get the results DENIED. This has happened to me EVERY time with EVERY account that ever has been stolen from me. I provide all correct, accurate info and DENIED. I lost my 65, 94, and now my 114. You can't even contact them to explain because they're so doggone lazy.

  10. It could be your very first kill, or it could be 5,000 kills before your first drop. It's 100% luck but there is a basis for this. It does not mean you are GUARANTEED 1 for every 250 you kill. Sure theres a good chance but it all comes down to luck.

  11. Hi, I've recently been having a heck of a time trying to recover this account. I thought I would have it this time, but here is the message I get back.


    Appeal Status: Denied


    Unfortunately, your appeal has been denied.


    The reason for your appeal being denied is below. Please read it carefully and, taking into account the information given to you, please submit a new appeal containing the requested information. We will then be able to review the account and take appropriate action.


    The information you gave us was not detailed enough for us to confirm that youre the owner of this account.


    To make sure you can get back in game quickly, Id suggest that you have a good think about what additional information you can supply before you send us another request. Try carefully reading the request form before your next request to make sure youve given us as much information as possible.


    Please go back to the Main Menu, if you wish to submit your request again with new information.


    I gave 100% accurate information, and before, there were specific reasons like. "Your creation details were not accurate enough...." and what not

    This time, theres no reason that the recovery should be denied.


    Could someone post this on a thread on Jagex's "Contact Jagex" forum please?


    Thanks MANY

  12. I would say (not to be mean or anything) no. From experience, having 70+ defence helps GREATLY. I mean don't get me wrong, your range level might make up for that. I'm not sure.

    Just remember this though. Anybody can get a fire cape if they set their mind to it. (Legitimate attempt)

    You definitely have a legitimate attempt.

  13. Hi, I recently recovered my account (=, just to have hit stolen again )=.


    I need somebodys help to contact jagex through the forums. Could you please send this message?


    Dear Jagex,


    I recently recovered my account just to have it hacked again. I have the I.P. address of the hacker. Is it possible to block that IP address anyway? I would love just to get back into the game, but I constantly have to recover the account from the hacker.

    So, is it possible?



  14. No, It's smoking kills you need to do to get in. I'm 99% sure. Maybe just maybe you also need to do DT, but I doubt that. I remember that because I did that quest like a month ago. You have to be wearing a facemask with earmuffs.

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